Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ma'am" her driver said as he looked at her through the mirror
She looked at him through the mirror and then at Ethan who had a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?"
"Creating an audience for myself. I have about five minutes before we get to your house and I will use it wisely"

"What about your car. Take it and we can talk at the party"
"You are the host. That would be rude to your guests"

"'Marcy" He said warmly
Why did that comfort her. Why did he calling her Marcy take her breathe away for a second.
She looked at him. He still had a smile on his face. She looked over to the driver through the mirror before saying "let's go"

The car slowly pulled out of the drive way.

"You have Five minutes"

"Thank you"

"I would like to reintroduce myself" Ethan said as they drove out of the gates of Mide's house
"There's no need. And I already told you I forgave you. This isn't necessary" she said. She could no longer hide the stress that she felt as her head began to ache.

"I still think I should" he said "my name is Ethan De"
The car jerked forward then backwards as if they had hit something and Ethan impulsively reached out for her hand when the car jumped.

"What happened" Ethan asked the driver
Marcella looked at his hand that was wrapped around hers securely then she looked at him. He was worried and he was taking charge. He didn't look like a seventeen years old boy in the moment they were both in.

His touch gave her a familiar feeling of comfort that drew her in. Her head started to ache even more than before.
She held on to it as she groaned.

"Are you okay?"Ethan asked

"Ma'am, are you okay" the driver asked as he signaled for the other cars to stop with the night lights on the car.

" My head hurts" Marcella groaned
"Hey, hey Marcy" Ethan said "I am here okay. I am here"

He pulled her to his chest as the door flew open. "Ma' am you need to come with us now" a body guard had said "we think something is wrong "

Ethan helped her out as another body guard held out the door for them.

"This way " another guard dressed in black said before he started mumbling information about their incident as he led them away

Ethan took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around her.

" a quick search of the area and we will be on our way"

"Marcella" Azeezat called out. She was in the car behind them with her mother "are you okay"

"Yes I am fine. Are you okay" Marcella said under her breath "what about your mom"

" she's fine. She's here" Azeezat said as her mom appeared in view.

She was so grateful they were alright she reached out to hold Debolas hand.

"Something is ticking."they heard one of the Body guard yell. "Move away!"

Within seconds, the car Marcella and Ethan had come out of exploded before their eyes. They stood there terrifed. She had almost fallen to the ground only to be held up by Ethan.
Who wrapped his hand around her as tears ran down her face.

The voices around her became distinct. The fear, the anger everything became void yet stagnant within her.

Within a few minutes, a rescue and escort team had come to pick them up. They pulled into the driveway at Grandfathers house minutes later.

"Marcella, Marcella" Ethan soothing voice brought her back to reality. She looked over to him. He has held on to her hand their whole drive.

She was scared and he had let her cry into his chest. She took him in and noticed that his black shirt had been stained with her make up.

"I am so sorry "
"I am glad we are all safe"
She nodded slowly before looking out the window to see her father, her uncle, her father's wife and aunty standing on the front porch.
She stepped out of the car behind Ethan.

"Thank you. Thank you very much" her father said as he hugged him

"Are you okay? Marcella" her father deep voice shook her out of her thoughts. "Marcella"
"I am fine, dad" she said as she stared at him blankly. They stared at each other for a while and Marcella found herself daring him in her mind to bring up the drama that had happened at home in his absence "lets not keep our guests waiting any further"

She tried to walk away but her father's grip held her in place.
"I said I am fine" she said firmly as she let herself loose.
Her father was angry. Before today she would have said he was worried for her safety but now she couldn't tell anymore.

"Marcella!" Her aunty, Ola Olateru yelled "are you okay?. I am so sorry". She drew her in for a hug "lets get you changed. Let's go"

Her uncle, Tobi Talabi stepped up with a glass of wine in his hand

"I want the security for tonight doubled. No tripled. I want everyone checked. Every camera in and out of the house. The estate, the roads... everywhere we have eyes on. I want them on" He yelled angrily with grace as he usually did. Tobi pat Timi on his shoulder before gulping the last of his drink and throwing the cup away.

As she climbed the steps to the front porch where her mom and her sister, Aunty Derin stood. Marcella tried not to look at her despite how hard it was to not look her way. She was crying as her sister held on to her. Marcella looked forward and avoided making eye contact with her. She had almost reached out to her when her grandmother stepped out of the house giving Marcella an excuse to evade her.

"My baby"
"Grandma" " I am fine Grandma"
"Oh my poor baby. I am so sorry. You need to freshen up and get a quick check up from your uncle Hammed and your friend here. Thank you darling . What's your name hon.."

"My baby" A woman's voice shouted as she ran out interrupting Ethan from replying.

" My baby. God. God my baby" the familiar woman said as she ran her hands over Ethan.

This was the woman from her dream.

"Son, are you okay?" The familiar man asked

The man too.
She remembered them

" yes mom, yes dad. I am fine" he said as he held on to the hand his mother had placed on his cheek.

Ethan couldn't be...

"Demilade you had me worried" the woman said before she turned to Marcella who stood there opposite her grandma stunned.

"my God, Marcy. Are you okay"

She looked at Ethan blankly as his mother drew her in for a hug. He had that smile on his face and she suddenly saw him as the Demi she knew a long time ago.
She hugged his mother back warmly.

" I remember you" Marcella whispered into her ear before they broke the hug.
They stared at each other as their eyes got teary.

"Marcella lets go" her Aunty hurried her

"I am coming" She said under her breathe as she cleaned the tear that had escaped her eyes before walking over to meet her aunty.

"Wait." She said before turning back

"Where is Azeezat" she said loudly looking over at Ethan who stood beside his mom as her father talked to his away from them.

"They will be here soon. Let's go in first" her Grandma hurried her off



Somebody find her

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