Chapter Nineteen

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They were in a face off and she knew she was going to loose. She was going to loose her only friend at Islanders high.

She had been pushed aside by Makayla earlier today when she had been walking alone and then again at the Cafeteria. She was scared and she knew she needed her protection but she was determined to stay away from her. She had almost made them take her mother away from her.

She looked from Mide to Marcella and to Mide again. She hoped deep down that Mide would pick her. They both waited on Mide to make her choice but she just stood there looking from one person to another.

Mide started to move towards Marcella and she felt tears fill her eyes but she couldn't let them roll down. 

What did she expect?
She was the child of a nobody? 

Who was she to compare her stand with Marcella?

She couldn't blame Mide because she knew she would have made the same decision.
Then she walked past Marcella, she threw her tray in the tray bin by the other door in the Cafeteria and walked out of the hall. Relief sprang threw her veins as she took in a deep breath.


Every effort Azeezat put towards paying attention in class were futile. She had decided she wasn't going to come to school till her mother woke her up.

"Take, wear it and get ready for school" her mother had said stretching her uniform towards her.
"Mommy, I am sorry" she said under her breath that morning after she collected the uniform.

Her mother simply nodded and looked away quickly.

She stepped out of her room after getting dressed and saw a man in suit standing in their living room.

Her mom stood away from him and their attention went to her entrance into the living room.

"The man says he is from the people that came yesterday" she said in a low hoarse voice. She had heard her crying through the walls of her room all night.
"I am sorry for the trouble sir but I won't be needing you, Thank you sir" she said, dismissing him before going into the kitchen. She had switched her bag for the old one she used to carry, the one with the Islanders High Logo.
Her mom entered their small Kitchen behind her "who were those girls that came yesterday?" She asked softly.

"They are students from my school" Azeezat replied her blankly as she spread butter on a slice of bread.

"But they have powerful parents?" she asked, the fear she felt showed on her face, the way she talked, the way she moved and stood.

She wanted to curse at Marcella for making her mother feel this way.

"Yes, they do" Azeezat answered. Her answer made her mother look more worried and lost. She had watched her handle the loss of her father and raising them alone. It had taken its toll on her but she wouldn't trade her for the world. She loved her mother and she knew her mother loved her too and only wanted the best for her.

Her mother headed towards her and Azeezat flinched back and hit her head on the hanging cupboard. It had been a reflex action, she thought she was going to hit her again. Her mother looked at her and then at the hand she had stretched out to her.

They stood they in awkward silence as they stared at each other. She watched as a tear roll down her eyes as she stepped back.
Azeezat relaxed.

"I am sorry" her mother said under her breathe and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mother had apologized. Azeezat looked outside the window with the corner of her eyes to see if something phenomenon like the end of the earth had taken place.

"I am sorry for everything, I am sorry I didn't listen to you and trust you. I should have talked to you about the school. I should have asked if you were making friends. I have been so lost since loosing your father that I had not realized I needed to be in the present to raise you children. I never want you to be scared of me like I was of my mother. I don't want to be my mother. I want to be your mom"

Azeezat didn't know what to say, she was in a type of shock that made her hold on to every word her mother said. She was in disbelief in a moment that she had only thought possible in her imaginations.

"It's okay, Mom. I miss him too" She finally said as

"I - I promise things will be different. I will make sure of it. I will put in effort. I will go for the therapy sections. I promise. Thank you for not letting them take you kids away from me" she said within sobs before drawing her into a hug.

They stepped out after a while and the driver was still standing there. "My daughter said she won't be coming with you" Her mother said calmly to the man.
Who accepted without hesitation.


Then she had seen Marcella that morning and anger ran through her veins. She left before she would do something Marcella would probably make her regret with all of the power she possessed. She was unsure of what would happen if she had waited for her to come over and talk.

Maybe things would have escalated and she wouldn't be sitting in the cafeteria.

She looked over at Ibrahim where he sat with Ethan and King. He waved at her but she looked away. She wasn't in the mood and she wasn't sure about how she felt about anything or anyone. He had been nice to her and they had bonded. They had almost kissed before someone had walked past their middle.

Michelle yelled "The Party is over" that night at Makayla's party. They had both looked at the Makayla- like smirk she had on her face before she walked away. She and Ibrahim had laughed awkwardly and the moment passed.

She looked at the meal in front of her and suddenly felt disgusted. She stood up and poured it down the tray bin on her way out of the Cafeteria.


"There's so much drama going on" Danielle said as they walked into an empty hallway. "What was that all about"

She was thinking and she needed silence. She raised her fingers and Danielle kept quiet.

"I need them together for my plan to work" Makayla said to no one in particular

"How about TK's Bahamas summer trip" Dalia said
"No, not TK'S trip. Let her think of something else surely they are better ideas" Michelle said stuttering.

Makayla turned to look at her "why not, Michelle?" She said with a great amount of scepticism

"It's- I- Mak" she tried to say when Makayla held out her hand to stop her
"You are awfully suspicious" Makayla said to her with her signature smirk.

"I thought i was the only one that noticed" Danielle said backing her up, She always did that even when she knew nothing about the situation. Makayla could always count on Danielle to back her up.

"You better be what you say you are, New Money" Makayla said with a hint of threat in her voice as she leaned towards her. Michelle backed up till she hit a locker.

"Unbelievable" She scuffed. She had hoped on her proving her loyalty by hurting Azeezat in anyway without getting caught and she hadn't. She didn't forgive her for that.
She made a mental note to not forget to dig up what she could on her newest addition. She hated humiliations she could easily avoid.

"The fundraiser!" Makayla said turning to look at the clueless twins behind her. She watched as their face lit up when they got a hang of what she was saying. It was about that time of the year for the Adegeshin's but for now she had to face more pressing matters.

Ethan's parents were coming for Dinner during the weekend.


Makayla is crazy we all know that.
    Don't forget to vote and comment. You don't want Makayla coming after you 😂❤️❤️❤️

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