Chapter twenty six

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Makayla stood by the door listening. She listened as her grandfather and father talk about The dooms day plan.
"Makayla" her grandfather called out. How did he know she was there.

"Good evening, Grandfather, father" she said as she strolled in "I am sorry for eavesdropping, Grandfather"
She was scared of him. He was the only living being she was scared of. He didn't smile a lot neither did he talk much yet he remained the most straight forward person she knew. He was always plotting one move or the other to maintain or grow his legacy.

"You have a seat on this table and I expect you to take it" her Grandfather said coldly with his firm voice. His attention unshaken from the plate of oat before him. He blew air to every spoonful of oat before putting it in his mouth. Makayla took a seat next to her father. "After all you are not your mother"

"Yes, Grandfather"
He wiped his mouth with a white napkin before throwing it on the table beside the plate of oat. He waved his hand as he sat into the chair and the maid that stood behind him took the plate away.
"With the timing this cannot fail, Father" Andrew said " the truth will destroy them"

"Hmmm" The old man groaned as he sat back "it will set them free"
Makayla watched as a smile grew on her father's face. They had created the perfect plan to destroy the Adegeshin Dynasty.

Silence fell on the room as the two younger generation waited for the old man to say something. Makayla hoped he would talk about her failed engagement. She hoped there was a strategy in place to get back at the Eze's. Surely her grandfather wouldn't let such insult slide.
She urged herself to speak, to say something but with the McGregor's, her grandfather was the only one allowed to bring up an issue. That was the rule, If he didn't bring it up then it was never an issue to begin with.

"Grandfather...." Makayla said. The rush of the anger and nervousness she felt made her heart beat faster. She had convinced herself to speak up but why was her hand shaking under the table?
The words came to her mind but she couldn't make herself speak them out. Her father and Grandfather stared at her blankly.

"Excuse me... I need to go and prepare for the charity function" she finally said nervously as she stood up

"Yes, yes... you may go"
Makayla bowed a little before proceeding to take her leave.

"Makayla" her Grandfathers stern voice called out when she reached the door
"Yes, Grandfather" she turned to look at him.

Their eyes met
"Yes, Grandfather"

She walked down the lit hallway with her head held high despite how she felt. Maids greeted her as they hurried by trying to evade her anger.
She screamed the moment she entered her room.

"You've got to stop screaming like a banshee" her mother said from behind her.
Makayla looked to her side, and saw her mother through her vanity mirror. She was standing by the door with a champagne glass in her hand.
The image of her mother standing there only made her angrier. She turned to look at her.

"You need to...."
As she talked Makayla stomped towards her and slammed the door in her face making her jump back, the wine in her cup spilling on her dress


"Thank you very much" she said as the uniformed driver Marcella sent handed her some boxes "I didn't get your name"

"Thank you Jeff. We will be down in a while"
     He nodded with a smile on his face before turning to leave. She closed the door behind him and walked into their small living area accessing the box with her eyes.

"Mommy!" She yelled as she placed the boxes on their wooden center table

   Jamal strolled into the living area brushing his teeth "why are you shouting" he mumbled as he strolled towards the bathroom

    Azeezat hissed loudly before calling out to her mother again.
     Her mother strolled in slowly a little while later when she was accessing the boxes of shoes. She had the same worried look on her face. The same worried look she has had for days now, ever since she told her about the invite.

      "Do we have to go for this function" she said as she sat down on one of the chairs in their living area, opposite her daughter.
"Mommy, why now" Azeezat begged with a low voice "mommy we have to go please, please"

"I don't feel so well" her mother said
"Mommy sorry" she said before stretching out for the boxes excitedly  "see what she sent us. See this dress"

Debola Olateru couldn't hide the amazement she felt as her daughter pulled a dress out of one of boxes on their center table.
    It was a  black sequin long dress with a short trail and a slit by the side. The shoulders were off and the sequin shined extra unlike the ones she saw at the market. Her daughter screamed, knocking  her out of her thoughts.

"What is it"
"Mommy the price tag, ye"
    Debola took the dress from her daughter to look at the price tag. She gasped a little before silently whispering "5000 dollars"

Debola couldn't be anymore worried. Was it finally time. Was this the end of the road for the secrets she has spent her whole life keeping. The secret that was her life.
The first day the young girl had come to her house to assert the power she had. She was lost as to how someone so young came to having so much guts to do whatever she willed, then she introduced herself as an Adegeshin which didn't make any much difference at that point.

Debola still doubted that she couldn't be related to THE Adegeshin she knew a long time ago. After all anyone could hire bodyguards off the road with a few thousand nairas in their pockets.
Debola made sure to stand her ground till the girl had mentioned her uncle was the Governor. Debola knew very well there was only one Adegeshin family that mattered in that case and she started to beg.

Had he finally known and sent her to take her daughter from her.
Debola thought about telling her daughter the truth. She looked up at her daughter slowly as she danced excitedly with another dress glued to her body. It was just as beautiful.

"Azeezat..." she said
"Yes mommy" she replied without stopping what she was doing.
A tear ran down Debolas face and she quickly cleaned it off . She cleared her throat
"I want to tell you some...."
There was a knock on the door.

"I am coming, mommy"
Debola took a deep breathe of relief

"Hi, how may I help you" Azeezat said through the door as she stared into the peephole

"Make up artist ma'am" the person behind the door said

Her daughter jumped excitedly with a big grin on her face "thank you, Marcella" she whispered to herself before she opened the door to let two young women with a smile on their face in.

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