Chapter Twelve

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The room filled with murmurs as she made the announcement.

" to Everyone who doesn't matter" she added and the murmuring grew louder. The crowd started to head out towards the door. Frederick took a sigh of relief beside Ethan.

Ethan had learned since his first time sitting at MaKaylas table that people varied in importance not just to her but to the Islanders in general and they knew it themselves.

She didn't have to start mentioning names they just knew. It was even easier since the most important people had all been divided somehow into major groups according to his observation. Makayla and her crew, King and his and now they was a new crew Marcella's. She would normally have just left, as for this night no one knew what to expect.

The room emptied off and it was now him and Frederick standing together and two other guys coming into the hall from one door as the twins came down the stairs to join them. Danielle was fair and her cheeks bright red with a hand print on it that made Ethan suspicious of what could have been.

Marcella stood on her own beside the buffet table with a drink in her hand. He had watched her eat while no one was looking during the party. He thought if this was a good time to talk to her but he didn't want to anger Makayla anymore than she already was. She was now in a black dress that was long yet fitted and had a slit all the way to her thighs and her makeup was now darker. She scared him if he was being honest to himself.

From another door Azeezat and Ibrahim walked into the hall. "What happened?" Ibrahim asked. Ethan replied with a shrug. No one knew. He wondered where king had gone


Makayla was extremely dramatic so she wasn't surprised about what she had just done. She just didn't know what to expect. 

Azeezat walked in behind Ibrahim. She wondered if she knew she and Ibrahim were to be married. Not that she was bothered by whatever was happening between them. She would be happy with any reason that would stop her from getting married.

"Where is Mide" she asked her as she walked over to where she stood by the buffet. She was careful with what she ate at parties so she preferred serving herself when she felt the need to eat at one.

"I don't know I haven't seen her all night" Azeezat replied her "let me go and find her"

"I will come with you" Marcella said was she worried about someone she wouldn't have cared less about a week ago. What was happening to her?

"Not you guys, let's play a game" Makayla said towards them loudly as they headed towards a door.

She walked down the stairs slowly with that same old devilish smile on her face.

In a few minutes all twelve of them were standing in a circle. Makayla had made a maid place a bottle in their middle. The Islanders version of Spin the Bottle. "Shall we?" She asked before adding "spin it". They all stood spaced apart while the maid spun the bottle and bowed her way out of the circle as the bottle spun.

It started to slow down. And then it stopped on Michelle and Makayla. Michelle had to ask a dare or truth from Makayla.


She had agreed to do this not because of Makayla's non-existent persuasion but because the bottles had never stopped spinning on her since she played it for the first time when she was ten. She had played it two more times after that. 

Her grandfather had cancelled out unnecessary social activities such as parties from her life since she had turned twelve She was full of that much luck or maybe even the game was scared to ask too much of her.

She had noticed how Makayla's face lit up when the bottle stopped on Michelle they must have had a plan on it or maybe it was just ill luck.

"Makayla, I dare you to pick someone and spend Two minutes with him or her in a locked closet" Michelle said with hysterical emphasis on the word "her" to show her compliance with the pride movement.

She knew who she was going to pick and she couldn't be any more or less bothered about it. He had started to look away like it would help him avoid the situation he was definitely going to get into.

She picked Ethan.


Makayla took Ethan's hand and led him into a coat closet by the door. She wondered what they were supposed to do in there. Would it be like in the teen movies?

"Hey" one could hear King's voice yell out from one hallway. Everyone else turned towards to the hallway as Mide stormed out. King held on to her arm and she slapped his face.

Everyone in the room gasped except Marcella. Mide was breathing heavily. Azeezat had never seen her so angry.

She watched as the Almighty King brushed his fingers over his lips then looked at it before looking at her. He was angry but Mide was angrier.

" I told you not to touch me" she said firmly and loud enough for everyone else to hear before walking away towards she and Marcella.

"Are you okay?" Marcella asked worriedly as she held on to her shoulders

"Mide, What happened" Azeezat said as her eyes started to water. Mide fell into both their arms crying

"He is such a jerk" Mide said between sobs as they both glared at King from behind her. He went to join his guys who still stood in shock.

She could hear Ibrahim and Frederick ask him about what happened. They were the only ones who came close to standing up to King.

King ignored them and looked over at them.

"What happened?" Marcella asked again angrily as she patted her back while she broke the hug.

"Nothing really" she said as she cleaned her tears. "He is just a jerk"

The closet door opened Ethan stepped out followed by Makayla who adjusted the top half of her cloth with a smile on her face. The two minutes had been filled with so much drama she could bet everyone had forgotten about them.

"Let's go" Marcella offered.
"No I want to stay" Mide had said as she spotted the bottle.

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