Chapter Eleven

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By the time he got there it was around 7:00pm and a whole lot of selected students were there.

 He had decided to stroll to her house from the direction she gave over the phone. Her house also amazed him as much as the Yahaya's residence but he preferred their architectural style to hers.

    Different exotic cars pulled into the driveway as he walked by. A dozen Ferrari's drove by in full speed on his way up the driveway and since then he had seen a Lamborghini or two and King had made an entrance with a Maserati that left everyone amazed as Ethan got to the front of the house. He stepped out  and threw the key over to a Valet that was much older than everyone who was attending the party, he rushed over and drove the car away.

        Ethan stood by the stairs that led to the front porch as other students hurried up as they chatted.

"Yo, Ethan" King called out "what's up man"

     King had a golden yellow Hawaiian shirt on and two layered silver chains and a navy blue Hawaiian styled pants. He had nerdy glasses on that had a tiny frame and his sneakers were white and a he had a navy blue bandanna wrapped around his head. He gave a side smile and licked his lips like he always did out of habit as he walked up to Ethan and they shook hands like he had taught him to. This was the first time he would see King without his signature fur.

      "What's up man" Ethan said back.

"Hi guys" some girls said flirtatiously as they walked past them. Ethan looked at them and then at King who he bet didn't even give them the audience they wanted. He never gave his attention out unnecessarily.

     Ethan on the other hand hadn't put much thought into his outfit, he had opted for a faded jeans and a matching jean jacket, a white shirt and a white sneakers.

      They proceeded up the stairs and joined the rest of the party. Makayla's house was heavily lit and she was yet to make an entrance. The only adults around were the security guards in black suits on stand by. Some seniors from Islanders High were also present. Makayla had made sure to filter the guests that came to her party according to their Islander Importance.

     Ibrahim and the rest of the Gang had joined them after a while and the music kept blasting, everyone else had a drink or two in their hand.

     Ethan was restless and couldn't help making it obvious. "You, are you okay" Ibrahim had asked with a smile which he returned with a simple nod "cool"

       He had searched the room for Marcella and he was already giving up on her attendance to the party. He had met eyes with King who took a sip of his drink from time to time and looked evenly bored.  They had simply just nodded at each other.

      Makayla finally made an entrance when the music went down. She appeared at the top of the stairs wearing a short red gown, her hair perfectly straightened as usual with more make up.

 Ethan felt unsure of what to tell her. He hardly knew the purpose of the party. "Nice party" he had finally said when she walked over to where they were standing. She had become the centre of attraction just like she wanted till they made an entrance.

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