Chapter thirty seven

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"Timi, Timi.... let go" Dara voice rang in his hears. They were standing by the door. He looked at her. She was groaning. He followed her eyes and saw that he had been holding on tightly to her hand. " are hurting me"

   He let go of her hand quickly. He turned to look at the rest of the room. He looked at his uncle who had just revealed that his daughters friend is actually his. He looked over at his grandfather and thought of what to do.

       He saw Tobi rub his hand on his head. Timi knew he was thinking about if he had a child out there too.

      He didn't need or want to ask how or why. He knew how but he couldn't wrap is head around why his grandfather would do such a thing and hide it for so many hears without a conscience.

  He didn't know how to feel about having a daughter he knew nothing about. He didn't know how to handle the situation and it scared him and he hardly ever got scared.

"Nobody leaves" he said as he turned to leave the room "not even you grandfather"

         He needed to clear his head. He walked over to the whine cellar. He quickly dismissed the attendant there. He wanted to be alone.

    He took a bottle of scotch from one of the cabinets. Grandfathers cellar looked like a large library, instead of books it had wines and other alcoholic drinks from everywhere around the world.

     He got a cup on his way to the table in the center of the cellar. He sat on one end of the table, in a large armchair.

"Pour me a glass" he heard Tobi say behind him, as he slid a cup across the table.

"What would you do?"

"What would I do?" Tobi questioned as he took his seat on the other end of the table

"Yes, if you were me. What would you do?"

"You are a better man than I am, Timi" he said before taking a sip of his drink "You wouldn't do the things I would do"

"Pretend you were me and you had morals"

"I could be you....who knows what he has done with my sperm. I could have a child out there"

"You could have a child out there even if Grandfather does nothing... you scoundrel"
They both laughed and everything felt normal for a little while.

"It could have been my daughter in the accident"
"She's your daughter"
Timi's reaction was only a scuff before he drowned down the remaining scotch in his glass.

"The McGregor's crossed a line regardless of who it was.... even if she wasn't your daughter...the attack was designed to arm one of us"

"I knew Grandfather wanted a heir badly but I didn't know he would go to that extent"

"What did you think when he asked us to jerk off into a cup at sixteen? Surely you are not that dumb, Timi"

They sat in silence for a while, drinking from their cups at intervals.

"Do you think it's still because of that old rift between the Grandfathers"

"You say it like it's just another rift in the world"

"Laila and Andrews marriage...could have put an end to this"

     Again, the room fell silent as they thought about their cousin Laila, she was their Grandfathers pearl. Their Grandmothers favourite Grandchild. She took after her in everywhere after she died- her walking step, the way she talked and her enchanting beauty. She looked the most like their Grandmother and Grandfather cherished her for it. "Pearl" he would call her.

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