Chapter Two

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Eight Years later....


       "For the first time in the history of this school we will like to usher in the first ever scholarship students of  Islanders high" the Principal of  Islanders High said into the Microphone, Mr Adegeshin. None of the students clapped instead they just booed and murmured between them.

         Azeezat was scared, scared for reasonable reasons the whole school was about to find out who she really was after a month of lying and pretence.

          She could remember the shock she felt when she got to the front of the school. The school was a very large building that had sub-buildings around it.    

       The buildings all had brick walls that the sun graced with its shine.

     Islanders High was written in bold letters at the gate where different cars stopped and dropped off each student as fast as they could to not hold up the line. 

 The students who were walking in with her came down from their cars when the line wasn't moving. She noticed that only a few of the cars were allowed to enter the gates and they came from another lane.

 These cars were bigger than the ones in the other lane that were on a line.

       The students moved in threes or twos and some in larger groups. The school uniform was a white shirt long sleeve or short sleeve with the school crest embroidered into the pocket, a wine tie with schools crest in the middle and a wine skirt that barely reached the kneels and the boys wore wine pants.

         Hers had been sent to the house along with every detail about the school. She had tried searching the internet about the school but there was very little information about it outside of the schools website. 

She had seen the picture of the school on the website as well as other things they had but she felt just maybe they were exaggerating or photoshopped one thing or the other.  There were Asian and white students here  just like on the website.

     Now that she was standing in front of the school she still couldn't believe that it was all real.

    "Move" a girl had said to her before eyeing her from head to toe with an irritated face, She took a few steps back and let her pass. She watched as the girl ran off to hug her friend as they jumped around screaming like spoilt brats.

      Azeezat straightened her tie. Her mom had ironed everything for her. She looked down at the black shoe that came with the package as well as the back pack she was carrying.

       This school was too fancy to be real, and she was here all because she won a competition. She walked into the gate following the other students that walked in through a small gate by the side.

    They had almost gotten to the front door when a lot of the people she was following stopped. She didn't know whether to stop or not as she kept walking. She had learnt it the hard way that once you see people stopping to gather, you keep moving. That was a major rule on her side of Lagos.

     "Look at where you are going to" a girl said after she had bumped into her.
    "I am so sorry" Azeezat said

  "It's fine" the girl said as they both drew their attention to the black heavily tinted luxurious car that parked in front of the school. 

Azeezat had seen a lot of luxurious cars this morning than she had ever seen in all of her 16years on earth combined.

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