Chapter Fifteen

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Authors Announcement

    Hi guys I have noticed I have a lot of inactive readers, depending on the votes and comments I get on this chapter, I will be able to decide if I will follow through  with this story or end the story as it is.
  The next chapter of this book might be a chapter concerning the termination of the book or a follow up on the story. It is left to my readers to decide.

Thank you for your constant support and love ❤️


Marcella looked at them as they waved awkwardly at her with sad eyes with smiles on their faces.

     She had shown them way too much of herself and she hated it. They had seen her cry for her mommy.

    "I will leave you girls alone now okay" her mom said before kissing her head and excusing herself. "Let me get you something to eat"

      She looked away and ran her hands through her hair once the door shut behind her mother.
      "Marcella, I am..." Mide tried to say.

"Don't please" Marcella said weakly yet firmly, cutting her off. "It's in the past now"

      "Marcella, how are you feeling now?" Azeezat said rushing towards her and sitting on her bed. She sat up with a surprised face. Why was she surprised. She looked at Azeezat awkwardly and they all exchanged awkward looks before Azeezat sprung up.

"I am sorry"

"No, I am sorry, I am just not use to all this attention" she said as she sat back against the bed frame "I am not use to people outside family impulsively caring about me. Genuinely"

     They stayed in silence for a while till she decided to break the silence. "Mide, did King abuse you?" She asked. That was the question that had been on her mind all night and she wanted an answer.

     Marcella adjusted herself on the bed as if to welcome her. Azeezat leaned against one of the legs of the canopy that hovered over her bed. Mide came around the bed and sat crossed leg on it.

     They looked like they had been friends for ages but they hadn't, they had barely been friends for a week. They exchanged looks and Mide took a deep breathe. Marcella nodded slowly, edging her on to proceed.

     "No it's not like that. King...I like him a lot. I like him like a lot. At first it was just sex and nothing more. But now I can't help the way i feel about him and he knows it. He told me he felt the same way last night and that his parents had picked a date for his engagement with Makayla but there was nothing he could do about how he felt" she said, tears rolling down her eyes as she admitted the last part. King was a typical Islander heir. She had tried not to show her surprise at the knowledge that they were having sex.

   "He wanted us to continue seeing each other regardless and I refused because I thought for how long would he keep pulling and pushing me away"

     So King felt? Marcella wondered. No wonder he hadn't reacted like the hot head he usually was. Marcella couldn't pretend that she understood but she felt empathy regardless. "I am sorry" she said  "but you did what was best for you"

    "I think I like Ibrahim" Azeezat bursted out within heavy breathes "I know you guys are to be married but...."

"It's okay" Marcella said  as she held on to her hand. What had just happened? Did they just bond?

"Oh," Azeezat said shocked, she looked from Marcella to the hand she had placed on hers.

"It was never going to happen anyway, it was just a  mere possibility" Marcella said. She had been given the chance to pick between King and Ibrahim by her Great-Grand-Father. Between two boys she had zero affections for.

    "You won't have your choice to pick who ever you choose. But I will give you options." Her great grandfather had told her after her fifteenth birthday. "We don't want you to be like your aunty now"

Mide was now cleaning the tears from her eyes and Azeezat was now breathing easy. They looked up at her and she looked at them, raising a questioning eyebrow as she felt clueless.

"What happened Marcella?" Azeezat asked her softly

"You acted ehhh" she said "different"

"Nothing really I can't remember much from last night" Marcella said blankly looking at their faces searching for clueless of anything at all. It wasn't a deal breaker if she claimed not to remember. Everyone knew her history to an extent.

"You really don't?" Azeezat asked

"Are you kidding?" Mide said hysterically

"I just know that I was very angry and then I passed out" Marcella said softly. She was starting to feel dizzy and tired. She wished for a way to escape the conversation they were in, one she wasn't used to and felt like she needed a little more time before having again.

"Girls, you need to go to bed now" Her mother said as she poked her head in through the door.

"Good night Marcella" they had said as they got up. They had worn white towel robes which made them cute and their skin color pop.

       After the girls had left, Her mom walked in and sat on the bed opposite her.

"I was so scared, Baby" Dara said removing strands of hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear " please don't do this to me again"

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to" Marcella said as she held on to the cup of tea her mom had handed her earlier.

   "Okay, baby, sleep tight. I will check on you from time to time. I love you" She said as she placed a kiss on her forehead

     "I love you too, mom" Marcella said then Dara groped her face in her hands and placed kisses all over her face which made her giggle. It felt like she was Nine all over again

"I love you more" Dara said to her

    She walked towards the door and Marcella felt the urge to ask her the question that was on her mind all along.

"Mom" she called out

"Yes love" she said as she  turned to look at Marcella with a big smile on her face. Marcella smiled back at her and admired her for a moment. She had cried a lot, she had been worried about her.

  "Nothing" Marcella said with a smile

"Are you sure? Do you want me to come and sleep with you?" She said already proceeding towards Marcella's bed.

"Mom!. No!" She said and they both laughed "I just wanted to say thank you"

"You are welcome" she said softly

    Marcella dropped the empty tea cup and turned off the lights in her room with the remote that controlled everything in her room

     . She knew Lara was outside her room but she couldn't make herself call her. She wanted to talk to someone now. She wondered why she didn't just share how she felt with Mide and Azeezat. She was scared.

   What if they used it against her ?

Grandfather had taught her not to be too trusting.

         Ethan had called her Marcy and it had triggered something in her. She disliked being called Marcy but hearing Ethan say it had triggered something in her. She had no words for it. She had somehow felt happy, confused, angry and irritated all at once last night. And then he had kissed her

He had stolen her first kiss from her.

       She had to write this in her Diary. She stretched over to the dresser by her bed side and brought out her diary. She took off the pen by the side and started to write

Dear Demi,

Wait! Am I the only confused person here

Does she know him or does she not !!!!!!

This is frustrating!!!!!

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