Chapter thirty nine

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"Hey" she heard Ethan say from behind her opened locker door. She smiled to herself before pulling the door in to close it.

"" she replied. He pulled her in by her waist and planted a kiss on her head. He brushed the hair on her face away. She could feel people staring at them but she didn't care. Demi was standing In front of her that was all that mattered.

They stared at each other for a while before the boys of the basket ball team ran into the hall way. It was her first day back in school. And she was seeing him for the first time since the night of the fundraiser. They had talked on the phone almost everyday while She had stayed away from school for a month. She and Azeezat had been home schooled during that period.

The boys yelled and cheered for reasons yet to be known. "Bahamas! Bahamas!" KT yelled before the rest of the boys joined in.

"Bahamas" king yelled as he removed his hand from Mide's shoulders. He headed towards the small circle the boys had made as they cheered.

The roared the word "Bahamas!" One last time before exchanging "hi fives" in the air.

"Yo Ethan! Let's move. We've got a game to prepare for" King yelled before kissing Mide.

"Let's eat together during lunch"
"I am n..."
"I wasn't asking, Marcella"
"Yo.... Ethan"
"See you soon, Marcy"
"Bahamas!" they started to chant again as they disappeared into another hallway.

"Mmmmmm" Mide hummed loudly as she looked at her skeptically
"You both are going strong"
"I don't know what you are talking about"
"Hmmm... liar. Anyway, did you get the notification to join the chat group KT created"
"I haven't checked my phone yet"
"Azeezat!" Mide yelled calling her over as she entered the hallway.

She smiled back at them as she headed towards them. "She looks exceptionally different"

Marcella smiles to herself. Azeezat has undergone the transformation of a lifetime. They were yet to announce her as a member of their family to the public until she had undergone all the necessary trainings. For now she knew a bit of the family tongue.

During the past month, they had all somehow managed to move past the awkwardness of their situation. Their father had insisted that the kids stayed away from Grandfather's house indefinitely.

That decision suddenly gave them all so much extra time. The first Saturday after the incident, Her mom had taken her and Tobi over to The house where Azeezat, her brother and her mother stayed inside their private estate . A Five bedroom mansion that was fully staffed. They had been surprised to see them but they were all very relieved.

"I don't know what to do or say" Debola had said
" It will need a little getting use will get a hang of it eventually"
The two moms had talked that day, while she and Azeezat stayed in her room.
"All these clothes... where would I wear them to. They are too expensive and..."

"You are overthinking.... relax, Azeezat"
"I am trying...but every-time I try to, the door bell rings and something else is being delivered"
"Then enjoy it"

The next day, they came over and they all had dinner. Her father remained silent through out the night till he had to congratulate Azeezat's elder brother on his acceptance to Cambridge university in England and when he had to discuss home schooling with them.

He had addressed it plainly and left the dinning room afterwards.

A room had been set up for Azeezat at their house, just like it would have been at Grandfather's- everyone had a room aT grandfather's.
She stayed over during weekdays because of home school and went back home on Fridays to her mom and sister after Jamal left for Cambridge.

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