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Monday 6:20 AM

Toyin stretched as she strolled into her mini walk-in closet to pick out her outfit for the day. She worked in one of the engineering departments so she didn't have to dress formal but she was also a junior manager that meets with clients, banks and government officials so she tries to strike a balance between casual and formal in her work style.

She set out brown khaki pants, white long sleeve chiffon blouse and a pair of black 3 inch block heel pumps. She could have gone with flat pumps but its Monday and because flats would completely destroy the casual-formal equilibrium.

She pulled out her jewelry drawer with a smile on her face. "My babies" she whispered, running her hand through her collection then she stopped midway when she noticed the hollow empty spot where her current favourite should be resting. Her smile turned into a frown.

In seconds she was back in the room emptying her bag on her bed searching through it frantically. She shouldn't be panicking yet since this happens a lot but she knows she should be worried because the last time she had on was on.....CURSED FRIDAY.

The piece was a gift from her former Team members when she got promoted to a manager. It wasn't even one of the most expensive ones but she had a sentimental attachment to it.

As she rode to work in her Uber she tried to remember how or where she lost it. By now she had established already that she didn't come home with it. She has turned her apartment inside out searching for it fruitlessly, that only made her an hour late for work.

She knew she most likely lost it at the club or at Bus conductor guy's house but it was easier to remain in denial instead of confronting her memory from Friday night so she kept herself distracted by calling the Uber driver that brought her home on Saturday morning. Saturday Uber driver said he personally washed his car Sunday morning and he didn't see it.

Maybe he took it. Some of these uber drivers are thieves right? she kept her mind busy with some mental gymnastics knowing damn well that she wasn't wearing it on Saturday morning.

It was at work that she finally mustered up the courage to check with the club. She watsapped Sofi.

Toyin: Babe how far

I think I lost my watch in that club

Sofia the first: Ye!

Toyin: I swear

Sofia the first: Did you take it off there? Have you checked your house?

Did you branch anywhere before going home?

Toyin: It's not in the house, I don't recall taking it off in the club and I didn't branch anywhere.

She couldn't tell Sofi about her 'sexcapade' in Ikoyi. Sofi would definitely scold her and maybe judge her like she did on Saturday for cooking for man. This one is even worse. She was immensely ashamed of what she did with that that Osaze guy.

This is a secret she is taking to the grave no one can find out. Not even Sofi who is her closest and most reliable friend right now. You see, Sofi has a lot of 'friends', acquaintances and connections in this Lagos but her inner circle is small and tight-knit and she doesn't fuck around with ratchet or runs girls, she was a clean girl and she only associated with clean girls like herself.

It's not like Sofi would unfriend her or anything but she just wasn't ready to share her wild story with anyone. It was just too embarrassing for her.

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