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When the puff-puff arrived from wherever they were frying it, the caterers gave the two of them a special serving. They sat on an empty table and ate together.

They talked about their jobs, he was also an engineer with 10 years of experience. He started his Career in Houston but he is currently working in Qatar for the Company.

She was excited about this because she likes the middle east. Her Company also has operations in UAE and she has been romancing the idea of getting a transfer there so she can take a break from this naija stress and chill in Dubai. She smiled deeply as she thought about how perfect this Gbenga guy would be if they click.

They both ranted about rig life, dissed each other's company he was cool and they had a lot in common.

As they, headed back to the hall after the breakfast a ruckus started at the hall. The Environmental activists had infiltrated the event and were protesting up and down. There were like 15 of them, they were painting graffiti at the entrance, and they even went as far as hacking the stage screen and were broadcasting their message it was pure chaos.

Within minutes, police officers and private security captured and arrested the activists.

In the middle of the pandemonium, Gbenga caught and held her hand in a protective manner plus he was shielding her with his body, trying to keep people from bumping into her. It was reflex for him, he didn't even know he was holding her until the whole thing calmed down. He seemed flustered as he released the hand when he saw her looking at their entwined hands oddly. Why was he embarrassed she digged it! A macho man! She couldn't wait to give Sofi this gist.

When the conference resumed after a 30 minutes delay she sat next to him because Sofi had to leave after her plenary session to go confirm that Chief's daughter is bailed. It was not part of her Job description but Chief was like family to her and she said he was not in the country.

Since Sofi was her ride to the Conference Gbenga offered to drop her off after the conference but she declined.

"I've called an Uber already" She smiled at him.

"Cancel it. I'll drop you" he said assertive.

"Awww you're so sweet. Thank you"

He was driving a very nice black BMW she didn't know the model but it looked like a recent release.

"Nice car" She said as he opened the door for her.

"Yeah I know. It's not mine tho. it's my younger brother's" He laughed then continued "I am a benz guy. Don't worry my car is nicer than this one" He added.

"you are such a show off" She teased him

"But its true! Beamers are a joke"

She didn't know much about cars she just nodded.

"Ok. What about range rovers?" She asked him.

"They're alright I guess, but Benz is king.......oh wait you drive a range rover?" He gasped when he realized. She nodded shyly.

"Look at you, showing off too" He teased her back.

He said he was flying back to Doha the next day and she was surprised. Apparently, he came in a week early because he wanted to spend some time with his parents in Ibadan and visit his friends plus the week before the conference was his free time off the rig.

However, he said he would be very happy and fulfilled if she goes to dinner with him right. He claimed it would be the best part of his trip and she agreed.

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