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On Friday night he came home late at night, around 12am or so. She was watching a TV series when he came in. She noticed he was drunk but it didn't show. He was able to hold a serious conversation with her about politics, Lagos traffic, and philosophy. He was much more serious and it dawned on her that he is actually much more serious when he is drunk, like the first day they met but when sober he is mischievous and funny.

The next day all the heaters went off again but this time ACs joined them too.

"Do you know where the circuit breaker is?" He was the one that noticed first, he couldn't work again because it was very hot and sunny outside.

"No. But i think its outside" She has never had electrical issues and the caretaker handles all the maintenance stuff for the apartments.

He found it on the balcony touched something then the the ACs came back on but he turned it back off. He said there was a problem; something was tripping off the switch and they needed to investigate in order to resolve the issue permanently so she called the caretaker to send the electrician to them.

They were able to solve the problem after about an hour. She was sitting on the dining table munching an apple when he came back into the house sweating profusely because it was very hot outside and the ACs had been down for hours now inside. Turns out, the server in his room was the culprit but they were able to fix it. He was explaining how they had to replace the wires with bigger ones to her, she was listening but she paid no mind to what he was saying.

You see ehn, in her whole life, she has never found sweaty guys attractive it was actually the opposite for her. However, this Man just changed that or maybe he was an exception. His white T-shirt was drenched in sweat but he looked gorgeous and sexy. The sunny-musky scent of his sweat filled her nostrils but weirdly enough she liked it. She liked it because her olfactory nerves and brain processed it as a sweet delicious fragrance. She wasn't aware but in that moment she was staring, almost glaring at him unconsciously, she had even stopped chewing the apple in her mouth. She was both aroused and pissed at the same time.

"What? I said I'm sorry plus I've fixed it" He snapped.

"hmmmm? Okay fine." She blinked as she came back to earth almost choking on the apple pieces in her mouth.

"So why are you looking at me like you're about to murder me" He chuckled.

She just stood up and quietly, moved to her room without saying anything. She shut the door slowly behind her and leaned on it for support then let out a sigh of relief.

'Maybe I should buy a vibrator' she thought to herself because she did not understand anymore.

The next week there was a major annual upstream oil & gas conference in Victoria Island, the whole industry was there. The IOCs, the Independent/indigenous producers and the National Oil Company (AKA NNPC). For Toyin and Sofi, this reads MEN, ELIGIBLE MEN!

80% of oil & gas professionals are men and they were hoping a good percentage of the men would be single today.

She and Sofi came well prepared, they wore their finest most expensive corporate outfits with hair and makeup on point. Sofi was even fortunate she was going to give a presentation on behalf of her Company at one of the side plenary sessions on offshore gas production. 

She wished she could present too but her own Company was way too big, it will take her like 5-10 more years before she starts representing her company anywhere. Her pay was better even as a junior manager at the IOC but Sofi got more visibility and exposure at her indigenous company. This has helped boost her reputation and career over the years, plus she gets to meet people and expand her network.  The good thing is, Sofi always shines bright at these type of events, she is an eloquent speaker and she is super smart and very, very attractive no cap!

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