Chapter 13

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✱Blake's POV✱

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

✱Blake's POV✱

Never in my life had I tried to control my laughter as much as I did when I saw the faces of my father and Colton when Emma and I entered the dining room.

Surprisingly, the man who forced us to join this dinner wasn't here yet. I'm sure he's in his room practicing the questions and insults he wants to use on Emma.

"You're joining us for dinner?" Colton asked me, excitement shining in his eyes.

Good job Colt, you're doing great at hiding your emotions.

I explained to him about what happened and he also told Emma the same thing I told her.

"Where's Danielle?" Colton asked dad.

"She won't be joining us today. Her aunt isn't feeling well, so she's gone to take care of her."

Thank God. I don't think I could deal with her today. Dealing with just my grandfather is more than enough for today.Thankfully, the devil hasn't come with his wife. She is just as bad as her husband.

We all decided to take our seats before the devil came, otherwise he would make us sit how he wanted us to sit and that would not be pleasant.I made sure to take a seat next to Emma.

My grandfather came into the dining room, nodded at us and took his seat at the head of the table. And then began the torture.

He decided to start speaking as soon as the there first dish was served.

"Ms. Sparx, it's wonderful that you decided to join us."

I heard Emma mumble 'like I was given a choice.' before looking up at my grandfather and smiling and saying, "It's wonderful to be here, Mr. Ryder. Thank you for inviting me."

"That's nice to know. Tell me, Ms. Sparx, what subjects are you majoring in?"

"Dance and Music, sir."

"Did you join this college because dance and music are actually your passions or just because you weren't smart enough to join an actual college?"

"Father, what-" My father tried to interrupt.

"It's alright Mr. Ryder, I'll answer his question." Emma said, looking at my father with a smile.

"I joined this college and decided to major in dance and music because I love dancing and singing. Also, if you don't mind me saying, Mr. Ryder, I think it's wrong of you to believe that people choose arts just because they aren't smart enough."

My grandfather called a maid and started talking to her, probably ordering her to bring him his wine from the cellar. If that's what he's doing, then it's a sign that he's getting pissed. That's understandable because he doesn't like it when people question him.

I quickly turned to Emma and said to her lowly, "Blue, we can leave if you want. Trust me, you say the word and we'll leave."

"No Theo, I don't want to go just yet. This conversation is getting interesting."

Beneath the Mask [On Hold]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ