25 A Double

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Skylar's POV_

"Why did I agree to do this?" I sit down on the floor next to Mel. 

"I have no clue to be honest." Mel just shrugs and gives me a small smile. 

"How did you discover something like this?" I crease my eyebrows together and tilt my head. 

"My little cousin. She's right there." Mel points to a brown headed petite girl. At the moment, she was playing truth or dare. 

"I couldn't even imagine the last time I was anywhere near a party like this. The last time I played this game, we were in like seventh grade." There was a large circle of pre-teens, all of them looking shy and sluggish. The amount of second hand embarrassment I have experienced so far is unfathomable. 

"Well, they are all in middle school. The year full of hellions." I laugh in agreement and we just sit back and observe. 

A more athletic looking boy was mumbling to his friends, all of them grinning and nodding. I could only imagine what would happen next. And by that, I mean, it was very predictable. The people who were currently playing, finished. A boy quickly went red when it was his turn. He was embarrassed because he was put on the spot. 

"Why do I enjoy reminiscing these moments?" 

"It was the one of the few times where we had no responsibilities." Mel grinned. "Or in your case, a pregnancy." I rolled my eyes at her remark. 

"You know that it's a joke." I sigh, "I thought everyone knew that."

"It's hard to believe that it's not a joke when it's something as serious as that." Melody points out with a little shrug. "Should've known that there would be repercussions." 

"I was hoping that there wouldn't be." 

"But what are you going to do about the meetings?" Mel turns to me with a frown. "By then, it'll be almost impossible to stay away from him. There's no possible way he can send Jaxon either. With the werewolf leaders saying that Alphas were required to appear." She chomps on some chips with a sad look on her face. 

"Are you doing okay?" I sit up and put my hand on her back. "You have been silent the entire way here. And no offense, but you look like you dug yourself from out of a grave." She has dark circles laying around her eyes, along with bags. Now that I think of it, Her cheeks have been stained red ever since she came out of the bathroom about an hour ago. 

"I'm doing okay, promise!" She turns to me with a quick smile and a peace sign, then turns back around. My heart drops, not believing her. She was a bit too quick to respond for someone that was 'okay'. 

"Come." I grab onto her arm and pull her up, dragging her through the many kids. I have no idea what the layout of this house is. But I did notice one thing that caught my eye, a sliding glass door. I pull her though it, the door leading us to the backyard. We sit down on the grass and I try this one more time. 

"What's wrong?" I look at her dead in the eyes with a frown. It kind of hurts how she won't open up to me. Although I understand. 

"Skylar." She fully faces me and grabs my hands. "I have not been honest to you, or anyone else for that matter. I have been putting myself through hell. And now that were not in Ace's pack anymore, I am depressed." 

I lightly tug my hands away from hers. "What are you trying to say?"

"Skylar, when you left Ace, I also had to leave my own mate behind." My jaw drops and my hands snap to cover my mouth in shock. 

"But...you were never even playful with a single male..." Confusion hits me like a bus. "Why would you not tell me?"

"Firstly, I was very playful with him. You were just so involved in your own relationship, you never even focused on me. It's like I wasn't even there anymore.." I could see the amount of pain that was in this girl's eyes. She's been holding it back for a long time. "And I didn't tell you I found him, because of that."

"Mel...I'm so sorry." I wrap her up in a hug and wipe her tears away. "Have you accepted him?"

"Him and I were always making sure to take things slow. But when he told me exactly how he felt about being mates, I ran away from him. It's not because it was bad or anything- I just can't handle it. Fear that I won't be good enough. I know for an absolute fact that he could do better than me. So I thought that maybe if I ran...it'd be okay. He could choose someone new." A few more tears slip and I frown. 

"You can't run from someone you were meant for, Mel...how do you know he didn't want to choose you? The Moon Goddess paired you two together. Do you really believe that even for a second, any other girl could fit better for him?" I rub her back as a reassurance. 

"Some hypocrite, huh, Sky?" She lets out a very strained chuckle, and I smile a little bit. 

Do I regret what I did? Yes, I do. Although there's nothing I could do now. 

"How about this. I'll fix things up with Ace. But only if you work on actually coming to terms with your mate. " I smile and she thinks about it for a little bit. 

"Fine." She gives me a small smile. 

"So tell me, who is this mystery man?" I give her suggestive like eyebrow movements, and she shakes her head. 

"You'll meet him one day or another." 

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