15 The Time is Now

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Ace's POV_

It's official, my time has come. Although it's a little unusual. Other times I when would begin to start my "lack of control", there would be signs. Like random burn marks would appear on my skin, I could feel on edge, or I could just have the hairs on my arms stand up. But this time? Nothing. I only actually knew when I had my hand on fire without my consent.

I guess it bothers me so much because just the thought of someone finding out my secret makes me scared half to death. I live in constant fear of hurting someone with it that I love or just making the people I love run away. I don't want to lose anyone. Hell, I haven't even seen my ex at all, which I'm surprised by.

Point being, I'm here now. The place where not a single pair of eyes will look at me. The place where I can safely be free. The only thing that slightly gets me on edge is that there's no ceiling. The walls meet into sort of a dome but the top of the dome is open. So if my flames reach too high someone could see it, although we are pretty far in the forest so it's not something I'm terrified about. The issues of a tree lighting on fire isn't something to fear because they're all fake. And all indestructible to the elements. I'm pretty sure they are made of the same brick as that's used for the walls.

My one single arm was no longer the only thing on fire, my entire body now was. And just like that, it had begun. My vision went dead and it was almost like I was falling asleep.

No control.

Skylar's POV_

"Ace?" I open his bedroom door and I was confused when I saw no one there. He had told me just yesterday that we would go out and take a run together in wolf form. I just it shrug off. He could be anywhere, really. Although I could almost bet he was just doing Alpha duties.

I open his door wider with a smile on my face. Walking over to his walk in closet, I remember the promise he told me just the other day. That I'm welcome to wear his clothes whenever. Well that's right now. Opening the door and walking in, I'm shocked by just how much clothes this guy has. An entire wall is just his clothes and on the other it's all empty. He has more shoes than I have. And I have a lot! He has it all. By the looks of it, he has just about fifty hoodies. That's my best guess.

I put the hoodie he let me borrow on a hanger and I exchanged it for a tye-dye one. Just like the other one, this hoodie was huge on me. I take a look at some of his other clothes and I take the ones that I like. Sweatpants and all.

Scurrying my way out of his closet, I take a look at his bed and my devious smile widens. I put his clothes I'm taking on one of his ottomans and I hop onto his bed. His room was so filled with his scent and I love it. Getting under the covers, I had a chill of how comfortable the bed is. It has to be the most soft thing in the world. You sink into the bed and it practically molds around your body. As if you're becoming one with it. And his pillows I'm pretty sure are filled with feathers.

I let myself lay there for a while, just enjoying how comfortable I am. I feel my wolf scurry through my head and that's when I know I should get going. I can't be productive by just laying in bed. Getting sadly out of bed, I walk over to the ottoman and grab the stuff I was planning on keeping. If Ace hasn't gotten back by now, he may not be back for a while. Even when he gets back, we could still go anyways.

Walking out of his room and closing his door, I felt a kind of sorrow. The feeling of Ace being so close was something that had comforted me beyond belief. I just want him to make a decision now. Just a few days ago I felt like I could do with or without him. But now that I see him more frequently, a part of me would shrivel up and die if he decided to reject me. I can't imagine life without him. He's literally always on my mind. I yearn for him.

I guess I'm kind of scared that it's just the mate bond talking. We were made for each other and he's all I want. I am so sick of seeing all this love around me when I know for a fact that when I get home, I won't be given the same thing. I want to know if I even mean something to him. Or am I simply another one of those fangirls that constantly stare at him and daydream? I feel so sick of being pushed away. I want him to be mine. I want to be able to be there for him and to be able to claim to others that he's mine. I want to show him off.

Is he even thinking of me?

Shaking my head, I walk into my room. I won't allow myself to feel so useless. I don't want to feel that anymore. I throw Ace's clothes on my bed and I walk out of my room just as fast as I went in.

I jog my way through Ace's house and I sigh. I wonder how my family is coping. Is my dad spreading the word of my mate throughout the entire pack? Most likely. Is my mom changing my bedroom into a yoga? Or is my brother stepping up as an Alpha? I wish I could be there more for them but now that I'm gone, how will I ever be able to see them? I know that Ace would never not let me see them but there's one part of me that is greatly homesick. I want to see how the pack is doing. But it's not like I could just snap my fingers and be there. After all, Ace's pack is so huge and has so much land. I have never felt so homesick in my entire life. I'm even missing that one part of the floor that creaks.

The same creaks that I hated whenever I snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to go hang out with friends. I miss those memories and the people in them. Maybe I could ask Ace eventually if I could have people come over here or if I can go there for like a solid week.


Just like that, I think from one topic to another until I reach the back door of the house. Finally my mind goes blank and I walk out to the woods. Taking off my tank top and black sweatpants, I shift into my wolf. The familiar crackle of my bones are present as I'm in the process of shifting. I still remember the day of my first shift as if it was just yesterday. I was a terrified little girl that was scared of walking into such a world that I could turn into a wolf. I thought that if wolves were out there, what else supernatural is existent? I was scared of stepping out of my comfort zone and I didn't know what lies beyond what I see. Vampires, ghosts, or people with magic?

In wolf form, I venture throughout the forest. Waterfalls, mountains, and so much more. The entire land is so breathtaking.

I guess that's why it's so scary when I see a fire reaching up into the skies in the distance.

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