16 Aliens Perhaps

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Skylar's POV_

I begin to get closer to the fire, letting my paws pound against the ground as I slowly made my way closer. This could either be a good decision or a very idiotic action. If it's a wildfire, I could be in danger. But if it's not and I turn around now and send out a warning to everyone, that would be absolutely dreadful. 

I ran for what seemed like forever. Coming upon a huge dome like area was incredibly and utterly astonishing. It looked so strangely foreign. There was strange noises in there too. I heard huge gusts of wind, popping and crackling of a fire, and a lot of other sounds too. Treading over to a tree near the dome, I crouch down behind it, looking at the structure and trying to think. Maybe it could be something that the high Werewolf Council owns and experiments with.

3rd Person's POV_

There inside the protected area, Ace's entire body was on fire. Flames were being tossed in every direction and a devilish grin was placed on his face. Ace's brain was not functioning like normal. It's almost as if a shadow person had now controlled his body. Not one thought had been conceived. Not one care in the world was given. The definition of empty and serene. 

Meanwhile Skylar was not too far away, standing just outside of the protected space. Her heart had thumped so wildly in her chest that her nerves were shot and her brain was processing every possible situation this could be. She tried contacting Ace but there was no point. Skylar was confused beyond belief. Even calls from another wolf processes when the other is asleep. So she was left to believe that he was ignoring her. Regardless of her brilliant intelligence, she still couldn't connect the dots that it was indeed her mate in that dome.

That is, until she used her enhanced sense of smelling. Skylar had wanted to slap herself for not realizing it sooner. The aura and the scent of Ace was everywhere. And it had all originated in that one dome. That's when it had sunk in. She became terrified that there was even the slightest chance of him getting hurt. Feeling it was right to contact someone, Skylar resorts to telling the Beta.

Jaxon, I think Ace is in trouble! He's trapped in this dome and there's fire coming out of the top! Skylar had a whine of desperation. She had never intended for a needy call, but she was too scared for Ace's well being. 

Stay out of there! Jaxon had began to curse at himself. He's okay, stay out of the area! Trying to keep Skylar away from Ace was much harder than Jaxon anticipated.

Like hell he's okay! But there was no use for Jaxon's reasons. Come with or without me, but I will save my mate! Skylar's mind is already made up. Ending the link, Skylar felt no need now for help. She was sure that she could handle it herself. 

Skylar had then shifted to human form. Changing into some clothes she dragged along with her, she set out to look for an area to get in. Skylar had been searching for a solid thirty minuets. Excitement danced in her soul as she had finally found an area to get in. Just as she reached for the extremely hidden door, a hand grabbed her wrist. 

Snapping over the culprit, Jaxon had stood there. 

"Finally, I thought you would never come! I found the door, let's save him!" Skylar had rushed out past her lips, but Jaxon just had a sad look on his face. A few seconds pass. "What are you waiting for?!" 

"I'm sorry, Sky." Jaxon finally managed to get out. Skylar tilted her head at him but before she could question anything, Jaxon lifted his free arm and curled his fingers into a palm. Then he hit her pressure point, making her go unconscious. 

Skylar had then fallen to the ground in a daze. 

X-Time skip shall we-X 

Ace's POV_ 

Tiredly opening my eyes, I feel a ton of pressure in the back of my head. Waking up inside the dome had refreshed my thoughts of where I was. Or rather, what I was there to do. Sitting up, I now see the destruction I've done. The ground was covered in large puddles here and there and the grass had all been burned. And random bushes and small trees were as well sprouted. Because of the fact I drained my elements, I was severely weak. No doubt I'm going to be put on strict bedrest. 

My head snaps to a sound coming from the door of the dome. This is when I begin to freak out. I always do for the fear of it being someone that's not welcome. But of course I don't show that. I guess that's why it was such a relief when I notice that it wasn't an enemy, but Jaxon. That of course was when I noticed a strange scent coming from him. He seemed to of noticed my thoughts and facial expression. 

"Your mate showed up. But I got to her right before she got in." Jaxon reassures me but somewhere in his eyes and can see something else.

"Well?" I say with an edge to my voice. 

"Skyler recognized your scent. She mind linked me right when she got here. I told her to just come back and that it was nothing but she wasn't hearing it. She just ended the link when she realized I wasn't going to do anything about it." Jaxon sighs. "I showed up and she was rushing me, telling me to go in with her and that you were in 'danger'. I kept trying to get her to stop investigating, but she just ignored me like always. So that's why...why I had to knock her unconscious. But don't worry! She's not hurt, I just took her home too."

I just nod in understanding. "Do you know how she got here or even found this place?" It was strange, we're in the middle of no where.

"I think she saw the fire coming out of the top of the dome, I don't know. We're lucky enough she only contacted me and not the pack."

Oh, I can only imagine the havoc that would arise if the pack was made aware. They would be told there was a fire and then they would freak out when they realized I was missing. Even worse, the pack could find this place if they were to search for me. 

"We can just erase her thoughts and memories and-" I start to say but then Jaxon cuts in. 

"That is a horrendous idea, Alpha. With all respect, what if you two do end up official? It's not like you can just not tell her that you did this to her! She's your mate, Ace. She deserves to know and if I were you-" I hold up my hand and he shuts up. 

"My call, Jaxon. My call."

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