03 Pool Fights

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Once we reach the pool, I sit on the edge, letting my feet dangle into the water. While cold it indeed was, it was still comfortable.

"So....that's your mate?" Taveron asks, making me look up at him and nod.

The boys all share high fives and I roll my eyes.


Ace's POV

"Yeah, that was her." I barely say in a whisper, sliding into the cold water. I lean against the edge and throw my head back, closing my eyes and letting out a long breath. Wading in the water calms my nerves but I get thrown into reality when the boys cannon ball into the water.

One second the only wet part of my body was the lower half of me. But oh no, now I was soaked. I look back at the three of them acting all innocent, making me growl at them and splash water at them. All they do is laugh at me, making me become more angry. I death glare them as I walk into the deeper part of the pool, this area reaching my mid chest, revealing the top part of my tribal tattoos.

"Sorry, Alpha." Jaxon laughs at me and I once again send him a glare.

"I hate you." I grumble, looking down at my hands. My elements are going haywire. I haven't full on messed with them for a while. All I've been trying to do recently was conceal them.

The boys seem to notice because they look at me with pity. I growl at that, I hate pity with a burning passion. I don't like people looking at me like that.

"Go ahead and mess with them, we won't bother you, we swear." The other two nod in agreement, making me release a sigh.

"Okay." I roll their eyes, making them chuckle and go to the opposite side of the pool than mine. But like always, they continue to watch me. They've always said how envious they were of me to have elements. So they always watch me whenever I practice.

I shuffle into a more secluded corner of the pool where a tree was closely planted, as well as some bushes to hide sneaky eyes that fought to get a glimpse of what was inside. I sigh and look down to my hands once again.

I reach my hand out of the water and spin around my index finger, causing a gust of wind to form a small hurricane above my finger. I put the hurricane in my hand, it still continuing to spin. I use my free hand and almost immediately it goes aflame. I put my hand over the still spinning hurricane, causing it to pick up the fire. It was then that I created a flaming small hurricane. Making sure the size wouldn't go too big, I enclose my fist. When I open my hand, it's gone.

I turn around to face the bushes. What laid in front of the bush was another sprouting bush sapling. I smile and using my hand, I put my hand over the new plant and turn my hand into a fist, then opening it so water comes spilling out from my hand, then falling on the plant. Then I point to the plant, my palm facing up. Flicking my pointer finger up, the size of the plant begins to grow. Soon enough I created a small bush.

So no one will question why a random bush had all of a sudden sprout, I lift up my finger and nudge it down, making the bush shrink. I smile, accomplished. I turn back around, my back faced to the bushes. Then I point my finger at the water wading around me, lifting my finger back up as I make water bend up at my will. I hear the glass sliding door leading towards the back yard slide open, making my hands drop and the water becomes one with the rest that floats around me.

My eyes meet my mate's, making a blush appear on her cheeks. I smirk, regrouping with my friends. They greet me and say how cool it was when I bent the elements. I thank them and make an over exaggerated bow. They laugh at me and I smirk.

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