13 Not What it Seems

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Sky's POV_

"So what you're saying is...he left? Where did he go?" I ask Jaxon with a slight frown on my face.

The girls and I had just came back from school shopping and I'm gonna be honest, we had gotten side tracked on numerous occasions. But that's not the point. The point is, I was looking for Ace to make sure he was updated and that he saw the note. I know how upset Alphas can be when their mate leaves out of thin air. On this occasion, the Alpha most likely trashes the entire house out of anger. Some people could even be beaten up as a result.

"Um, it's top secret. So I'm sorry to say, but I can't tell you." I can tell that Jaxon is trying to be nice about it but a feeling in the back of my head tells me that it's not what it seems.

With a sigh, I nod. It doesn't matter how much I try to make him tell me. Because no matter what, a wolf will remain to be faithful to their Alpha. And if I had dared to proceed with questions, Jaxon could end up in a bad situation with Ace. But if I could find out on my own...I would be the only person in trouble.

This time, with a smile on my face, I say, "Oh, understandable. I don't want you disobeying your Alpha. Do you mind telling me how to get to the library? I want to find some textbooks that could help me in class." He doesn't pick up on my lie but I can tell he's slightly suspicious. Jaxon nods and gives me several directions. Apparently there's a library here in the pack that's three stories high.

"Thanks." With a smile and a wave, I skip in front of him and down the hallway. Curving to the side, I'm no longer in his view. Craning my neck over, I see Jaxon typing away at his phone in a sense of urgency.

Jaxon had claimed my mate was somewhere top secret. How could that not make me want to discover it? As a kid I would act as a spy. I would go around the house and plant fake clues. Then I would try to discover whatever the sticky notes said.

Turning back, I take the short way to Ace's office. I don't know what to search for when I get there, but I'll know it when I see it. I know for a fact that something weird is going on. Jaxon, Josh, and the entire friend group have been acting strange. It's almost like they have a huge sense of paranoia around themselves. Then I find out that my mate is in a secret place? It has got to be connected. 

It's not like I can ask what's going on. Like I said, wolves are faithful to their Alphas. And if I ask, they would all say nothing was going on anyway. I'm slightly hurt that I wasn't told because at the end of the day, I'm still the Alpha's mate. So why is it such a crime to tell me what's going on in my own pack?

I finally make it to the office and surprisingly, it was left unlocked. Which is very suspicious. Ace isn't the type to let his office open. Especially knowing any wolf could go in or out. I walk inside of his office and I'm bombarded by his scent everywhere. It's so overwhelming that I have to catch my breathing. Locking his door, I scurry onto his swivel chair. With a catch of my breath, I peek up at the door and sigh. What would I even do with the information that I'll find out? With a shake of my head, I stand back up and sit on his desk instead.

No matter how much my curiosity burns in my brain, it wouldn't be right to snoop through his stuff. Besides, next time he's in this room, he'll smell my scent. And that really isn't good.

"Dang it." I mutter under my breath. Keeping myself from curiosity is like not giving a wild tiger it's dinner, all you do is drag the tiger down with rope with the food dangling over its head.

I don't even know anything about my mate. What his favorite color is, anything. I'm living with an absolute stranger. I wish he could just make up his mind. Be my mate or reject me. At this point, I don't care what he decides. I just don't want to be in this emotional state. I'm not even included in pack affairs. Not even where the heck he wanders off to.

What's going through his mind? Because I don't even know. Nowadays I don't know anything. Like why do I continue to hang around him? Every second longer I'm around him, the more upset I get. But I could never really continue having huge negative emotions towards him. The second I see him, it all disappears. I just want to hold him. I just want him to pay attention to me.

Xxx Time skip xxX

The next morning I awoke with a not so graceful yawn. Today was the day that I was starting school in Ace's pack. While horrendous school is, it still gets me out of this house. I could finally have thoughts that didn't have Ace in it. Part of me is happy to ignore him but another even louder voice in my head is screaming to hold and kiss him. 

Sitting up in bed, I rest my head in my palms. My hair is in knots and my brain is scrambled. I'm covered in sweat and I can't stand the stickiness on my body. Hearing my ringtone go off, I feel my heart beat shoot up for a second as my entire body jumps. Quickly accepting the call, I put it to my ear and groggily answer it without looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I let another yawn escape my lips. 

"I'm starting the car. Be down in ten." Dang my heart. My heart pounds against my chest as I hear Ace's voice on the other end. "The girls already went with the boys so it'll only be us going on our way to school."

"O-Okay." I stutter, hearing a grunt at the other end as he ends the call.

With a bite of my lip, I hop out of bed and walk into the walk in closet now filled with clothes. My eyes skim over my options and I sigh. The first thing that catches my eye is a grey knitted crop top. A smile forming its way onto my face, I try to find bottoms that match with it. Just as I thought that, my eyes caught onto light blue ripped washed skinny jeans. And what's a basic outfit without white and black super star Adidas shoes?

Looking at my knotted up hair in the body mirror, I grunt. Putting my grasp on a hair brush, I yank that thing through my hair so hard that my eyes start pricking with tears. But hey, it gets the job done. Deciding that I put my scalp through enough pain, I throw my hair up into a messy bun. You know those days that no matter how many times you brush your hair out, it will never cooperate? Yeah, this was that day. Because ya girl isn't good with being a female. Who's brilliant idea was it to give me this lifestyle?

With a roll of my eyes I make my way to my bathroom. I'll just save the details and say that I brushed my teeth. Cleaning off my face with a wipe, I put on deodorant and my perfume.

By now I had probably taken so much time, that Ace would be furious with me. 

Shuffling my way out of my room, I make sure to turn off the lights. I know Ace is completely rich but I still want to do my part. Running my way through Ace's complex house, I finally make it outside.

Ace stood there leaning against his mustang gto. Wearing a black plain hoodie, he paired it with green camo pants and some black combat boots. Instead of his hair being in a swoop, it was now just all messy. He honestly looked like he just woke up. But the good kind, you know? Nearing the car, he lifts an eyebrow at me. So immediately I look down at my outfit. Is there a stain on my shirt? So when I don't see anything, I look back up to him.

"What?" I cock my head to the side and he slightly shakes his head with a grin.

Lifting up his hoodie, he takes it off, leaving him in a black t-shirt. With a toss of his hoodie, it ends up in my arms. I am once again confused and he sighs.

"A huge portion of the werewolves are mateless. Plus, there's humans." With a shrug and a nod towards my outfit, he continues. "Not saying I'm not enjoying the view, I just don't want people to mess with you."

Too stunned to say anything, I nod and put on the hoodie. It was huge on me but big hoodies are always comfortable. "So warm..." I whisper but I know he heard because I see him grin. With a nod of his head in the direction of the car, I knew it was time to go.

I can't quite place Ace. One minute he's distant then the next, he's so sweet.

I wish he could be sweet more often.

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