24 Madness Mistakes

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Skylar's POV_

"Sweetie, you can't hide here forever.." My father slowly sits down on my bed, resting his hand on my cheek.

"I know..." I whisper softly.

"And you really didn't have to lie to them...it just makes things worse..." He dips his head down and gives me a hug. "I will always support you, I just don't agree."

"How else will he leave..." I squeeze my eyes shut and a tear slips out.

"But sweetie, why would you want him to?"

"I want him happy, dad." I turn around on the bed and have my back face him. "I can't find it in me to be honest. I know that hurting him is the only way he could stay away."

"You really don't understand mates." My father says softly, rubbing by back to soothe me. "You could stab him and he'd still want you. Same with you."

"Dad, why does love hurt?" I couldn't get any of my words above a whisper.

"I don't think love in itself hurts. I think it's difficult to accept when someone truly loves you."

I turn back around to face him. I was looking for more advice.

"You're afraid to accept it. You don't want to hurt him. But by doing these things, you hurt both sides. I support you until the day you die. I just don't want to see a tear on that pretty face of yours."

"Thank you, dad." I give him a weak smile and a hug. I truly am grateful for this man.

"Oh. Although I will warn you now. Another Alpha meeting will take place here..." My heart drops from fear.

"When?" I gulp.

"Two days time." My father gives me one last hug and then stands. "You can stay in the room or do as you please. Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you."

"Goodnight, dad." I sit up in the bed just as he leaves.

I bring my knees up to my chest and hug them closer to me. I want this love.

The days blurr together the longer I'm back home.

All I've been hearing from everyone is how bad I'm messing up. How bad I'll hurt him and how it's my fault. And honestly, every ounce of me feels terrible. I've already gone this far with it. There's no point in time where I can turn back.

I can't very well face him. Especially after hurting him so much. Twisting and turning in the bed, my stomach growls. I've ignored that sound way too much here recently.

So I do one thing to keep my mind off of my stomach. I make every other choice in my life, worse.

Taking out my phone, I text Jaxon.

Me: Hey... what's up?

It didn't take too long for him to message me back. Which that's quite strange, taking into account that he's a very busy Beta.

Jaxon: Dealing with the Damned.

Me: How bad is he hurting...

Jaxon: I have to replace every surface in his office.

Me: I didn't know he'd go that far..

Jaxon: Well, you see...his mate kind of cheated on him and is pregnant with a baby that is not his..

A sigh escapes my lips and I fall back onto my bed.

"Yeah...." I mutter to myself. "Pregnant."

Much like any other nights, I lay down with Ace's eyes engraved in my mind. Feeling ghost like fingers drag across my back.

I never knew the amount of pain that one could go through. I haven't gone through much in my lifetime. But I miss this boy like crazy.

"Hello!" Mel jumps into my room, making the door slam against the wall. Her hearing the wall pound, she slowly pulled the door closer and craned her neck to look at the wreck she made. "I uhm..can pay for that."

"It'll cost you an ear and a tail." I joke, a small smile on my lips.

"You're making us sound like we're furries." I shake my head with a smile. "How are you doing, kiddo?" She plops down next to me and I lay my head on her shoulder.

"I have no clue."

"I know.." Mel gives me a hug and then flops back. "Well whether the aura in this room is sad or not, I'm bored...and I think we deserve at least one night where we can be dumb and depressed teenaged white girls."

"Please don't tell me....that cliché." I beg, the cringe getting ready to explode.

"We're not drinking. That's a little too cliché even for a cliché lover like me."

"Good, I really don't want to get drugged." My eyebrows crease and I get confused. "Then what are we doing?"

"Something a bit more cringey than teen drinking..." A huge grin spreads across her face and fear seeps through my skin. "We're going back to our middle school days!"


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