08 Leave Your Enemies Alone

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Ace's POV_

I sit there by the lake side in wolf form. My wolfish frown stays planted on my face. I don't understand. Not at all. The elements stir in my body -almost like flames- just buzzing. I sigh and roll my eyes.

Over the whole week at the Moore pack house, every day was inching closer to my time. The time when I have no control. Unlike how I would normally feel, I'm not afraid or jittery. I've put up with it for this long. What's one more time?

I've avoided contact with my mate like the plague over the week. This is the last day I will be spending in Alpha Moore's pack. It's 1:30 pm sharp and we plan to leave at around 3 o'clock. Not only that, but I have had to make a hard decision. I plan on bringing my mate back to my pack. It's a dumb idea concerning the fact that the elements are going more haywire than usual with her around. But after you meet your mate, you can't split in different ways with them. Mates are physically designed to never leave each other. Over a long period of time, mates find themselves to grow sick. It's as if mates are what keep werewolves alive. Without a mate, you're never complete.

I know the choice of rejecting is always present but with the elements being how they are, I fear that if I reject her, it would only get worse. The possibility is too high of a risk. But if I avoid her, it worsens also. It's as if I can't find a middle ground. My heart is screaming to the heavens in a long string of curses but at the same time it wants to soar in happiness of finding my mate. My brain is telling me to reject her so that it's not hard for either of us. That way she could find love in a second chance. My brain is telling me to end it fast that way we don't get too attached. Not even my gut is reassuring me. My gut is only cussing at me to the extent of making me feel ill. Then there's my wolf....much like how I am with my mate, my wolf is once again avoiding me like the plague.

This is my kind of personal hell.

Because of these stupid "gifts", I can never have any kind of luxury. I can just barely get any people whom I trust. I have trust issues to the extent that I don't even know if I can trust my mate. I'm not a person to look on the bright side. In fact, I encourage my pain. Even Satan himself looks at me and goes, "Woah, dude." It just upsets me why the Goddess even considered to find me a mate. I'm putting my mate through so much shit right now. Avoiding her, making her feel like she's not good enough.

Why would the Goddess knowingly put me with her. My mate deserves the whole fucking world. She deserves someone who will actually lay with her in bed at night. She deserves all the fucking fortunes in the world. And what does she get? A low life Alpha who can't even get his emotions into check. All those made up legends about me give me much too many credit. Since when did a terrible life get me bonus points? People say how I'm so influential and important but I'm not. All I do is make decisions and act on them. How the hell am I important?

I'm not, it's simple. I'm the lowest of the low. How am I a "man" and "oh so powerful" if I can't even look my mate in the eye? I'm afraid of the most beautiful things in life and I welcome all the evil. I'm mentally lost.

I don't know who to turn to or who to love.

I want love so desperately but it's not anything I'll ever own or have. I want to hold my mate and I want to watch Disney movies with her. I want to be the one to make her happy.

But what's the point of wanting something so perfect if I can never have it?

I can never have any beauty in life.

Everyone talks about life as a blessing. It's only a blessing to those with the upper hand. Is life a beauty to the homeless? Is life a beauty to those who don't want it? Is life even beauty to me? Life is like a fucking god to most. Everyone praises it like it's everything. In a way, it is. But I feel so terrible for the sad and depressed who commit suicide. To think that there is no other solution but to end it all. I by no means want to kill myself, but I get the kind of depression they're going through. It's just a glimpse into what they're feeling, but it's still a bit.

The point is, life is unfair as hell. The privileged and gifted have it good. People with power. If you have power or looks alone, you can run the whole world.

What I've learned from my life is that you can't ever really have it the way you want it. There's a lot of good things to life, but the bad overpowers it by far. If you're pretty or handsome, people may only be with you for your face. If you have power, they only stand you because they fear you, or because they want something from you. Then there's just annoying ass people who get pleasure from tearing the shit out of others. They build you up only to tear you down to your last little crumb. 

I have a little joke that the gods above are making bets to see if they can put a person through more hell than the other. Which ever god that's controlling my life, is sure to be winning. Go you, I guess.

Skylar's POV_

"So, whatcha gonna do about your little mate problem?" Mel cocks her head to the side as she plops next to me in the grass. I turn to her and shrug. "Come on, Sky! You have the most handsome and delicious Alpha of them all. How can you not be happy!?" Her lips part almost in an awe form.

"But does he have a good looking heart?" I ask, looking to her. It's almost as if I'm begging her to tell me what I want to hear. I want Ace to want me. I want him to fight like hell for me.

Mel just sort of laughs at me. "I've shown you pictures of him holding babies! How is that not pure to you? Fam, if I could, I would love to trade mates with you!"

"He's mine!" My wolf peaks through and my eyes grow as wide as saucers.

Mel just bursts out laughing. "Down girl, I have my own mate somewhere." Then Mel immediately gasps. "Oh my goddess! You said you were going to Ace's pack, right!?" I sadly nod but she didn't seem to notice. "What if I go with you? You know, so maybe my mate is in his pack?!"

That's when I start to perk up. I immediately nod.


Sorry I haven't updated like I said I would. Like Ace said, life happens.


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