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You raise the pistol and try to aim for a vulnerable part of the vamp's body. However, with so much commotion going on around you, you are jostled repeatedly and you can't line the shot. Before you can even pull the trigger, the vampire sees his opening and lunges forward, tearing out the alpha's throat then snapping his neck.

The alpha's limp body falls to the ground, his eyes wide and lifeless. Your hearts races, your breath growing short as you realize Gianette's dreams are escaping with the departure of his soul. You feel stiff with remorse and your senses are slow to react when the vampire turns his blood stained mouth upon you.

You don't have enough time to even scream before the vampire dashes forward. Your life flashes before your eyes and the last thing you feel is the heat of a great fire.

The flames shock you out of your stupor and you realize that in place of the vampire that stood mere centimeters from your neck is now a pile of burning bones that are quickly turning to ash. You gasp and heave, your body struggling to cope with the sudden shift in the world. You spin around, dizzy and stumbling, finding the whole street filled with the ashy carcasses of the now deceased vampires. Ferris succeeded even if you failed to save the alpha.

However, Gianette pays no attention to the victory, instead she runs over to the alpha's side, falling to her knees and burying her face into his fur, her mournful wails muffled by his thick body. She isn't allowed to remain there for long, though. The wolves growl and bark at her to move. When she won't give into their demands, a wolf swipes her hard with his paw, throwing her to the ground. The pack takes hold of the alpha, grabbing his legs, his tail, and the scruff of his neck with their teeth. Gianette, however, gets back up and scurries over, begging for them not to take him away. Again she is knocked to the side and this time you take hold of her, restraining her from receiving a hit she can't get up from if she tries a third time. The wolves drag their leader away and disappear up the street.

You never hear from the wolves again. Most assume the pack picked a new alpha and then headed on to start life somewhere else in the world. As for the town, Ferris leads it for several peaceful years until an opportunistic vampire sees a chance to snag control of the town and reinstate the Harvest Ball. Ferris puts up a good fight, but in the end is killed by the far more powerful vampires.

Life returns to normal and you now work at Gretchen's store as she has finally been admitted to the herd. At least, you still have your sister by your side. She may not say a word to you, or anyone, but she's at least there with you safe and sound. You try to take joy in the little things in life since that's all you really have.


You've found one of the unsuccessful endings for this branch of the story...Why not go back and see if you can choose a better weapon to use against the vampire!

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