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You can't stand by and let your sister be torn to pieces by a raging werewolf. You race over to where the mages are huddled together, their eyes watching you with apprehension. Ferris starts to ask what's wrong, but you don't linger long enough for him to give his words voice. Instead you snatch the jack-o-lantern from the dumbfounded mage's hands and make a sharp turn to head back towards the circle.

Somewhere behind you, you hear Ferris calling, his tone pleading and afraid. You think he should understand the need to protect the ones you love. You think he'd understand, more than anyone else, how much it hurts to stand by while someone important to you is hurt. So you ignore his protests and start your chant, the words flying from your lips as Gianette cowers on the ground and the alpha raises his fists towards the sky, aiming to slam them down like hammers upon her spine.

He swings and your tongue empties of words. Before his fists can meet Gianett'e skin, he hits an invisible wall, that ripples and distorts the air around your sister before sending the alpha flying backward.

He tumbles into the crowd, their eyes upon their leader before sending their gazes to where the mages watch with shock stretching their faces. You can't see what state the alpha is in, but he's not speaking up if he is conscious. The pack can't make a move until he gives the command, but you can't help but notice that their features are elongating, their hair growing thicker, and their limbs bending in uncomfortable angles. With lips drawn back, their gritted teeth shines with saliva as a rumbling growl curls over the heads of the crowd.

You think to cast another ward, this time guarding the coven and yourself, but you know you can't call up a shield that big and you are too close to the werewolves to manage the chant before they spring into action. So you drop the gourd to the ground and instead focus your attention upon the one man who could stop all of this.

The alpha's body stirs, a groan rolling in his thick chest, while his hands press themselves into the brittle grass, raising his body up. You don't know how much of a signal the wolves need to launch their attack, but you know you cannot hesitate any longer. You race forward, diving between the legs of the wolves blockading you from their alpha. Some shuffle around and snap their jaws as you crawl forward, but their hands remain poised before them, fingers arched and nails growing sharper. The threat grows, but the distance between you and them never changes. They needed their alpha's permission.

"Micah," roars Gianette. "What are you doing? What did you do?"

You fight off the urge to turn to her, to explain to her the need to keep her safe, but you don't have time. The alpha is rising, his eyes casting over the crowd, still uncertain what caused the disruption. His hesitation won't last long though and you need to pull his attention away from the coven, which is the most obvious source of a magical ward.

Blood thirst is rising the hackles of everyone in that cold clearing. No simple cry for attention will draw them away from seeking revenge. You'll need to come up with something drastic to redirect their eyes. Perhaps you can use something you have on hand to really call attention upon yourself.

What will you use?

- Silver Pin: ch 14

- Cord: ch 15

- Pistol: ch 16

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