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As much as you want to run to your sister's side, you know you would only make matters worse by interfering. You, however, don't join the rest of the coven on the outskirts of the circle. You may not want to step in, but you do want to at least be there for emotional support, whether she knows it or not.

You circle around the group, looking for a spot with a better vantage point. You eventually find a cluster of female werewolves with far shorter statures than their male counterparts. Your view isn't great, but at least now you can see the fierce determination in your sister's face.

She continues to take one hit after another. Guarding with her arms, defending her head and torso. When he decides to barrel forward with his shoulder aimed for her midsection, she is nimble and quick, dodging his advance with a sprightly leap. When he tries to hook her, she grabs at his wrist and twists from his grip. However, she never makes a single offensive move. You wonder how long she can keep this chase up, but then you realize it's not her that's wearing down. The alpha wolf, large and burly, now moves with sluggish swings and sloppy advances. Though Gianette's chest rises and falls with labored breaths, she still maneuvers from his assault with ease.

Then, his swipe at her cheek goes wide, his balance offset, and she pounces with a renewed burst of energy.

With his chest open and his face violet with exhaustion, she springs forward and sends one kick after another upon him. Her arms, bruised and bloodied only remain poised before her as a means of keeping balance. She stabs her heel into his gut, smacks his temple with the side of her foot, and sends one swift, powerful kick straight into his sternum. When he stumbles backwards, she springs forward and throws him to the ground. Now using her arms to their full extent, she sets her nails like talons and claws away the skin of his face.

You think she is about to win until he shifts into the bulking form of a silvery wolf.

Without warning, without hesitation, he snaps his jaw, sinking his teeth into her already tattered forearms. She howls with pain and falls to the side, rolling on the ground as she clenches her teeth. The alpha trots away, transforming back into a human, his strides without hesitation as he takes a bundle of new clothes from one of his pack and quickly dresses.

Now attired, the alpha makes his way over to Ferris and the pack follows suit, leaving your sister crumbled on the ground.

"Excuse me," you say to one of the female wolves. "May I borrow your scarf?"

The woman's lip curls and her nose scrunches as if your very being repulses her, but with a roll of her eyes and without a word of acknowledgment, she hands over the scarf and continues on her trek to join the rest.

"Gianette," you cry, racing over and dropping to your knees. "Let me bandage your wounds. We can go home and pretend none of this ever..."

"Away, Micah. I'm fine." She swats at the scarf you had held ready to wrap around her wounded arm and then rises to her feet. Though a bit unsteady, she regains her composure and holds her head high and strong before heading over to the pack. You frown at your sister's stubbornness, but eventually rise up as well, donning the scarf instead, prepared to have it at the ready the moment your sister listens to reason.

"You think this spell of yours will destroy the blood suckers?" asks the alpha, his booming voice rolling over the clearing with crisp clarity.

"I know it will destroy them. However," Ferris pauses, his gaze flickering over to you as you rejoin the coven, "some of my people think it would be more successful if we did not go in this alone. Admittedly, we are very vulnerable as we perform the spell. Our chant cannot be broken or else we'll have to start over and we certainly don't have time for that."

"So you want us to be a distraction?"

"Only if you had planned to attack the vamps anyways. We don't wish to impose."

"And we don't want weaklings getting in the way," growls the alpha. "I'm not so foolish as to deny assistance in the field of battle, but not if it will be a liability to my pack. Prove your might and I will agree."

"I will be happy to demonstrate a spell for you..."

"No," says the alpha with a roar of authority in his voice. "I trust the strength of the body, of the physical world. Not of your magic. Prove you can put up a fight against a vamp if you need to and then we will allow you to be present for our victory."

"Fine," says Ferris, clearing his throat and casting another fierce look your way, "what are your terms?"

"Battle with a wolf of my choosing. I'll make it fair, but in return you can not use magic."

"And weapons?"

"We are our own weapons," the alpha answers. "However, I said I would make it fair and I realize a normal human stands no chance even against my weakest wolf. You may have a weapon, but only one."

"All right then," says Ferris with a nod. "It's only right that I..."

"I take the challenge," you answer for him. "It was my idea to seek your help, it will be I that represents the coven." You try to hold the alpha's gaze, but worry your fear may give you away, so instead you turn to the crowd and spot your sister, watching you from the back. She frowns slightly, but gives you a nod before shifting into a supportive smile.

"You are Gianette's blood?" the alpha asks, his gaze following yours. "I can see the resemblance. This shall be an interesting fight."

For a moment you worry that Gianette will be called to fight you, but instead, the alpha whips around and calls out to a shaggy haired youth.

"Daniel may not have muscle on him, but he's a fine scout. He'll pose a fair fight." The pack starts to form a ring again as Daniel comes forward. The coven slowly falls into line, their wary eyes boring into your back as your hands grow slick with sweat. Then the alpha approaches you.

"All right, choose one weapon. Leave the rest with me."

You look around you, uncertain if someone will hand you a weapon or if you really have to procure one yourself. When no one comes forward, you survey what you have on you. You have the silver pin you bought earlier in the day with Ailisa as well as the cord you took from the cellar to use as a belt. Of course, there's the pistol Ferris gave you, but are you really ready to use it?

What do you choose?

- Silver Pin: ch 11

- Cord: ch 12

- Pistol: ch 13

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