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Confident in your decision, you step away from the hall and turn to Ell.

"I need to get back to the wolves. I have to warn them." You then take a breath and stiffen your resolve. "After that you can do with me as you wish."

"I knew I made the right choice bestowing you with my mask. You don't see tenacity like that very often at these balls."

You blush, but you don't have time to wallow in your embarrassment.

Ell takes your hand and you walk as quickly as you can without gaining notice from the others. Along the way Ell pulls a drone aside, telling him to ready the carriage immediately. You then slip out the doors with no one assuming you two are anything other than a vamp whisking away her new prize for a night of pleasure.

Once outside you find the street quiet, but a dark figure darts out from a nearby alley and a creature once on four legs shifts and transforms before your eyes to a human that you recognize as your sister.

"What is going on, Micah?" She stands bare before you, her lithe frame shivering in the brisk night air. You cast a sideways glance at Ell, but she keeps her distance and looks out to the forest.

"Something didn't seem right with Velt," you answer, your words flying off your tongue, faster than your lips can release them. "I followed him and...and he betrayed the pack, Gianette. He's in there right now telling the vampires where you'll be. You must leave now!"

"What?" she growls, but a flurry activity in the alley reveals the rest of the pack. They funnel out into the street, turning tail and racing back towards the woods. The largest wolf, a dark muscular beast, stands in the road, watching his pack escape. When he's certain all of them have headed towards safety, he barks at Gianette, who appears deaf to his calls.

"How can I believe you when you come out here with a vampire in tow and a mask upon your face?" She barks the words and you see her hair rising and thickening along her arms. Your hands reach up and trace the edge of the mask you'd forgotten had been placed there. Already it feels comfortable and right.

You swallow hard as the alpha wolf gives one last bark at Gianette before determining his priorities to his pack over one lone wolf. He bolts down the street while your sister transforms back into a lithe blonde beast with snarling lips and sharp teeth.

"If you can get her back into a human, I can throw a glamor on her," says Ell. "I can put her to sleep and I'll see both of you out of here, but you must hurry. I will not stand between the duke and her should he finds us. We are leaving with or without her."

Your sister hesitates, she growls and snaps her jaw, but she can't quite attack you. You know she's still in there. You know she still struggles with what she believes has been your betrayal. You just need to knock some sense into her. You take stock of what you have and see if there's anything that may aid you in shocking Gianette from her wolf form. You have the silver pin you bought with Ailisa, the water skin you took from home, and the butter knife you swiped from the party. Will any of these work?

- Silver Pin: ch 214

- Water Skin: ch 215

- Butter Knife: ch 216

*** Please note this story is in progress and options may or may not be available at this time. ***

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