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"I can't believe you finally got your invites.  Time just flies in this town."

Ms. Gretchen leans over the counter, watching as you and Ailisa browse the various trinkets in her antique store.  It's hard to judge age in a town where the majority of the population is under thirty, but you suspect Ms. Gretchen has seen at least three generations attend the annual Harvest Ball.

"What about you, Ms. Gretchen?  Surely they've asked you to be part of the herd."  Ailisa glances over at the elderly shopkeep, while she twists and turns in front of a dusty mirror, assessing how a bejeweled necklace catches the light upon her chest.

"They've offered, but there's no one to take the shop yet."  Ms. Gretchen sighs and glances out the window. Many of the younger members of town are hurrying home to get dressed for their big night at the ball while older folks watch on with a yearning look in their eye.  "Word is Danica is on her last child and won't be a breeder come the spring.  She loves this town too much to go to the herd right away, so I'm hoping she'll take the store from me and I can finally move on."

"Micah, I think I'm going to go with this," states Ailisa with a start, finally catching that necessary glimmer from a rather large chunk of red quartz dangling from a golden chain.  "It will match my dress perfectly!"

Ailisa follows the theory that the more red the better when it comes to catching a vampire's eye.  She spent the entirety of her working years out in the field during the day and then wiping down tables at the tavern at night, so she could afford the lushest red gown the dress shop had to offer.  It was worth every penny as far as Ailisa is concerned, and you have to admit, the way it hugged her curves and cascaded over her hips, it certainly looked like she'd been doused in a vat of blood.

"It will be just the right accent, Ailisa.  You're sure to catch the finest vamp at the ball."  You give her a smile before returning to the few things you were still sorting through to add to your own outfit.  You hadn't been quite as ardent as Ailisa when it came to raising funds for the ball.  You did your required shift at the farm and then worked at the grocer for a bit of side money.  It afforded you a fine purple costume of lace and satin, but it didn't sport the lusty red that Ailisa's exuded.  She isn't the only one who believes heavily in that color theory and the prices at the stores around town show it.

"Well, it better land me someone," she groans.  "I'm done with this town.  I'm tired of reading letters from my siblings about all the grand places they've been and all the wondrous people they've met.  This town is just a stop on my way to life and I'm not missing the next train out of here."

"I don't know, part of me will miss this town once I leave," says Ms. Gretchen as she rings up Ailisa's necklace.

"No, you won't," replies Ailisa with a smile.  "You won't miss anything once you're a drone."

"Yes, I suppose so," says the shopkeeper with a little laugh that doesn't reach her eyes.  "I suppose it will be a very quick goodbye."

"They always are," answers your friend.

After the necklace is paid for, Ms. Gretchen looks over to your corner of the room.  "Have you found anything yet, dear?"

"You really should pick something," added Ailisa.  "You'll need time to get dressed before the ball."

What you really hear is that she wants to get home so she can finish preparing.

"Yes, sorry," you say, grabbing a delicate silver pin, encrusted with beads.  "I'll take this."

You walk over to the counter and hand it to Ms. Gretchen, who is quick to wrap up your purchase.

"I guess this is the final goodbye then.  I know the both of you will not be returning from the ball.  You two are some of the prime picks of your generation."  Ms. Gretchen sighs with longing before Ailisa grabs the old woman's hand.

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