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You pull your water skin from your satchel and uncork it before casting your spell. The water flows out of the skin, swirling in the air as if weightless. The stream slithers forward over the heads of the coven before swelling in size and engulfing the drones funneling through the door. The globe of water encapsulates them, hanging them in the air for all to see. The drones flail and writhe, but seem unable to force their way out of the bubble.

With the vampire's servants incapacitated and the lounge already beyond reasonable occupancy, Duke Gagnier has little space to navigate into the room and measure a proper assault against the coven. Fortunately for Ferris, the coven doesn't need room to work their magic. As the duke knocks over furniture and stumbles past the treacherous water, Ferris leads a shorter version of his previous chant.

In a fraction of the time it took to set the whole hall of vampires ablaze, the coven is able to call forth an enchanted flame that burns the duke from within and turns him into a screeching pile of ash before he can even get within arm's reach of the coven.

"All right everyone," says Ferris to the giddy coven, eager to celebrate, "now we must release the drones or else we won't live to see the fruit of our victory." The mages' faces drop and they cast sideways glances towards the floating drones. These servants don't die with their vampire. If their master is killed, it is encoded in their curse to mercilessly slay their master's murderer. When the killer's final breath is stolen, that's when a drone can finally know peace.

You, however, weren't party to the vampires' demise and have no particular concern for your safety at this point. Trusting Ferris and the coven to do what they need to do, you sidestep past the drones that seem more dedicated to escaping the bubble now that their new prerogative has set in. You then head out the door, and, once free of the lounge, you race down the corridor towards the great hall. There humans stare dumbstruck at the piles of ash at their feet, while others gather round the great hall doors, captivated by something transpiring outside.

You have little doubt that your sister managed to extract some vamps from the hall before the spell exacted its vengeance. You sprint through the ballroom, ignoring a few calls from your confused friends, curious if you know what is happening. Instead, you push your way through the huddled bodies and thrust yourself back out into the chill autumn night. Winded and sore from the strain of the evening, you almost stumble down the steps in your urgency to meet the wolves standing bloodied and triumphant in the middle of the street.

You pause before a blonde wolf, whose golden fur reminds you of your sister's hair. When the wolf looks up into your eyes, you know Gianette is staring back at you. Then, her body jitters and contorts, her legs bending at odd angles and her fur receding. In a matter of a couple minutes, the sister you've always known, stands before you naked to the night.

"You left ranks," she says, wrapping her arms around her chest, her hands rubbing her skin for warmth.

"I thought I could help by enlisting the witches of the town," you reply, with a slight frown.

"Some are a bit disappointed by the pathetic battle so few vampires offered," she says with a laugh. "But, the alpha knows better. He's thankful we lost no one tonight. And though you shouldn't have ignored his command, he still admires your tenacity and would welcome you to follow our pack and take the trial some day."

She looks at you with hopeful eyes and you give her a half smile in return.

"I'm not sure I want to be a wolf," you answer. "But, I'm not sure I want to stay here either. I have the freedom to make that decision now, though. Maybe the pack can still stick around. Do you have to travel? I think the town could be good for the wolves, just as you could be good for the town."

Gianette looks over her shoulder to the largest wolf of the pack, before nodding and returning to face you.

"It's something we must discuss as a pack, but every wolf yearns for a home." With that she transforms back into her wolf form and the pack turns tail, racing down the street and into the woods.

Shortly after that night, you learn that the pack has decided to remain in the forest surrounding the town. They help serve as guardians, preventing any vampires from reclaiming the duke's lost farm. As for Ferris, he builds up the town and his coven, providing a life of freedom to those that live there. It's a freedom you've never known before and it makes every morning an exciting adventure with wonder and opportunity awaiting you.


Congratulations, you found the successful ending for this branch of the story! Why not go back and see what happens when you don't pick the right item...

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