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"Ferris this isn't what the town wants," you say with a firm tone accented by your balled fists. "Why do you think your coven is so small? The people here want to live by a vampire's side. There's promise of something greater than this town, a world of opportunity and surprise."

You wonder what new life you'll have if Ell chooses you. Maybe they live in an old castle in the mountains, sitting just on the edge of cliff overlooking a lush valley. Maybe you'll spend your nights aboard a fine yacht with a glass of sparkling blood in hand as the moon lights the subtle waves. Maybe you'll travel from town to town, enjoying luxurious resorts and experiencing a vast array of cultures. You don't know what to expect with Ell, but you know exactly what to expect with Ferris. Farming and quiet.

"Is it opportunity if the vamps force you into it?" asks Ferris with a pleading shake of his head.

"If it isn't what you want, leave the town. Others have before. They don't care if there's a handful less mouths to feed if it means there isn't unrest."

"The town needs to see. They need to know what life could be." Ferris tries to stick his hands through the grates in order to sell his point and beg your cooperation, but only his fingers make it through.

"No, Ferris, you're alone in this. So you should probably leave now."


"Help!" you yell, turning towards the door. "I think someone is trying to sneak in!" You turn back around to see Ferris give you one last disappointed look before chasing after the others who may have long since fled when it was obvious you wouldn't be joining them. Just as you see the hem of Ferris's robe disappear from view, Ell and a pack of drones burst through the door. Ell looks right to the fireplace grate, as if they already knew where the intruder may be coming from. As they inspect the ground, you take notice of what's in their hand. It's a mask matching theirs. A counterpart meant to designate a claim over a human, guaranteeing that human a life as a feeder and maybe one day, a vampire in their own right.

"They seem to have fled," says Ell, though they don't sound too disturbed by it. They smile at you, a look of smug pride on their face as you stand with complete confidence over your decision. They then turn to the drones. "Go back to your posts, I doubt the rats will be returning." The drones leave without a word.

"Well," continues Ell, who faces you again, "this I had not expected. Quite a thrill."

"I'm only glad I could save you the trouble of having to deal with a disturbance on this magnificent night." You give them a courtly smile, but you fail to keep your eyes from traveling back down to the hand holding the elegant mask.

"This," they say, raising up the object of interest, "is my mask. I would be most gracious if you'd agree to wear it."

You want to jump and shout "yes" at the top of your lungs, but you know that until that mask is on your face, the contract is not sealed and you wish to give them no reason to retract the offer.

"I'd be happy to accept," you say with a slight bow, which hides the blush of excitement on your cheeks.

"You do know what this contract means?" they ask, though they hand you the mask before waiting for an answer. "You shall accompany me home and become a prized feeder in my court. It does not guarantee immortality."

"I understand," you say as you slip on the mask.

"Excellent." They smile and then offer their arm. "Shall I go show you off now?"

"Absolutely!" You brim with excitement and your enthusiasm is well received in the bright, warm smile of your vampire.

The two of you walk out to the hall arm-in-arm and find a horde of vamps and humans waiting to hear word of what happened. The drones in the room belonged to Ell and are thus incapable of following anyone else's orders. Which meant they could not be provoked into sharing the gossip about the shout for help in the lounge. However, now that the two of you are out in the ballroom, Ell is happy to extoll the bravery and loyalty of his claim, Micah Dupree. He proclaims that the "rats" have scurried and that everyone should return back to the ball.

The Vampire's HarvestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ