Ch. 16: Puppet

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Puppet- Tyler the Creator

"My vehicle drive to your city 'cause we live an hour apart. Land at your driveway and put it in park [...] I want your company, I need your company. I want you to want for me, I can't maneuver. Without you next to me. It's so complex to me. What do you need? Do you need bread? Do you need this? Do you need a hug? Do you need to be alone? I could wrap this up and get the fuck away instead. What is your wish? It can be granted. You're number one, one on my list. To you I'm Santa, Where is Rudolph? You're parasitic. I do not have self control. I am startin' to wonder. Is this my free will or yours? I'm your puppet. You control me."


Jake P.O.V.

It's going to 5 pm in a few minutes, the sun beginning to fade into the clouds. It's summertime, so it won't get dark till 8. Dawn dozes off every other hour, and I sneakily allow myself to linger over her stature. I use to always stare at her when I couldn't sleep. Which to some may be creepy, but it's either that or stare at the ceiling. At least she was pretty. I would envy her, most of the time. She was blissful, and she slept comfortably most of the time. Even on the worst days, she still found peace between the sheets.

"Are we there yet?" Dawn groans, her eyes still closed, wrestling in her slumber.

"Five minutes, baby." She opens her eyes, and I begin to sweat, "I meant it as big baby, cry baby, not in uh, babe kind of way.

She hums out. Get your shit together, Dennings.

"The neighborhood doesn't look too bad," I say, trying to change the conversation. It's is an understatement. This part of town looks beautiful, kids roaming around on the sidewalks, parents at a distance with a watchful eye—the sun setting in the open sky. My streets were clustered in smog, met with dirty looks, only stragglers trying to make a quick buck for weed or whatever was easiest to acquire.

Shit, I would even say it was nicer than Dawn's neighborhood. Maybe it was because I knew the baggage behind the houses, but there was always something off about those streets. It was a heavily populated area, yet not one soul would stroll those streets.

"Looks better than mine," she says, voicing my thoughts. It's like she can read my mind.

Once I turn the next street, there's a dramatic difference in appearance. No one walks, there's not a speck in sight. "Spoke too soon," the trees in front of the apartment buildings stand side by side, looming over the black pavement that hasn't been retouched in years.

It's like any relationship. First, it's beautiful, laughter, and all that shit, but one wrong move, and you're in the gutter.

"I'm sure your building isn't so bad," Dawn's calm voice voids the silence.

"Sure, let's be optimistic. I didn't just find the guy on Craigslist or anything. I'll be surprised if he hasn't been to jail."

"You know there are good parts and bad parts of any city. Sadly you got the bad part."

"Don't worry about it; I'm used to getting the bad part," I roll my eyes. She stays quiet after, letting her head rest against the window. I just have to turn one more street, and it will be the third building on the right.

The trees begin to thin out, and the sun starts to peers inside the car. The trees grow scarce, and children's laughter picks up once more. "What?" I say in disbelief.

"See! I told you." She hits my arm playfully.

"Alright, alright. Let's see how this goes." We park across the street of the apartment building. I'm on the second floor. There are outdoor stairs, so with my trash bags and Dawn's helpful hands with the one box I ended up taking, we begin our trek. I've always lived on the first floor, this should be fun. Exciting even, but in reality, they're just stairs, more steps to my destination. More obstacles to overcome... why do I over-analyze every fucking thing? Fuck.

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