Ch. 28: Butterfly's Repose

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Butterfly's Repose- Zabawa

"You don't have to speak. Don't need to talk to me. Baby, I already know. The shadows in your head, they've got you down again. Got you feelin' low, but it's time to rest, now Let it all melt now. Wipe your tears. The sun's already set, now. Won't you go to sleep, now? I'll see you in your dreams. 'Cause I'm right here. Darlin', I'm right here. Close your pretty eyes, my butterfly. Baby, have no fear."

Dawn POV

I can't sleep. I toss and turn for hours, and I don't try to find sleep like I usually do. My mind is clouded with Isa and Dawson. Who is she, and how in the hell do I go about this? She has yet to accept the friend request. Ben, Lana, and I sat around on Lana's phone, waiting for any results. But no... she didn't accept, and we wasted our entire day. What would have happened if she accepted? I'm acting like I'm some FBI agent or James Bond. There's too much going on in my head. I swore off looking at my phone tonight. Blue light ruins the eyes and messes with your melatonin. This is what Ben said before I went to sleep, at least. But it calls my name. Steadily I turn my phone over—one missed message.


Are you awake?

It was sent a few hours ago. I doubt he's still awake, but still, I send back,


Within seconds the text bubbles appear, but he never finishes, leaving me alone with my thoughts. What's he doing? Instead of pondering, I turn my phone on the ringer in case he changes his mind once more. I turn on my side, hoping to search for slumber once more.

Five minutes roll by, and I receive a ring from my phone, except this is continuous and unlike a text message.

Before I can greet my caller, Jake answers, "outside." before hanging up the phone.

I try not to think how he got to my house so quickly. We're at least fifteen minutes away from each other, ten if you take out red lights and traffic. So how did he get here less than five?

And what does he expect us to do this late at night, or should I say early morning.

I don't allow myself to think much of it, considering my mind begins to fog as I descend downstairs towards the front door, careful not to wake Ben and Lana.

Low and behold, he's once again leaning against his car as he always does. He could stay in the driver's seat; it's much warmer than the crackling air, but it's a routine Jake follows whenever he picks me up. I walk to him solemnly, dragging my feet doing so. My worn-out white converse trip over the curb and he holds a breath, or it's possibly a laugh; I can't tell nor care at this late of the hour.

Before I notice what's happening, I trip on a rock that's right in front of me, and I nearly tumble, but Lauren catches my arm to steady me.

"Dawn, are you okay?" Lauren says in between giggles.

I hear laughter across the way, and my glare finds the noise coming from Jake. He's near the front of the parking lot, and his smile doesn't falter his lips when he sees me staring. He proceeds to go on his phone.

Hello to you too.

My eyes blink rushingly, every small thing will remind me of him, and it's sickening to feel this way. Such a small fragment of memory, and such a naive girl thinking of a boy who wore sunglasses because I thought he was a douchbag. Little did I know, he wasn't a douchbag. He was an asshole who wore sunglasses because of trauma. Who I loved. I still love him; there's no denying that.

"Are you still mad at me?" He quietly asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

"No," I say quietly. My voice is still groggy from not speaking for a few hours. 

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