Ch. 34: Freaking Out the Neighborhood

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Freaking Out the Neighborhood- Mac DeMarco

"And I know it's no fun, when your first son gets up to no good. Starts freaking out the neighborhood. Really, I'm fine. Never been better, got no job on the line. Sincerely, don't worry. Same old boy that you hoped you would find."


Dawn POV

"So either we go to Jeff's house or go talk to Terry. It's early next morning. Belly filled with pasta made by me, but also from the sudden bloating by my now forced period of Plan B. Reckless, simply so, but we both need a release in tension one way or another, and it so happend to slip our minds... when we released. I should be stern, but I don't have the energy to be mad at myself. "I texted Alice; she says they are still cooped up in the air b n b for one more night," I continue.

"I want to look at them, the letters," he states plainly at the wall, letting the sound of the tv to play background to fill his void.

"Perhaps we can look at them after speaking, or maybe Terry has them on him; he must have been sitting on them for god knows how long."

"Dawn, if what Terry says is true, my father is still alive, and a stranger died in his place. I buried my dad in late June of the year 2014. I'm not ready to just open my arms to what I thought was my Uncle, but now suddenly could be my father. How fucked up is that." I rub at his arm, trying to soothe any stress he is enduring, but it's impossible now. I promised him no pressure yesterday, but now it can't be overlooked; this is the reality of our lives. Our fucked up life.

"Jeff or Terry?"

"My mind says Jeff, but my heart says Terry because I'm impatient."

"Either way, it'll explode."

"Terry it is then," he says without hesitation.

Jake POV

Not much is going through my thoughts at the moment. I'm moving on autopilot as I take my strides in motions-- I cannot question every single moment with my Uncle, or I will surely combust. Perhaps this is why he has given me more attention than Terry. I thought it was because I was the youngest. I needed a more paternal figure than my dysfunctional brother. I still can't wrap my head to the idea of him being my father... is this why my middle name is Alexander, just like his?

I told myself I wouldn't overthink, but I have to be busy one way or another. Dawn was adamant about driving, but I wish she wouldn't. I must busy my mind or my hands. I take out my phone, scrolling through aimless video game apps I haven't touched since middle school. Pathetic I was, filling my life with meaningless games because I am afraid to live a carefree life. But I envy the little sucker. The kid that played fucking doodle jump with their best friend after school, waiting for what I thought was my father to pick me up from school. Then he died... along with my mother.

My best friend became my girlfriend, and then I thought she cheated on me, well she did, considering she kissed him first, but it wasn't the truth entirely. She was violated, and instead of demanding the truth, I named her a whore.

"Were here," Dawn snaps me out of my spell; the flick of her finger at my knee causes a slight jump. She furrows her brows but motions me to follow her out of the car.

Don't punch him in the face. Don't punch him in the face. Whatever you do, do not kill him as to where he stands.

The house isn't much, standing behind wooden plakes as a sad excuse for a fence. Dawn holds my hand, trying to slow my strides, but instead, her feet drag and trip as I get up the steps of the doorway, "Jake, remember to breathe," Dawn stammers.

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