37 - heartbroken chaos

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Third Person POV

"One I'm unsure that he will awake from."

Renee's green eyes glazed over with tears as she rubbed them anxiously. She kept her gaze on the floor, knowing that once she caught a glimpse of the expressions on her friends' faces, the tears would inevitably fall.

Her airways felt as though they were being constricted as she sucked in shallow breaths, unable to focus on what was going on around her any longer. The sound of the conversation taking place was unintelligible to her as she felt herself delving into a never-ending dark hole of heartbreak and anxiety.

The multitude of things she was feeling clashed with one another, creating a confused and saddened numbness that began to overtake her.

Savannah carefully placed her hand on Renee's shoulder, hoping to get her attention as she'd noticed her dazed and panicked state. Renee flinched at the sudden form of physical contact, trembling as she attempted to keep her tears at bay.

Savannah's hand gently caressed her shoulder as Renee started to come out of her anxiety-induced trance.

A few tears escaped from Renee's eyes as she looked up, quickly wiping them away with her fingertips. She turned her head slightly and made eye contact with Savannah, who offered a weak smile.

Jay and Savannah's intertwined hands lay on the armrest of Jay's seat, his knuckles almost white from how tightly he was gripping her hand. He had his eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly as he listened to the doctor speak.

"You guys should be able to visit him within the hour," Doctor Monte spoke calmly, looking at his wrist to check the time on his watch.

This statement got Renee's attention almost instantaneously, bringing her jumbled thoughts back to the conversation.

"Thank y-you." Renee replied quietly, her small voice cracking as she spoke.

Renee still struggled to focus, her mind and emotions on autopilot as Savannah and Jay finished speaking with the doctor, before they all rose from their seats and exited the office.

The three walked down the hallway in silence. No words were exchanged; there was nothing left to say. A dull ache began to form in Renee's head as she drearily walked, using the little mental and physical energy she had left. She felt shaky and drained, anxiety practically flowing through her veins without showing signs of stopping any time soon.

Renee found herself mentally cursing the universe for doing this to her, for having its course of action lead to hurting the person she loved so immensely.

She pushed these thoughts away as quickly as they had come, feeling selfish and entirely incorrect. Renee knew that she wasn't the only one feeling such pain right now, and it was self-centered of her to believe that she possibly was.

Jay and Savannah were in this with her, although Savannah wasn't as close with Maddox as Renee and Jay were. This situation was taking a major toll on everyone else, as well.

Jay breaking down as they hugged when Renee first arrived at the hospital truly proved just how real everything was. That singular moment proved how they were in this together, how they both needed Maddox to make it through.

Tears formed in Renee's eyes as the trio reached the waiting room once again, their home base for the time being. Jay sat down, sniffling and rubbing his forehead with fervor.

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