20 - special

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Renee POV

"You're not going to kill them, are you?"

My voice audibly shook as I asked my question. I couldn't leave Maddox to visit these men, knowing that their blood would be on my hands. If they were killed, they would be killed for me. I don't want any connection in someone's death, no matter how wrongly they treated me. I looked into Maddox's steel-gray eyes, seeing them immediately soften.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently. Maddox looked at Damien who had asked him what he would do, and back to me. He softly shook his head.

"Not if you don't want me to, love."

"I don't! Please don't kill them, Maddox."

      My answer slipped quickly through my lips out of panic. My body was trembling at the thought of the men being killed in my honor, almost. Maddox pulled me into a hug, and I placed my head in the crook of his neck. His voice was quiet and peaceful when he spoke, trying to calm me down.

"Hey, it's okay. I won't kill them, you're alright."

      Over my shoulder, Maddox lifted his head and I turned slightly, resting my head on his chest. Michael, Damien, and Sal were standing awkwardly against the wall. Maddox nodded his head at them, signaling that they could leave the room. They turned and exited, making their way to the kitchen, I assumed. Maddox continued to hug me, calming me down.

Pulling away just enough so that he could see my face, Maddox looked at me. He took a strand of hair in my face and tucked it behind my ear, kissing me on the cheek. I gave him a small smile, feeling much more at ease.

"I won't hurt them. But I swear to god, Renee. If they try to hurt you again..."

"Thank you. They won't, I'll be fine."

"I'll make sure to scare the shit out of them before they step foot out of this house."

"You being scary is still hard to believe. You're such a warm teddy bear."

I gently pinched his cheek, and Maddox chuckled.

"This is the side of me only you get to see. It won't change."

"I guess I should feel special, hm?"

"You're more than special, princess. I can't put it into words."

I blushed at his statement, mentally cursing myself. Maddox smiled and reached down, holding both my hands in his. He gently kissed my lips and rubbed his nose against mine, making me giggle.

"I have to go home, Maddox."

"No, you don't have to,"

Maddox kissed my nose and again pulled me into a tight hug. As much as I enjoyed being close to him, I really had to get home. It's been days since I've seen Savannah, and I had work tomorrow. I slowly pulled away, not liking the loss of warmth when I did. Maddox pouted. It was so funny to see such a large and apparently terrifying man pout like a little boy. I laughed and playfully shoved his shoulder.

"I have work tomorrow. Can you drive me home?"

"If I must," Maddox teased, still sulking about me leaving him. He grabbed his keys and opened the front door for me, and I stepped out of the house.

"What a gentleman you are, Knight."

"You have no clue, Miss Woods."

Maddox paused for a second, seemingly deep in thought.

"Knight sounds much better. Renee Knight, Mrs.Knight." He commented, leaving me in awe as he began walking to the car.

      It was as if he didn't just drop a bomb and walk away; as if him saying that was the most normal thing. That was quite a daring statement he just made, but it didn't bother me for some reason. My name followed by the surname Knight sounded right rolling off his tongue.

I could get used to that, I thought to myself.

I walked to the car where as per usual, Maddox opened the door for me. It was the small things he did that made me happy. His gestures were so simple, yet they made me feel so cared for. I've never felt this way. It almost scared me, but it was exciting more than anything. I could live with this feeling for the rest of my life.

Maddox started the car and we drove away, his free hand resting on my knee. He hummed along to the music playing on the radio, tapping his fingers on my knee. I leaned back into my seat, looking out the window. It was overcast, the sun trying to make its way through the clouds. I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. I inhaled and turned to Maddox, who was zoned out while driving.

He looked just as happy as I felt, if not more. His dark hair was slightly messy, yet still looked perfect. I observed his tattoos, wanting nothing more than to run my fingers along the intricate lines. His biceps were hidden by his gray t shirt, but I could still see the outline of them. His muscles visibly tensed beneath the material of the shirt as he drove. The sight of him on it's own was enough to make me feel content; at home.

I barely even noticed when we pulled up to my house. The car slowed down and Maddox parked, removing his hand from my knee. I turned to him to see him smile fully, his bright white teeth showing. He took his pointer finger and pressed it on my nose, making me scrunch my nose up. He chuckled, walking over to my side of the car and opening the door so I could get out.

We held hands as we walked up to my house, to see the door already open. Savannah was in the doorway, almost standing on her tippy toes. I laughed to myself and squeezed Maddox's hand gently. Once we reached the entrance, Savannah perked up.

"Hey! How are you guys?"

"I'm good, Sav."

"I'm doing quite well, you?" Maddox asked, still holding my hand in his.

"Better now that you brought my roommate home. Geez, you can't have her to yourself all the time."

"Hey, we'll share!" Maddox exclaimed, his body leaning into mine.

"You have to get better at sharing."Savannah rolled her eyes.

"Mhm," Maddox hummed as he turned to me.

I expected him to say goodbye to me and kiss me on the cheek or something. I was shocked when he suddenly kissed me on the lips. He kissed me deeply, leaving my breathing uneven. Maddox moved his mouth over to my ear, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin. I had to refrain from shivering at the close contact.

"Call me later, princess." He whispered huskily.

I nodded, unable to correctly form sentences at the moment. Maddox backed away and winked at me, before waving at Savannah and walking back to his car.

Oh my god. Savannah.

She's been here this whole time.

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