3 - uncertainty

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Third Person POV

Maddox entered the dining room, where Marie was washing dishes and Jay was still sitting quietly at the table. His glass of whiskey that was practically filled to the rim just moments ago was now only half full, sitting on the tabletop next to the stack of documents he was writing on every few seconds. Marie hummed to herself as she washed the dishes, the only sound filling the room.

Maddox stood there for an instant, before deciding that Jay's glass of whiskey was calling his name.

He sat down at the table next to Jay, who was seemingly deep in thought as he continued to write with determination. Maddox slowly moved his hand closer to the glass, before placing his fingers on its rim and carefully sliding it towards himself. The glass of whiskey barely made any sound as it glided on the marble tabletop.

Smirking in victory, Maddox lifted the glass to his lips and downed its contents in one gulp. He placed the glass down on the table again with a loud clink sound. This caught Jay's attention and he looked up at Maddox passively before continuing on with what he was doing.

Jay's face contorted for a second while he looked down, his forehead scrunching up as if he was having an epiphany of some sort. He slowly lifted his head once more, finally noticing the empty glass sitting in front of Maddox.

"Hey, asshole. I was drinking that!" Jay snapped, leaning over and exaggeratedly grabbing the glass.

"And? I was thirsty," Maddox responded sarcastically, a smug look on his face.

"Clearly you're thirsty, with that girl you brought home tonight." Jay laughed, getting up from his seat to refill his glass.

Maddox glared at him irritatedly, and Marie turned off the running water she was washing the dishes with before spinning around to watch the two men talk.

"Oh shit, my fault...your girl, rather." Jay grinned, pouring whiskey into his glass as he leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Fuck off, Jay." Maddox rolled his eyes at him.

"Before you attack me, you can at least explain yourself, dumbass." Jay replied, sitting back down next to him.

Marie started to put dishes away in the cabinets, continuing to listen in as she did so.

"I saw her on 12th street after getting rid of that bastard who didn't fulfill his end of the bargain. She was being attacked by two men, and I couldn't just stand by and do nothing." Maddox sighed, running his hand over his face.

"There's just something about her..." Maddox trailed off at the end of his sentence.

"Damn, does this mean you seriously have... feelings?" Jay feigned surprise, chuckling to himself.

"Very funny, asshole."

"Watch yourself. God forbid someone finds out that you actually have a heart." Jay teased.

Jay smiled at Maddox smugly and sipped on his whiskey, scribbling things down in black ink on the paper in front of him.

Marie walked over to the table and sat down at the opposite end, twisting the cap off of a bottle of water. She had a small smile on her face as she sat quietly for a moment.

"She's beautiful, Maddox."

"She is, isn't she?" Maddox asked, to which Marie nodded in agreement.

"Aw, how cute! The Maddox Knight has a little crush." Jay said mockingly, making his voice significantly higher pitched and batting his eyelashes.

"You hear something, Marie?" Maddox cupped his hand by his ear as if trying to hear something from a distance, looking around the room derisively. Marie laughed and shrugged her shoulders before taking a sip of her water.

"Yeah, I didn't hear anything either." Maddox joked, completely ignoring Jay.

"Fuckin' prick," Jay muttered under his breath, causing Maddox to chuckle.

"It's just...she probably won't even want anything to do with me once she finds out who I am." Maddox continued, sighing.

"You deserve happiness, Maddox. When the right girl comes around, she'll stay." Marie comforted.

"All people know me as is a fucking monster. Don't get me wrong, when it comes to what I do, it's best that way." Maddox stated flatly.

"But, especially in times like these, it just ruins everything positive for me."

Jay put his pen down, patting Maddox on the shoulder.

"Damn, why are you being such a little bitch about this?" Jay exclaimed.

Maddox watched as Marie made eye contact with Jay, raising her eyebrows warningly.

"What Jay means, is that you're being too pessimistic." Marie said calmly.

   Maddox knew that the only reason he was being so negative about the future is that he didn't want to get his hopes up. He had already developed a strong attraction towards this woman, without even knowing her name.

   In his head, he rationalized his negativity as simply being realistic. He couldn't allow something like this to lead to his downfall. Maddox knew that it would crush him one day if he lost someone important to him because of what he does for a living.

The mafia was his life. He's killed countless times without a single regret. Maddox was the leader of the Italian Mafia. He was known as ruthless, cold.

Only a select few people got to see the humane version of him: the kind, normal man behind the monster. The girl that he would one day decide to be with, would be one of these select few. He'd care for her, and love her with his entire being. He'd be soft and gentle for her, and her only.

The idea of this woman possibly being that girl for him was sudden and strangely, it made him feel uneasy. But if she was, he couldn't just let her slip through his fingers.

"You guys are right..." Maddox finally responded.

"Of course we are," Jay proclaimed. Marie smiled warmly at the two men.

"Just don't rush things, Maddox. This girl could be really good for you. Give your happiness a chance, yes?" Marie suggested.

"Thank you, Marie. I don't know what I'd do without you." Maddox smiled.

"What about me?" Jay asked, gasping.

"You too, I guess." Maddox smirked.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Marie rose from the table.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight, you two."

"Night," Maddox and Jay said in unison.

   They sat for a bit, going over the paperwork and documents that Jay had been working on for weapon shipments and new deals. By the time they finished up, it was 3 in the morning. Maddox yawned, stretching in his seat.

"Hey man, I'm gonna head home." Jay got up and put on his jacket, grabbing his keys.

"You sure you don't want to stay over? You were drinking," Maddox said.

"I'm sure, Knight. I drank a whiskey and a half, because of some asshole." Jay replied, running a hand through his hair. Maddox smiled tiredly.

"Good night... Let me know what happens with your girl." Jay winked at Maddox before waving and walking out of the house.

    Maddox went up to his room soon after Jay left. Putting on a pair of sweatpants and removing his shirt, he lie down in bed. He tried to gather his jumbled thoughts, ultimately failing miserably. Unable to completely clear his head of any thoughts, which was his second and only  other idea, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming about her piercing emerald green eyes.

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