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Maddox POV

   Carefully, I lifted the petite woman in my arms, regaining my balance as I stood up. She'd passed out suddenly as a result of the stress her body and mind had been under. I frowned as I looked down at her, unable to even imagine just how petrifying this must have been for her.

     Carrying her to my car, I was thankful for the empty streets because of how suspicious a large man carrying an unconscious woman would seem to passerby's. Opening the car door, I placed her in the passenger's seat and buckled her in. She looked peaceful, her features no longer drawn together with fear and uncertainty.

   Getting into the driver's seat, I started the car and began the drive home. Tapping the screen of the car's console, I scrolled until I found the contact I was searching for: Marie. Marie was a sweet older woman I'd known for as long as I could remember, as she worked as my family's housekeeper for years.

Once I assumed my position as leader the mafia and moved out, Marie continued to help me out whenever I needed her.

The dial tone sounds throughout the car and clicks when Marie picks up.


"Hey, I'm on my way home right now. Do you mind setting up the guest bedroom for me?"

"Sure, no problem,"

"Who's coming? A girl? If it is a girl, it better be serious, Maddox."

    Lately, Marie has been set on me finding the girl of my dreams, one that I could start a new chapter of my life with. However, I'd never searched for something as serious as what she hopes for. My past relationships hadn't really been "relationships", so to speak.

The "friends with benefits" relationship dynamic is as far as I've ever gone, and although I don't jump from girl to girl, I've never been the relationship type.

Chuckling, I replied vaguely, "Woah, slow your roll. I'll talk to you as soon as I get home. Thank you, Marie."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up, leaning back against my seat. I looked over at the girl beside me and sighed to myself.

How was I going to explain this?

   The sheer oddity of this situation would surely be enough to get me some strange looks when I got home. Bringing home an unconscious woman with no context certainly wasn't a regular occurrence.

I began my drive home, stuck in a daze. My thoughts were jumbled as I found myself consistently looking over at the passenger's seat, as if the woman beside me would just disappear into thin air.

Every time I looked over, though, I'd see her lying there calmly, completely still with the exception of her chest rising and falling with her breathing. Her plump pink lips were parted a bit, and a few strands of her dark brown hair framed her face.

My car rolls up to the entrance of my house, and I park in front. I walk over to the other side of the car and carefully unbuckle the woman's seatbelt, picking her up and holding her securely in my arms before closing the car door.

I plan on letting her rest tonight and talking to her in the morning. She's been through a ton this evening and needs all the rest she can get. I don't want to overwhelm her more by asking questions and trying to talk to her so soon, when she's still so shaken up.

   Walking through the front door, I see my second in command, Jay, sitting at the table, whiskey in hand. He was staring at a stack of documents in front of him, absentmindedly swirling the amber liquid around in the glass. I attempted to quietly close the door behind me, cursing under my breath when Jay looked up.

Not quiet enough, I guess.

He watched with furrowed brows as I began to walk towards the stairs with the woman in my arms.

Jay shoots me a confused look, and I quickly shush him before he can say anything, raising my eyebrows and widening my eyes exaggeratedly when we made eye contact. I carried her up the stairs and to the guest bedroom, where Marie seemed to have just finished setting up the bed. She fluffed the pillows, tucking the comforter in on either side of the bed, seemingly unaware of my presence.

   I stood there for a moment, allowing Marie to finish up with what she was doing. She turned around and jumped in surprise as soon as she saw me, taking a deep breath and placing her hand on her chest, closing her eyes for a second.

"You scared the hell out of me, sneaking up on me like that! I didn't even realize you were here." She whisper-shouted, making me let out a hushed laugh.

"Sorry, sorry."

   The older woman's blue eyes take in my appearance for a moment before traveling to the woman in my arms, and back to me, before she nodded contentedly. With a genuine smile on her face, she walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder.

"Thank you," I mouth to her.

As she leaves the room, I place the woman on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Her long, wavy brown hair sprawled out beneath her head on the silk pillow. Delicately, I brushed the strands of hair away from her face.

    I admire how beautiful she is for a second. Her facial features were completely relaxed, and at this closer proximity, I noticed the light dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks. I didn't want seem like a creep standing here and staring at her, so I look her over once more to make sure she's okay.

I then head downstairs, to face the many questions I'm sure I'll receive.

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