10 - only angel

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Renee POV

"You're incredible."
I couldn't keep the words from slipping past my lips, stunned by the man in front of me. I then slowly removed my hand from his face and looked down at my feet, fidgeting with the bottom of my dress.

   The date was something out of a movie. It was even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined, even in my wildest dreams. The colors of the sunset decorated the sky above us, pink cotton candy clouds adorning it. Fairy lights brightened the set-up of soft pillows and a small table laid out upon a blanket.

   Conversation flowed naturally between the two of us, as if we'd known each other for years. The comforting scent of fresh, homemade Italian food lingered in the air. The sun set quickly as we lost track of time, suddenly sitting in the dark beneath the moonlight.

I didn't want the evening to come to an end, but all good things do. At least, for this date, it was only a temporary pause until another rolled around.

Although my words were spoken in a soft whisper, I was sure that Maddox heard me. I looked up, his silver eyes meeting mine.

"No, you are." Maddox replied, the corners of his lips tugging up into a smile.

"I just got lucky enough to be able to take you out," He said with a shrug.

I melted at his words, feeling my face heat up as I began to blush, thankful the lighting was dim so he couldn't see how red I'd gotten.

   Maddox made me feel as if I was the only girl in the world. If he thought he was the lucky one, what was I? The universe had given me the chance to get to know someone who seems to be one of the best people I'd ever met.

   He treats me amazingly, and will go to any lengths to protect me, as he had already proven. I'm aware that I haven't known him for long, but he's already becoming the main focus of my attention. In a way, it's somewhat scary, but mainly exciting.

"Trust me, I'm the lucky one." I stated incredulously.

"Whatever you say," He chuckled, starting the car.

   He reached over, holding my hand in his free one, gently squeezing it. Taking a chance, I lifted our intertwined hands, leaving his on top of mine facing me. I then brought the back of his hand up to my lips, kissing it quickly, yet softly.

   I could've sworn I heard him let out a soft gasp beside me. The radio played quietly in the background as I sat contently, watching Maddox drive. His large hand gripped the steering wheel, slight veins prominent in the shadow of the moonlight. He continued to hold my hand, resting our hands in my lap.

"You know," Maddox began.

"This was the first date I've been on." He informed.

"Really?" I asked, shocked that a man as gorgeous as him hadn't  been on a date until now.

"Well, I can't say much because I've only been on one, which was kind of a wreck." I laughed, recalling senior year of high school when an attractive guy on the football team had asked me out.

   Throughout the entire dinner we spent together, he solely talked about himself, leaving me bored out of my mind. And to top it all off, he accidentally spilled his soda all over my pure white dress. To say my first date was a mess would be putting it kindly. It didn't matter to me anymore though, because my date with Maddox completely blew that one out out of the water.

"Yeah. I guess I've just never found the right person to get into a relationship with properly, you know? Then I met you." Maddox explains.

"I knew I couldn't let you go that easily."

I smiled, internally melting at his words.

"You didn't, though, and now you're stuck with me!" I teased, making him chuckle.

"And I'm beyond happy about that, angel."

The new nickname didn't go unnoticed by me, and I knew I was again blushing profusely. The drive continued in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company. Simply being next to Maddox made me feel happy and at ease. The car came to a stop in front of my house, and he insisted upon opening the car door for me.

As soon as we reached the front door, Maddox turned to face me.

"Can I have your number? Only if you want."

"I mean I just thought the date went well and maybe..." He rushed out, rambling nervously.

A wide smile spread across my face as he spoke. It was endearing to see how anxious he was about this.

"Of course you can," I replied, to which he smiled softly, letting out the breath he had been holding.

   Maddox collected himself, swiftly pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Assuming he would hand it to me so that I could put my number in his contacts, I placed my hand out to for him to give it to me.

Instead, he gently pushed me back a bit, brushing the stray hairs framing my face behind my ear. I giggled, slightly confused. He then lifted his phone and held it up, looking into it with concentration before taking a photo, the camera shutter clicking audibly. The flash illuminated the dark night around us.

"Beautiful..." Maddox whispered to himself, continuing to tap on his phone. I laughed as I watched him, curious yet flattered.

"You can put your number in now, love."

Maddox handed me the phone, my new contact on the screen. The picture of me brightly smiling he had just taken was in the upper left hand corner, the slot beneath it left blank for my number. After quickly typing in my phone number, I reexamined the contact once more.

My gaze traveling to the top of the contact, my eyes focused on the name he put into his phone for me.

"My Angel."

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