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{ Welcome! This is my first story that I've written and I hope you enjoy it. The point of view will switch between the two main characters, Maddox and Renee, and third person POV. These changes in POV will be indicated at the beginning of each chapter. }


Third Person POV

"Please! I'll get the money by the end of the week." The man's voice was strained as he begged, Maddox holding him up against the wall by his neck.

His rough hands latched around the man's neck tightly, a menacing look in his eyes that made the man feel paralyzed. The man's eyes were full of fear as his face began to lose some of its color.

"You know you fucking won't. And frankly, I don't have the time nor the energy to deal with you for even a second longer."

   Maddox let go of the man for a second, just before slamming him against the wall, leaving him gasping for air. Then, he raised his gun and shot him in the head with perfect aim. He phoned one of his men to come and clean up the mess, exhausted and done for the night.

Maddox brushed himself off and began to walk out of the alley into the darkness of night. He swiftly placed his gun back into the holster in the waistband of his jeans.

   The night was seemingly calm, warm with a slight breeze passing through his dark hair. Maddox made his way to his car, and was about to pull the door open when he heard agonizing screams.

A woman's screams.

He whipped his head around, trying to find the source of the sound. After a moment, he came to realize that they were coming from further down the street. Something was terribly wrong.

Maddox could see the moving shadows of a woman running with two dark figures trailing behind her in great pursuit. He contemplated just opening his car door and driving home.

This didn't involve him anyways.

However, everything about this situation was gnawing at his conscience, and he stood frozen for a moment. Without further thought, he began carefully following after them, keeping his pace level with theirs.

The woman was constantly screaming; Her loud sobs echoing in the dark and almost empty night. The sound of her struggle had more of an effect on him than he would've liked to admit.

He felt a pang of guilt in his chest for even thinking about ignoring what was happening right before his eyes.

Sure, he was an asshole, but not that big of an asshole.

Hearing this woman in such danger caused him to experience a form of internal pain- discomfort, almost, that washed over him in waves.

   He hid behind the cool brick wall as he watched the scene unfold. The woman was being pinned against the wall by both men, one on either side of her petite form. She squirmed and thrashed in their grip, her voice starting to become hoarse from screaming. One man held her wrists tightly as the other began to pull at the neckline of her shirt. The woman's sobs turned into sharp gasps, her body visibly trembling.

Maddox couldn't watch this happen any longer.

He ran out from behind the wall, standing closely behind the two men. He took a quick look at the woman, and could make out some of her expression through the darkness. She seemed fearful of what his presence entailed as her eyes widened, the small amount of light reflecting off them.

"Get the fuck off of her." Maddox's deep voice reverberated off the walls of the alleyway, piercing through the silence. 

   The men froze for a moment, before slowly turning around. They continued to hold onto the woman tightly, causing her to wince as she struggled against their restraints. The men both had shocked expressions on their faces, but still attempted to puff out their chests and look threatening.

"Did I fucking stutter? Get off of her, before I have to remove you myself." Maddox snarled, grinding his teeth.

   The men's strong demeanor deflated slightly as they let go of the woman, who cried out as she rubbed her wrists, trying to relieve the pain she'd felt from their tight grasp. She quietly cried in relief, sliding down the length of the damp brick wall until she was sitting on the black-top ground.

   The two men held their ground, though, standing in front of her and blocking the girl from Maddox's view. Maddox couldn't control himself any longer, ripping the two men away from the girl with all his strength. Punch after punch, he wasn't satisfied. If he kept this up to the extent his rage was pushing him, the men would be dead in minutes.

   One man had no means of fighting back, and with one final punch to his jaw, passed out. His body went limp and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. The other man began to run from the scene, but Maddox grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and whispered harshly in his ear:

"If you don't stay the fuck away from her and any other woman, I will find you and I promise you'll be dead in the blink of an eye."

Maddox let go of the man for a moment before shoving him roughly square in the chest, causing him to stumble backwards. He glared at the man for a moment before speaking again.

"Trust me, I never break my promises."

A look of terror flashed over the man's sunken features and he ran as fast as he could, not looking back once.

Maddox turned around to see the woman he had saved. In the pale moonlight, he could see her a bit more clearly. She looked up for a split second, catching a quick glance at him before she pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her forehead on her knees.

Maddox walked slowly towards the trembling woman and watched helplessly as she continued sobbing, whimpering every so often. The desire to comfort her was overpowering, yet he was unsure of how to do so.

He knelt down in front of her and she slowly looked up, her face glistening with tears. Her emerald green eyes met his as he surveyed her features. Her long black eyelashes were damp with tears, and she bit down on her plump pink lips as she cried quietly.

   The woman struggled to catch her breath, her hands trembling in her lap as she sat on the asphalt. Maddox became increasingly worried as she panicked and attempted to stand up, swaying back and forth on her feet. Before he could even take a step toward her, she had begun to faint.

Maddox quickly caught her before she hit the ground, holding her up in his arms.

"You're okay," He reassured, despite knowing she couldn't hear him.

"You're safe now."

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