12 - jealousy

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Third Person POV

     Several days passed since Maddox and Renee's picnic. They had been texting nonstop ever since, constantly seeking connection. It was difficult for the two to independently focus on their daily lives, only able to think about one another. Maddox spent most of his time attending various meetings and brokering deals for the Mafia.

     He was obviously distracted, but his men knew why. This girl was consuming his thoughts, making it hard for him to focus at times. Despite this, they didn't think any less of him. They all felt that Maddox deserved someone like Renee in his life. Although he was being drawn away from his duties at the moment, he was happy. No one had seen him like this, ever. Renee changed his entire demeanor for the best.

      Renee spent her time working shifts at the diner and spending time with Savannah. Maddox occupied her thoughts, always. She pushed on throughout the days, solely motivated by thinking about the next time she would see him. Just the thought of him relieved any stress she was feeling.

Maddox was already trying to figure out a way to see Renee as soon as possible.

     The diner was quiet, with just a few tables occupied. Renee cleaned the counters while Paul washed dishes.  They worked well together, and had become close friends over the past few months. Paul was outgoing and brutally honest. Once a thought formed in his head, he would share it immediately. His smile lit up every room he walked into, and he never failed to make Renee laugh during long shifts.

"So, how's your boy toy doing?" Paul asked.

"Please do not say that ever again." Renee deadpanned.

Paul just waited expectantly as Renee cringed at his choice of words.

She rolled her eyes, moving on. "He's good, I miss him already."

"Aw! I need to see a picture of him," Paul begged.

"Once I get a photo of him, you'll be the first to see it." Renee smiled, tossing the cleaning rag into the sink where Paul was washing dishes.

Paul wrung out the rag, shaking the water off his hands before moving onto the next dish to wash.

"The way you described him made him sound like a god. If he's anything less than smoking hot, I'll die."

"You'll just have to trust me for now..." Renee laughed, playfully punching Paul in the shoulder.

   The two swiftly finished cleaning, and Renee checked on the two occupied tables before sitting beside Paul at the counter. Rush hour typically didn't start up until around 5:00, and it was only 3:00. Since there was no task at hand at the moment, Renee and Paul were free to engage in light conversation. The bell above the door rang, signaling that someone had entered. Renee and Paul immediately looked up, ready to greet the newcomer and escort them to a table.

      However, this was no average customer who has walked in. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans, with a heavy black leather jacket. His dark brown hair was swept slightly to the side and his presence took up the whole room.

It was Maddox.

     Paul nudged Renee's side, shocked by the man in front of him. Maddox made his way up the counter and smiled at Renee. He then looked to Paul with an unsure glance. Paul turned towards Renee and whispered in her ear.

"You were right, he is hot. Have fun!"

     Paul immediately got up from his seat and walked into the kitchen, leaving Maddox and Renee alone. Maddox leaned over the countertop, cupping Renee's face in his hands. He kissed her on the forehead and pulled back for a second, looking into her alluring green eyes.

"Hi, sweet girl. How are you?"

"I'm good, I missed you." Renee smiled, her cheeks heating up under his gaze.

"I missed you," Maddox replied warmly.

       Renee tapped the seat next to her, inviting him to sit behind the counter with her. She opened the small divider and let him in. He sat on the seat beside her comfortably. Maddox took her hand in his, and placed their intertwined hands on the countertop.

"What have you been up to?"

"I've been working a lot, but having Paul here makes things easier."

"I'm happy to hear that," Maddox smiled.

"Can I ask who Paul is? You two seem... close." He visibly bit the inside of his cheek.

"Are you jealous?" Renee laughed, giving Maddox's hand a gentle squeeze.

Maddox's only form of response was a small smile and shrug of his shoulders.

    Renee found Maddox's slight jealousy to be endearing. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, leaving no room for doubt. Regardless, Maddox had no reason to be jealous, but he wasn't aware of that yet.

Paul was as straight as a circle.

"So... about Paul?" Maddox circled back to the topic at hand.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and Paul walked over to the couple, standing before them. He smiled kindly before holding his hand out to shake Maddox's.

"I'm Paul. Part-time waiter at this establishment, full-time gay." He emphasized the word with enthusiasm.

"It's nice to meet you!" Paul had to bite his lip to hold in his laughter.

      The look on Maddox's face was priceless. Renee smiled widely, doing everything she could to keep from bursting out in laughter. Paul's entrance was so perfect it could never be replicated. Maddox looked at him, surprised and embarrassed. He shook Paul's hand, nodding to himself. Renee couldn't keep herself from laughing any longer. She burst out in laughter, clutching her stomach. Paul began to laugh as well, stepping away from the two.

     After a minute of nonstop laughter, Renee was finally able to collect herself. Maddox chuckled, leaning his elbows onto the counter as he rubbed his forehead with his hand. Renee saw this and gently removed his hand from his face, kissing the back of his hand softly.

"Maddox, you've met Paul. Paul, this is Maddox."

"You know, Renee was right on the money when she said you were a literal Greek god."

"Shut up!"

     Maddox laughed, the melodic sound filling Renee's ears. Paul knew exactly what he was doing, and he was having enjoying himself. Renee made a mental note to give him a stern talking to later on. For now, she just gave Paul a shove on the shoulder, to which he chuckled.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Maddox! Take good care of my Renee." Paul winked at Renee as he walked over to the break room, leaving their sight.

     Renee then turned to face Maddox, who was gazing at her admiringly. He brushed a stray hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Maddox's hand rested on her cheek, his thumb rubbing it gently. Smiling, he gave her a knowing look.

"A Greek god, huh?"

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