5 - knight

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Third Person POV

As soon as Renee entered the kitchen she was in awe at the sight in front of her. The man who had saved her the previous night stood shirtless before her, his back turned to her as he stood by the stove. He was silently cooking, moving a spatula in the pan as he made scrambled eggs.

His dark brown hair was slightly messy, yet it still looked presentable. Light gray sweatpants hung low on his hips. Renee was shocked to find out that his back was also covered in tattoos, as far as the eye could see.

Even though he hadn't yet turned around, it was obvious that this man had the physique of a god.

The only sound that filled the room was the sizzling of the pan and scraping of the spatula. Renee stood for a minute in a daze, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. She was unsure of what to do, contemplating whether or not she should get his attention before sitting down.

She snapped out of her daze when suddenly, the man turned around and his eyes landed on her. His gray eyes met her wide green ones, as she parted her lips, mentally willing herself to speak. However, she couldn't seem to form words at that exact moment.

"Good morning, you sleep well?" His deep voice sent shivers down Renee's spine.

"H-hi." His question caught her off guard and she internally cursed herself for stuttering.

"I slept very well, thank you." She spoke politely, offering him a soft smile.

"Please, take a seat. Breakfast is ready."

   Renee walked over to the table and pulled the chair out a bit, cringing to herself when it scraped against the floor loudly. As she sat down, the man swiftly placed a large plate of warm bacon and eggs in front of her.

   The two sat for a moment, Renee beginning to eat her food shyly. His eyes on her made her feel flustered as she stared down at her plate, taking small bites of the scrambled eggs. Maddox, noticing her discomfort, finally broke the silence.

"What's your name, love?" He asked, running a hand through his hair self-consciously.

In his head, all Maddox could possibly think about was how pretty and put together she looked, while he looked a complete mess, with bed head that he hadn't yet brushed out.

"Renee," She looked up from her plate, making eye contact with him. After taking another bite of her meal, she continued speaking.

"What's yours?"

"Maddox, Maddox Knight."

Damn, even his name is hot... Renee's thoughts were distracting as she tried to focus on the current conversation.

Renee nodded timidly, collecting herself.

"It's nice to meet you, Maddox." The sound of his name rolling off the tip of her tongue sounded angelic and sweet, as if her tone of voice was dripping with honey.

Once he got over this, though, Maddox was shocked at Renee's lack of reaction when she was given his name. He was one of the biggest and most well-known mafia leaders in the world. Maddox was practically infamous for being ruthless and cold-hearted, never having a single regret.

He was someone you didn't wish to cross paths with, ever.

The sweet girl in front of him didn't know a thing about him beside the fact that he had saved her the previous evening. The more he thought about this, Maddox realized that could he live with that for now.

He didn't want to think about eventually having to tell her about who he was; the things he's done. Maddox felt selfish for a moment, for not telling her what she would be getting into if she became involved with him in any way.

However, he couldn't bring himself to tell her. The overall gist of the things he's done, even with no detail whatsoever, would scare her off. That was the last thing he wanted, especially this soon into them knowing each other.

"Thank you so much for last night." Renee spoke up. She didn't want to seem ungrateful, as she was anything but.

Renee's words pulled Maddox from his thoughts, the sound of her soft voice filling his ears like a melody. Renee looked at him, her green eyes swimming with tears and more emotions than she could handle at once.

She didn't dare to imagine what could have happened to her that night if Maddox hadn't been there. It only made her want to cry more, and she was doing everything she could to hold in her tears.

Maddox looked into her eyes, feeling his chest tighten uncomfortably at the sight of her tears. He struggled to push this feeling away, the unfamiliarity of it creating a strange feeling within him. Maddox was unsure of how to respond, what to do to keep the unshed tears from leaving her bright eyes.

All he knew was that he didn't want her to cry, he didn't want her to be upset.

Such beautiful eyes shouldn't shed tears,
He reasoned to himself.

A bit overwhelmed and unsure, Maddox started to speak before she would become more teary-eyed.

"There's nothing for you to do to repay me. I would do it over and over again if it meant that you were safe." He spoke gently.

Taking the risk, Maddox leaned on the table and softly placed his hand on Renee's cheek. Her green eyes followed his movements as he moved his hand towards her, but she showed no signs of backing away. He slowly swiped her thumb across her cheek, wiping away the stray tear that had rolled down it.

Renee felt her face heat up as she looked down at the table top.

"No more tears," Maddox said with finality.

Renee glanced up at him as he stood on his side of the table. He realized how stern his tone of voice was, cursing himself for it.

"Please?" He asked unsurely, furrowing his brows.

Renee laughed, smiling warmly at him.

"You'll never understand how grateful I am for you. If you need anything, and I mean anything, I'm here." She stared at him, the seriousness of her statement showing through her facial expression.

"You know what?" He asked suddenly.

"Now that I think about it... There is one thing you can do to repay me."

Renee gave him a curious look and nodded.

"And what's that?"

She truly felt that she owed her life to this man, and would do whatever she could to repay him for his kindness.

Within reason, of course.

Renee picked up a piece of bacon from her plate, taking a bite as she awaited his response.

"Go on a date with me."

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