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Renee POV

"That's my bracelet."

      I saw the silver diamond bracelet dangling in Jay's hand, and was immediately confused. I watched as Maddox and Jay led the men out of the house, and felt the empty space on my wrist that I hadn't noticed until now. How in the world is this possible? Maddox looked at me, visibly confused. The two men slowly turned around, both of them with the same shocked expression.

      As I began to put two and two together, I realized what was happening. I started to tremble and backed away from everyone. Maddox looked me directly in the eyes and I could see something click in his head. Jay and Marie were entirely lost, not understanding a thing that was happening.

      Suddenly, Maddox shook in anger. Jay walked over to me, standing protectively in front of me. He quickly placed the bracelet on my wrist, making sure it was secure. Seeing Maddox in this state was strange, as he was always calm and happy around me. Maddox pushed the two men back into the house, slamming the door shut behind them. It felt as if a tremor went through the whole house. The men stood against the wall, horrified.

"You fuckers. You tried to hurt my girl."

Both men cowered against the wall, not knowing what to do.

"You should've known you were in for hell."

Maddox punched the one man in the jaw, shoving him against the other. The other man almost whimpered as Maddox punched him as well. Both men fell to the floor, unable to defend themselves.

"I'll figure out what to do with you two very soon. Jay, take them and call our men."

"I can't have her unsafe,"

Maddox added under his breath. He was clearly fuming as Jay took both men somewhere else in the house. I had no clue where he was bringing them or what would happen. After all this, everything was beginning to sink in. Why were those men here? And who is Maddox calling over to the house? Why did they have my bracelet?

     Marie walked over to me and patted my shoulder. I gave her a questioning look, but all she did was nod and walk away, leaving me with Maddox. I wasn't scared of him, just confused. I didn't understand how all of this was related. Maddox stood at the entrance of the house, his head in his hands.

     After trying to collect himself and failing, he walked over to me slowly. It was as if he didn't want to scare me away. He looked into my eyes and I could see the different emotions swirling in his. Anger and frustration, yes, but also concern and care. I gave him a small smile, hoping to make him feel better.

     He gently pulled me into a hug, touching me very delicately, as if I was made of glass. Maddox rested his head in the crook of my neck, taking a deep breath. His chest was still heaving, his breath unsteady in anger. However, as he held me his breaths became more regulated. His large frame enveloped me in warmth as Maddox softly rubbed circles on my back.

     Once he fully calmed down, Maddox pulled away from me a bit. He looked at me and held my face in both of his hands. His thumbs rubbed my cheeks slowly.

"Are you okay, love? I'm sorry."

"I'm okay, Maddox. Everything is fine,"

I assured him, gently pulling his hands away from my face. I then leaned into his chest, only wanting to hold him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, slowly moving them up and down.

"All that matters to me is that you're okay. And I'm sure you have questions, and they'll all be answered."

"I do. Can I stay here tonight?"

"Of course, princess. It's getting late, how about we get ready for bed and we can talk."

    I nodded, and Maddox took my hand in his. He led me up the stairs and to his room. He kissed me on the forehead before I entered the bathroom to shower. I started the shower, making sure it was warm enough. I stepped in, taking the time to lather myself in Maddox's old spice body wash I love so much. The warm water cascaded off my skin as I rinsed off, and turned off the water.

I changed into one of Maddox's t shirts and a pair of shorts. His shirt was a dress on me, but I didn't mind. It was comfortable and smelled like him, and that was all I needed. I used a towel to dry my hair until it was somewhat dry, and combed through it gently. I then made my way back into Maddox's room.

Maddox was sitting on the bed, shirtless with a pair of black sweatpants. Next to him was a plate of cookies, immediately tempting to me. He motioned for me to come over to him with his finger, making me almost melt. I smiled and took a seat on the bed next to him, picking up a warm chocolate chip cookie. I brought it to my lips and took a bite, savoring the flavor.

Maddox watched me intently as I took a few more bites. I lowered the half-eaten cookie from my mouth and looked at him, wondering why he was so focused on me.

"You have a little something right there."

I felt Maddox place his thumb on the corner of my lip, rubbing it slightly.

"Still there. Let me try this,"

Maddox leaned in closer, placing his mouth on the corner of my lips. He gently kissed me there, taking the chocolate on my lip away with him. He pulled away a bit and smirked, seeing my flustered state.


He hummed before picking up a cookie for himself and beginning to eat it. We both ate a bit more before we turned to each other, knowing there were things to address. What happened wasn't driving me crazy, of course, but I did want to understand. I wanted him to explain everything to me.

"Alright love, I guess it's time for me to explain."

"I think so, Knight."

I teased, running a hand through my damp hair. Maddox paused for a second before simply coming out with what he had to say first.

"I'm the leader of the Italian Mafia."

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