33 - ace of spades

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Maddox POV

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I stood face to face with the man who grew up resenting me. His features were pulled into a grim smirk, and his eyes shone mischievously under the dim light. I heard my men behind me cock their guns, prepared to shoot if necessary.

"I guess I missed the joke then, brother." He looked around innocently at everyone around us, a deep chuckle resonating through the pure silence.

"Ace, what the fuck are you doing?" I snarled.

"Don't sound so happy to see me, Maddox. It's been far too long, hasn't it?" Ace walked over to me and I clenched my fists at my sides.

I took a step forward making sure he could hear me loud and clear.

"Trust me, this wasn't the fuckin' family reunion I was expecting. Looks like you've finally done something with your life, congratulations."

I ignored the menacing look Ace gave me as I continued to speak.

"What a shame, though, that this is what you decided to do with your life. Lead a gang of like... how many members? Ten?"

Ace's face contorted with anger, and I laughed to myself. He's always been easy to piss off, ever since we were kids.

"You better watch yourself, Maddox. I'm not fucking around," Ace proclaimed harshly, practically spitting the words in my face. His men still stood behind him, bored expressions painting their faces.

I laughed and exaggeratedly wiped his spit off my face, placing my hand on the gun secured in my waistband.

"I'd have no problem if you weren't sending out threats while you hid behind your guys like a pussy, Ace. I'm fucking done with you," I motioned toward the door, as my men obeyed my order and walked out.

"Cut the shit and stop with the threats before you find yourself six feet under. Last warning." I gritted out through my teeth.

I was truly irritated at this point. This conversation was over; Ace was all bark and no bite.

"You don't seem to understand how serious I am. You may be the almighty mafia leader, Maddox Knight, but we'll see how tough you are when karma bites you in the ass." He sneered.

"Why bother threatening me when I could simply have you killed in the blink of an eye? But, as the kind man I am, I didn't come here to start shooting the place up. I'll be going now," I began to walk out of the room, disgusted by the thought of speaking to this asshole any longer.

"My memory seems to be failing me," Ace called out as I continued walking away. He quickly spoke again.

"Remind me, who was it that's reliant on the girl he's fucking to keep him mentally stable?" His words made me stop in my tracks. I could no longer find it in myself to ignore what he was saying.

My blood was boiling as it coursed through my veins. I shook with anger as I spun around, coming face to face with Ace. He was dangerously close to me, eyeing me evilly. He clearly had been following me as I walked away, and now had me cornered.

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