14 - lucky

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Renee POV

Maddox leaned in to kiss me, and suddenly we heard a vibrating sound. Breaking away to find the source of the sound, Maddox cursed under his breath, seeing that it was his phone. I giggled. Of course I was disappointed that we were interrupted, but it was okay. Everything will come in time. He then picked up the phone, his face contorted in irritation.

"Jay, I swear to fucking god, if this isn't important."

Jay said something and Maddox sighed.

"Yes, I am busy. I'm with my girl and you're interrupting!"

I heard mocking laughter booming out of the phone, and began to laugh myself.

"Continue, asshole. What do you need?"

Maddox listened for a moment, nodding.

"Just remind them that they have 3 days left and that's it. Yeah, then we'll see from what happens from then on."

Three days left? Until what?

"Alright Jay. I'll ask Renee if you stop annoying me about it! Bye."

Maddox hung up and I gave him a curious look having heard my name.

"That was my best friend and coworker, Jay. I told him about you and he wants to meet you."

Maddox rolled his eyes, and I could tell his friend was having fun teasing him about this. He then smiled at me, leaning back against his seat.

"Of course! I think we'd get along quite well." I winked to indicate how unserious I was being.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Not too well, yeah?"

His warm breath tickled my skin, making me shiver. Maddox then kissed me on the cheek and pulled me into a hug. He chuckled, and I could feel the vibration of laughter in his chest against mine.

"Come on,"

    Maddox stepped out of the car and opened my door, helping me out. It was now dark out, the evening sky a dark shade of blue. I took a look at his beach house. It was beautiful, yet humble. The small pale gray house had a wrap-around porch and a cozy feel.

"Follow me,"

     Maddox gently took my hand in his, and started to run to the back of the house. I laughed at the sight of him being so childlike. He radiated positive energy, carefree and happy. I followed him as he took me around to the back of the house. He stopped and looked at me for a second before moving away, letting me take in my surroundings.

His backyard was the beach. I could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. The fresh scent of sea salt filled my nose as I inhaled deeply. One more step and I would feel the sand between my toes. It was incredible. I turned to Maddox, who was smiling at me. The pale moonlight accented his flawless features. His gray eyes shone in the darkness.

I guess I did describe him as a Greek god. He looks like one. Wow.

I didn't even realize I was in a daze until I saw Maddox right in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face. I looked into his eyes.

"You alright, love?"

     I looked around me, seeing the beauty of the beach and hearing calming sounds in the silence. I then looked back at the man before me. I felt content, as if my entire being had meaning. I'd lived, yes. But somehow, it hadn't felt like I was actually living until this exact moment. It was one of the most overwhelming feelings, yet it was so incredibly hard to describe.

"I've never been better."

Maddox's eyes lit up at my response, making me feel warm inside. He kissed me on the forehead.

"Do you want to sit on the beach for a bit? It's beautiful here."


"Okay, one second. Don't move!"

      He retreated into the house, going in through the back door. After a minute, he returned with a large blanket and a sweatshirt. We removed our shoes and left them by the house, and Maddox took my hand in his. We walked onto the beach, the grainy feel of the sand beneath our feet. The moon offered enough natural light for us to be able to see as we made our way down to the shore.

A little ways from the shore, Maddox took his time in lying the blanket on the sand. He then turned to me with the hoodie, and I looked at him, slightly unsure.

"Here, put this on. Can't have you getting sick,"

     The gesture made me smile as I took the sweatshirt from his hands and began to slip it over my head. It was almost a dress on me, but it didn't bother me. I was comfortable, enveloped in Maddox's scent. I pulled the hood of the sweatshirt over my head. I mean, literally over my head. The hood itself was so big that it covered my entire face.

     I felt his presence as he padded slowly over to me, and gently lifted the hood up before I could. He placed it so that it sat on the lower part of my head, giving me visibility. He laughed and placed a kiss on my nose. Maddox backed up a bit, looking me up and down. As soon as I felt my face getting hot, I knew I was bright red. It was a relief to know he could barely see it though, as I was facing away from the light of the moon.

"I'm gonna have to lend you more of my clothes."

     I laughed, burying my face in my sleeve-clad hands. I then walked over to the blanket and sat down, looking at the ocean. I felt Maddox sit down behind me. I squealed when he rested his hands on my waist and carefully lifted me up. He then placed me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him, my head resting on his chest.

     His breathing was calm as he nuzzled his face in my neck. I giggles, his touch and breath on my neck making me feel ticklish. Maddox placed a kiss on my jaw before returning to his previous position, holding me tightly to his chest. The way he was holding me made me feel safe. His arms felt like home.

     We sat like this for the next few minutes in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence. I listened to the sound of the waves lapping against the sand, along with the sound of Maddox's slow, deep breaths. I was dozing, allowing myself to melt into his warm embrace. Before I fell asleep, I heard Maddox say something under his breath, his tone soft.

"How did I ever get so lucky..."

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