32 - threatened

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Third Person POV

Renee began to stir in her deep sleep, a familiar warmth surrounding her. She shifted subconsciously trying to find a more comfortable position to lay in. Maddox's strong arm beneath her petite body slightly tightened its grip around her waist. He sleepily grumbled, causing Renee's eyes to slowly flutter open. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and lifted her head from Maddox's chest, realizing that she had somehow turned to face Maddox throughout the night.

     Renee smiled to herself, very carefully running her fingertips along Maddox's jaw and cheek. His breathing was steady and calm; he looked too peaceful in his sleep to wake him up just yet. Sunlight just barely shone through the almost closed blinds; birds chirped outside. The moment felt picturesque yet raw; real.

      Renee leaned in to place a kiss on Maddox's cheek, but was interrupted by the sound of the door lock being messed around with. She took a deep inhale of breath before rolling over to face away from Maddox, who tried to wrap her into a hug with his free arm in his sleep. The door slowly began to creak open, and Renee tried to squirm out of Maddox's grip, but to no avail.

"Good morning,"

Renee sighed in relief, holding her hand to her chest when she realized that it was only Savannah who walked into the house, followed by Jay.

They spent a damn long time at Jay's house, now that I think about it, Renee thought.

"You guys scared the shit out of me!" Renee whisper-shouted, watching as the two took off their shoes at the door.

"Sorry!" Savannah squeaked out, trying to keep her voice low as she realized Maddox was still sound asleep.

"The big oaf over there is still asleep? It's 11:00," Jay pointed at Maddox, rolling his eyes.

He then picked up a brown bag he had carried in and walked closer to the couch Renee and Maddox were on. Savannah followed him and sat on the carpet, smiling.

"Damn, I didn't even realize we slept in so late. I can't even get up, he'll barely let me move."

"He does have you in a pretty tight grip there," Savannah observed aloud.

Maddox lie unmoving, both of his arms wrapped around Renee's waist. His embrace didn't cause her any pain, it simply made it impossible for her to get up, let alone move around.

"Don't worry, I got you." Jay smirked as he walked around to the back of the couch.

He gently slapped Maddox on the side of his face, eliciting no response from him.

"Maddox, get the fuck up." He spoke, punching him in the shoulder. Nothing.

Jay lowered himself down to Maddox's ear, much too close, before screaming:

"Maddox, GET THE FUCK UP!"

Finally, Maddox jumped a bit, startled out of his sleep. His silver eyes scanned the room in confusion before he anxiously tapped Renee's side with his hands as if making sure she was still there. Renee laughed at how concerned he was that she had gotten up. Maddox immediately dug his head into the crook of her neck, groaning. Savannah laughed at his reaction and got up from the floor, following Jay as he began to walk into the kitchen.

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