Chapter 39

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While Naruto was asleep...

Naruto woke up and realize he's in the middle of nowhere, complete darkness.

Naruto: Great, so they decided to abandon me too? Hahaha...... Nah, it's not funny.

Naruto stood up and started walking forward, he started to hear voices, but he can't understand what it's talking about. It's like multiple people talking at a time, but he manages to a caught one familiar voice saying something.

Kit... Soon Legend ...He's says Nobody can Do you know? He won't that dying, Twins stay alive share everyone I'm the same has soul when saving they were be able born. him! If one with I won't only was a soul let him to wake half a in their soul body, the take to die, unless up a the her soul miracle instead. soul is other the one again that die! would too carries happens. the life of Then I'll the living. take her place.

Then Naruto saw a light ahead of him, he can see a silhouettes of a fox with nine tails.

Naruto:... Wait... Kurama? Is that you? What do you mean by that! Oi!


He woke up to see the hostel's ceiling.

Naruto: I've fallen asleep, huh? ( yawns ) how long have I been sleeping... My body feels loose...
Anko: huh? What?... Naruto!! You are awake!!


Naruto: ( whispers ) That dream... it surely didn't mean anything, does it?
Itachi: hm? What is it that you're saying? I didn't get it.
Naruto: I was just talking myself... So just let me get this straight, I was asleep for two days and I won't wake up even after you guys tried to wake me.
Kakashi: ( nodded his head )
Naruto:.... what is going on?
Anko: you tell me.
Jiraiya: come on, it's normal. He is still a kid, that hasn't been asleep for days. (thought) I can't sense a thing wrong with him... better find Tsunade quick.
Itachi: I don't think that is the case...
Kakashi: I don't think anybody can sleep for two days straight no matter what.
Jiraiya: you can't say that for sure. Come on, now that Naruto is up, we can go ahead and look for Tsunade.
Naruto: wait... you know where is Tsunade?
Jiraiya: yap! Tanzaku street! Found her whereabouts yesterday. I thought we will need to carry you there, luckily you woke up!
Naruto:... what the heck is going on?... ( rubs his forehead ) ita...

.... On their way...

Jiraiya: ( walk in front of all of them with a map in his hand ) we should be able to get there by tomorrow if we don't rest for tonight, is that okay for you guys?
Anko: we ARE Members of the Anbu, we could stay awake for two days without even getting tired.
Iruka: although we will sleep like pigs after that.
Anko: for example Naruto here who slept for two days straight.
Naruto: haha, very funny. ( rubs his forehead again )
Iruka: I just realized that you have been rubbing your forehead quite frequently, is that your new habit?
Naruto: it's just that my forehead hurts, and it's getting worse and worse...( thought ) and I could hardly keep my eyes open...
Itachi: are you catching a fever?
Naruto: I have never been sick for my entire life so I don't think that's the case.
Anko: I heard that only idiots will not get sick~
Naruto: and only idiots will believe in that kind of saying.
Anko: hey!!
Jiraiya: never been sick? Isn't that itself is a weird thing? Everyone would have been sick once or twice.
Naruto: I have never been sick, it was always Mito who got sick when we were younger, Kushina san said that that's because Mito got my illness for me.
Anko:... Isn't Kushina san your mom? Why do you call her by her name?
Naruto:... Just got used to it.
Iruka: that might be the first time I heard about you talking about Mito.
Jiraiya: hm? He doesn't talk about Mito?
Naruto:... It's just that I will try to avoid talking about her since I wouldn't want anybody to know that I'm related to her
Itachi: right, your identity as the fourth's child is being kept as a secret.
Naruto: ( whisper )...that isn't really the reason...
Iruka: hm? Did you say something?
Naruto: I say that we should increase our training, I bet that you guys were slacking when I was unconscious for the past two days right
Anko: eh?!?! How did the topic jump so quickly!!
Kakashi: ( sweatdropped ) Naruto, you are not that good at changing topics...
Naruto: hai, hai.
Jiraiya: ( looking at a map ) Naruto! Which way are we supposed to go next?
Naruto: jeez, ero sennin. You don't even know how to look at a map?
Jiraiya: hey! This is not my fault! The direction on the map is too confusing, that's why!
Naruto: ( went to the front and took the map away from Jiraiya ) I will lead the way.
Jiraiya: eh? You don't have to, at least I won't bring us the wrong way.
Naruto: haha, very funny. My sense of direction is better than you think. Just follow me.
Yawns* that was a nice sleep...
Naruto: ( thought ) Kurama? Where have you been?
Hm? I was just napping kit. Every fox needs a beauty nap.
Naruto: ( thought ) ...for two days?
I need to save my energy up so... I slept a little bit longer than usual.
Naruto: ( thought ) Kurama, tell me honestly...Is something wrong with me?
Huh? What do you mean?
Naruto: ( thought ) I was asleep for two days as well and I... Dreamt about you saying something.
That's nothing wrong with you. Also, dreams are all fake!
Naruto: ( thought ) really? Then why did you try to keep me awake that night?
I just wasn't sleepy! That's why I try to keep you awake! Though you still fall asleep.
Naruto: ( thought ) you don't think it was weird? I, without warning, just fall asleep. I have a bit of insomnia, remember?
Maybe you were too tired. So I decided to be kind and let you sleep! Thank me kit.
Naruto: ( thought ) hai, hai, thank you so much.

In the meantime when Naruto is talking to Kurama...

Anko: ( whisper ) Ne, Kakashi. You don't think... Naruto is homesick?
Kakashi: that is something that would never happen to Naruto. ( thought ) besides, who would be homesick of a village that only has villagers torturing him when he tried to protect them?
Jiraiya: Kakashi, you will never know~ This is a twelve-year-old kid, who has never left his house before we are talking about.
Kakashi: it will be more convincing if the kid you are talking about is not Naruto
Itachi: or maybe he got infected with some kind of virus? That would give him a headache and all?
Anko: that might be the case! It might be also the reason why he kept daydreaming!
Iruka: should we just let him rest in the hostel and we find Tsunade ourselves?
Kakashi: ( sweatdropped ) you three think too much...
Naruto: ( turn around and look at them ) What's wrong? Why are all of you staring at me?
Kakashi: nothing, watch your steps.
Naruto: oh, okay. ( look at the front again )
Jiraiya: I know you four are worried about Naruto...
Kakashi: no?
Anko: since when?
Iruka: not really
Itachi: what makes you think that?
Jiraiya:... Anyways, I think he's just having a headache after sleeping too much, trust me, I had it all the time.
Kakashi: ha?
Anko: trust?
Iruka: can we?
Itachi: I'm pretty sure he has the headache even before we left the village?
Jiraiya:... I sense no trust...
Kakashi/Anko/Iruka/Itachi: oh okay.
Jiraiya:... ( thought ) this is why I hate talking to youngsters!
Naruto: we've reached.
Jiraya: finally! I'm glad you never bring us the wrong way, Naruto!
Naruto: said the one who did so
Naruto: ... (thought) erg my head hurts so much that I can't think straight... I need to figure my dream too...wait...what was my dream about?...


Orochimaru: Arggg!!
Mito: Sensei! I'll go get your medicine for you!
Orochimaru: it's no use... That medicine can't even ease the pain in this arm...
Kabuto: I change the formula... It should be able to help you feel a bit better.
Orochimaru: stop wasting your time on these, they won't help... Have you found her?
Mito: she's一
Kabuto: ( cut her off ) it seems that she's at Tanzuka street
Orochimaru: is that so?... by the way, Mito, how's that girl doing?
Mito:... ( bite her lips a little ) fine.
Orochimaru: take care of her, once I got my arms back, we will proceed with our plans.
Mito/Kabuto: hai.

When they left the room....

Kabuto:... pft...
Mito: ( glanced at him ) what's so funny?
Kabuto: " you can always trust me right, Rito?" What a joke.
Mito: you were eavesdropping?
Kabuto: why wouldn't I? None of us, including Orochimaru trusted you.
Mito: it always takes time before you can earn someone's trust.
Kabuto: and then? Get betrayed by you? Like how you did to your little friend?
Mito: that is none of your business ( walks away )
Kabuto:... pft... how funny, to think that I trusted in that "friendship" of yours in the past.

Flashback (during the second Chunnin Exam)
Mito: ( cough blood ) Rito! Let's get away from here!
Rito: ( eyes getting red ) No! They attacked you!
Ron: now isn't the time to get revenge.
Rito: ( close her eyes and engaged sharigan ) and I do not care ( ran after them )
Ron: Rito!...
Mito: ( started shouting ) Rito! Don't do it! Come back!
Kabuto: ( watching from the sides ).....

End of Flashback

Kabuto: how silly of me....

Mito went back to her room and sees Rito playing with the toys brought from the festival.

Rito: ( show her the water yo yo ) Mito! Look at this! This is so cool!
Mito: ( said softly ) it is, isn't it?... Ne, do you want to go back to Konoha?
Rito: ( shows confusion ) kono... ha? It sounds familiar... What's that?
Mito: ( smiled widely ) Nothing, nothing at all.


??:.... I won three 7s?.... something wrong.

End.... sorry for not updating for such a long time.
Naruto: sorry no cure
Author: shut up.
Anyways I'm done editing all the chapters yeahhhh
Although I think it would be good to reread the whole thing buttt the only thing that has a major edit is actually chapter 9... so ya.

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