Chapter 29

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The next morning... 3:00 am

Naruto: I'm going out
Kushina: Naruto? Eat your breakfast before you g...

Naruto shunshin away

Kushina: jeez!! When will that kid learn!!
Minato: he will learn... someday... I am leaving
Kushina: take care!

At 5:00 am

Jiraiya: okay kids!! Wake up!!!
Mito: Jiraiya sensei?...
Jiraiya: good morning mito!

Walks to Naruto's room...

Jiraiya: Naruto!!! Wake up!!! ( kick naruto's door open ) eh...Where's Naruto?

Jiraiya open the door to see that Naruto wasn't in his room.

Kushina: Jiraiya? What's wrong?
Jiraiya: kushina! Your kid... Naruto is gone!!
Kushina: oh, he already went out.
Jiraiya: eh... Went out??
Kushina: yea. He went out to eat ramen or train... Again
Jiraiya: at what time??
Kushina: Hm... About 2 hours ago
Jiraiya: at 3:00?!?!
Kushina: yea, what's wrong?
Jiraiya:... Nothing. Come on mito let's go and train!
Mito: but. What about breakfast?
Jiraiya: you can eat it later after you finish training.
Mito: o...okay then
Jiraiya: let's go!!
Kushina: keep it down! Some people are still sleeping!
Jiraiya: y... Yes.

At the training ground...

Naruto: okay, let's try it again ( did some hand sign ) Kage bushin no jutsu!

Many Naruto appear...

Naruto: go to your places as plan
"Naruto": ( nodded their heads and ran away )
Naruto: ( breath in and breath out ) okay, let's start

A bomb was thrown out. As it hit the ground, smoke started to come out.

Naruto: ( thought ) The bomb was thrown from my left side, but that must be a distraction, so I should go right. ( went into the forest )

Naruto's bushin went running away from him.

Naruto: ( thought ) found them ( throw shuriken at them )

The bushin went away, he went to pick the shuriken.

Naruto: ( thought ) they were purposely bringing away from my spot. So I have to go back now, even if I know it's a trap.

Went back to the training ground, the smoke was gone and Naruto saw all his bushin waiting for him

Naruto: time for some fighting.

At Jiraiya side...

Mito: is this really necessary?
Jiraiya: yes! It's one of the most important things for shinobi!
Mito: okay... Please go easy on me...
Jiraiya: no, it's part of the training. You must be ready for it.
Mito: but... But I can't hold on to it anymore
Jiraiya: you can do it mito, it will be a big step for you!

Mito was standing on the ground with one of her legs in the air. She's holding onto two buckets and a book on her head.

Mito: it's really hard...
Jiraiya: having a good balance is important for all shinobi.
Mito: but I have been in the same position for an hour
Jiraiya: really? ( fill the two buckets with water ) hold it for another hour
Mito: ( almost lost her balance ) please inform me before doing it...
Jiraiya: will your enemy inform you before he attacks?
Jiraiya: see? So I will move on to the next step of the training without informing you. So get ready for it.
Mito: yes sir....


Jiraiya: okay, you may go for your lunch.
Mito: yes!! Finally!! ( leave her shuriken on the ground and ran away )
Jiraiya: ha... she should at least take her weapon away with her...
Naruto: in case of sudden attacks from you?
Jiraiya: yes, yes. Sudden attacks.... AH!!! Where did you came out from
Naruto: I just came home about a minute ago.
Jiraiya: but I thought you were training? Why are you back?
Naruto: ( rolled his eyes ) for your stupid training, what else?
Jiraiya: oh ya! But now is lunch time
Naruto: no need, I do not have the habit of eating lunch in the first place.
Jiraiya: what? You are still growing, if you do not eat enough, you would not have the nutrient to stay healthy. No wonder you are so sh...
Naruto: ( stared at jiraiya )
Jiraiya: hahahaha!! Finally got you!
Naruto: what are you, a kid?
Jiraiya: this is call being young from the inside! Not like you, precocious brat!
Naruto: I am amazed, you know how to use such difficult word. I am really proud of you.
Jiraiya: what?!?
Naruto: ( smirked ) got you
Jiraiya: you are so childish
Naruto: well thank you, sensei

After an hour.....

Jiraiya: okay! Let's go to the training spot!!
Mito: ( mumbling ) chee... I was doing great until a demon came
Naruto: ( ignores her )
Jiraiya: ( thought ) hm....

To the training area...

Jiraiya: okay! This would be one of the toughest training I have prepared for you guys, are you ready for it?
Mito: oh no....
Jiraiya: I think you know that I am a summoner
Mito: you are?
Jiraiya: yes! And I can summon the toad from Mount Myōboku!
Mito: ( eyes sparkling ) wow!! That's so cool
Jiraiya: not all shinobi have a contract with the animal, but once they do, the anime can lend assistance to the shinobi.
Naruto: you are saying all the basic, could you just hurry and get to the point
Jiraiya: anyways. I have the toad summoning contract and the panda summoning contract. Which one do you want
Naruto: toad
Mito: panda!
Jiraiya: great! No conflict! Here you go, sign your name to space beside
Mito: yes sensei!
Naruto: ( thought ) what is she getting all happy about?
Jiraiya: so to use the jutsu, you will need some of your blood. Next the hand sign is Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey and Ram. After that, say the jutsu name and press it on the floor. Depending on how much chakra you put, the level of the summon animal also gets higher
Mito: I am getting confused....
Naruto: got it ( started playing his Kunai )
Jiraiya: ( look at him ) ha.... ( turn to Mito ) okay listen properly...

After awhile....

Jiraiya: okay Mito! Try summoning one more time!
Mito: ( do the steps ) Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!

A baby panda came out...

Mito: again?!?!
Jiraiya: it's okay, it take time after all
Mito: yes sir...
Jiraiya: Naruto! Could you at least be like your sister?! Or at least do something?!
Naruto: I am doing something. I am doing nothing
Jiraiya: what did I do to deserve all of this....
Naruto: well let's see... one, two, everything
Jiraiya: ( look at Mito and thought ) I should use that ...

To the cliff!

Jiraiya: okay Mito, come here
Mito: yes?
Jiraiya: see what is at the bottom of the cliff
Mito: ( went to see ) what is it? ( looking above ) I cannot see anything... AH!!!!
Jiraiya: ( kick her to throw her down the cliff ) what really? I see a flying human
Naruto: you mean a falling human
Jiraiya: Mito! Use you summoning jutsu or you will die!!
Mito: hat?!?! I ant ear u?!?? ( translate: what?!?! I can't heard you?!?? )
Jiraiya: I should have told her before hand....
Naruto: ( sigh and jump off the cliff )
Jiraiya: oi Naruto!!
Naruto: ( bit his thumb do the sign ) Kuchiyose no Jutsu

A toad appeared and caught both Mito and Naruto

Jiraiya: and here I thought that kid hated his sister... guess I'm wrong

Next chapter would be a time skip to the finals of chunin!!

Where are all my scene?!? By kurama

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