Chapter 3

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Three years passed and Naruto became the the captain of his team when he was six
The fox mask Anbu has become so famous that even villages known of his existence. He was widely known as the Kaze no Asashin.
Cause just like an assassin, he kills his enemies with no sound, and his clothes would still be clean, just like brand new.
Just like a gust of wind, he left no traces behind or on him.

On a mission
Naruto: target seen, proceed with plan Beta
Kakashi: yes sir

A guy with long black is jumping from one tree to another, when he suddenly turned around to where a man with white hair is hiding

Kakashi: fox, he saw me
Naruto:.. Note for all member, change of plan. Plan delta.
Anko: yes sir
Iruka: fox, target stop
Stranger: don't need to hide, just come out already

Naruto make a hand sign and call them to came out, five anbu appeared in front of a long blacked hair guy

Stranger: well, isn't it my favorite anbu. Raven and fox
Itachi: didn't think Fox and I would be your favourite, Orochimaru, why not come with us and likes talk about it?
Orochimaru: I will love too, but not today or tomorrow or the day after.
Naruto: (throw kunai) stop the sweet talking, capture him

Minato: good job on capturing Orochimaru team fox! Orochimaru is not going anywhere. In the meantime, there is a mission that i need you all to do.
Naruto:(wearing his anbu mask) what is it, hokage
Minato: a new village has been built, it's called the hidden sound. I sent some anbu team to investigate the village and they never return.
Iruka: what... Impossible
Anko: there's something fishy about this
Minato: the next chunnin exam will be hosted at our village and the sound village has asked to join.
Itachi: so you want us to make sure they have nothing under their sleeves
Minato: yes, Raven. I will like team fox to go undercover and get to the chunnin exam to protect the hokage and the gennin
Naruto: why us, hokage?
Minato: because they will not expect the strongest konoha' anbu team will go to the chunnin exam with a different identity
Anko: oh... That's why
Minato: dog, I want you to be in charge of a gennin team
Kakashi: yes, whatever....  WHAT!?
Minato: (ignoring kakashi) snake, I want you be in charge of the second round of the chunnin exam
Anko: yes sir! (Yes!!)
Minato: cat, I want you to teach the children at the academy self defense skills.
Iruka: yes hokage. Wait... isn't Naruto about to start attending the academy?? Please tell me that naruto is not in my class
Minato: lastly I want fox to.... to pretend to be one of the candidate to attend the Chunin exam, and protect the student over in case of any sudden attack. For the time being, you all will not receive any mission
Naruto: yes, Fourth.
Minato: you are dismissed

After dismissal
Kakashi: aaaaahhhhhh finally ended work!
Iruka: wanna get some ramen?
Anko: and Dango!!
Itachi: (notices something) what's with the grim face Naruto?
Naruto:... capturing Orochimaru seems... a little too easy
Itachi: you're thinking too much... is what I like to say but, yes, I agree with you.
Naruto: what is he planning...
Itachi: we just have to be careful, right? Captain~
Naruto: ('▽`) nice to hear this from the ex captain.
Itachi: haha!
Anko: Oi the two of you!!

Itachi went home, and the rest of them went to get ramen, kakashi and naruto wearing masks.

Naruto/kakashi: Nope/ why? It's nice
Iruka: Anko, calm down
Anko:( trying very hard to calm down ) so Naruto, are you going to the academy one more time?
Naruto: I have never go to the academy before
Anko and Iruka: WHAT??!!
Kakashi: i thought you took some lessons...?
Naruto: no, didn't have the time to do that, (taking off his mask) let's eat, the ramen is getting cold
Ayame:( slightly blushing) naruto, since when do you have three whiskers?
Naruto: I have it since I was born, (whisper) thanks to kurama
Ya, thank me kit or else you will look exactly like your father
Naruto: (thought) yes yes, thank you so much
Kakashi: who's kyrama?
Naruto: the kyubi
Anko: what?! You know!!??
Iruka: how??
Naruto: since a long time ago.
Kakashi:... Naruto, you are attending the academy starting for tomorrow, right?
Iruka: (shocked) is it..? I going to the academy to teach starting for tomorrow
Naruto: so I'm might be in the class you are teaching
Anko: congrats, Iruka
Kakashi: congratulation Iruka you won the jackpot
Naruto: you two are talking like I'm a demon
Anko: of course! You make us do extra training for every delays!
Kakashi: For every one minute we wasted, we have to do 150 push up with one hand, ran around the village for about 200 rounds.
Teuchi: haha! Naruto, to congrats you attending the academic, your ramen is on the house
Naruto: thanks, uncle
Anko: how about us?
Teuchi: you three still have to pay
Kakashi: knew it
Naruto: thanks for the meal, bye

Later that night
Mito: mom!! You know Ron and rito are going to the the academy?
Kushina: oh my! Rin didn't tell me
Mito: it's true!! Rito tell me that
Kushina: well, what a surprise! Since Rito and Ron are only five year old.
Mito: Mom, is dad coming tomorrow??
Kushina: well yes, it is part of the hokage's job and his children are starting the academy.
Mito: yes!! I'm so excited for tomorrow now

The door open

Naruto: I'm home
Kushina: Naruto, where were you!
Naruto: well, I saw a old woman crossing the road and I went to help her. After I help the old woman, I saw a cat stuck on the tree and when to help it. Then I helped the cat to look for its owner so ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Kushina: stop using the excuses that Kakashi used, you know.
Naruto: wow.. You caught me.. What a surprise
Kushina: (hit Naruto on the head) one more time and you are not allow to go out the whole day, (calms down) come on Naruto, Mito, let's have dinner
Naruto: (holding onto his head) yes mom
Haha! If they know that the captain of anbu who is not scared of everything, is scared of his own mom!! They will laugh till they die!! Haha!!
Naruto: ( thought) ya, really funny, haha
Mito: okay!

As Naruto walk pass Mito
Mito: (whisper) hey you demon, why did you even come back here? It will be better if you didn't even exist in the first place

Naruto ignores her

Naruto: mom? What are eating today?
Kushina: hehe... Ramen!!
Naruto:... Again?
Kushina: yes
Mito: wow! I love ramen, thanks mom
Naruto: I'm taking to my room to eat
Kushina: wait Naruto, come back here!

Naruto closes his door

Kushina: when will that child learn?!
Mito: while mom since four year ago, he have been eating at his room
Kushina: I know, but I'm worried that he's hiding something!
Mito: don't worry! Naruto nii is going to be okay (thought) better not
Kushina: you're right, let's eat

Note: next chapter is going to be a short one, about how Iruka finds out that Naruto is in his class
Sorry for my English mistakes

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