Chapter 7

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Note: Me: Everyone in team seven change so much! (saw kakashi ) never mind

The next day, 3:30a.m.
Naruto: good morning
Kushina: good morning
Minato: naruto? (look at the clock) it's still early, you still can have some sleep
Naruto: no, it's okay
Naruto went and change to his clothes
Naruto: I'm going out now, bye mom
Kushina: naruto!! Eat your breakfast
Naruto: bye dad, sorry mom (ran out of the door)
Kushina: gosh! When will he learn that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!?
Minato: calm down kushina
Kushina: minato! You should scold him too! He's skipping breakfast, eating lunch outside and eat dinner at his own room! He is trying to hide something!!
Minato: ha.. Ha.. maybe he just want to be alone?
Kushina:.. That's not what I mean!!

Outside Naruto's house
Villager: well, the fourth and his wife are getting along so well
Naruto shunshin to the academic, went to class seven.
Naruto: (thought) maybe I come to academy too early? (look at his watch) it's already 4am.
Well, 4am to the other, it's midnight
Naruto: I guess, I could have some sleep?
Yes kit, you only have two hours of sleep. You should sleep more, you still a kit
Naruto: (walk to a seat and sit down) two hour is more than enough and beside, I need to train
You are top one in the bingo book of every nation and you still want to train?!
Naruto: fox is the top one of every nation, not me. I'm Naruto uzumaki, the dead last of the academic
... Trying to keep your identity no matter where you are
Naruto:*yawn* good night kurama
... You just say you are not sleepy and now you are yawning

Naruto is already asleep

Naruto:( didn't open his eye) you're not talking, you shouting
... Never mind! Have your sleep
Naruto: good night

After some time
Naruto woke up because of someone

Kiba: naruto! Why are you here? This is for the student who graduated! Not for drop outs!
Naruto: (point at his forehead protector) For your information I pass
Kiba: there is no way a dead last like you can pass, right akamaru?
Akamaru: woof!
Naruto: I might be dead last but it doesn't mean that I will definitely failed the exam
Kiba:.. For some reason, I have no word to say
Naruto: cause you are in the wrong.

Naruto look around the class, it's almost full so he decided not to sleep anymore

Hinata: (thought) naruto you pass! I knew that you will pass, congratulations...
Choji: shikamaru, do you have a packet of chips?
Shikamaru: huh? Why do you think that I have chip with me?
Choji: I'm hungry
Shikamaru: what a drag, we go buy some later
Choji: thank you

Very loud footstep sound can be heard outside

Everyone in the class: Not again
Naruto: it's the two Baka

The door open
Sakura: ha! Ino pig I won again!
Ino: what are you talking about? It's obvious that I won
Sakura: no! See my toes are more in front of yours
Ino: are you blind? My toes are obviously are in front of yours
Sakura: you are the one who's blind
Ino and Sakura: hn!
Naruto: they finally stop (put his head on the table)
Sakura: Baka, go away
Ino: Naruto! Leave this seat at once

Naruto lift his head and look away, he saw that sasuke was beside him. He also saw that sakura and ino are looking at him furiously

Naruto: (look at ino) are you talking to me?
Sakura: of course it's you! You're the only Baka here
Naruto: I'm asking Ino, not you annoying banshee
Naruto: no, first I'm too lazy to change seats. Second, I sat here first, I'm not moving and beside why should I listen to you?
Sakura: (push naruto down his seat ) you deserve it, monster(turn to Sasuke and eyes turn to heart) sasuke kun!
Naruto: (stand up and some of his killing intent leaked out) just to inform you, you are so gonna pay for what you have done
Everyone except for Sakura: (thought) is that really naruto? Since when did he became so creepy

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