Chapter 35

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Sakura and the others arrived at the "crime scene" to see no one there. Branches are snapped and there are burnt marks everywhere.

Sakura: what... What happens here?
Pakkun: looks like they left... Wait, there is someone in front! At the 02:00 direction! There is some shadow there!
Ino: let's go!! Hurry up Shikamaru, choji! Jeez, you two are always so slow!
Shikamaru: ( sigh for the hundredth time ) why did I follow them...
Choji: ( weak ) so... Hungry...
Ino: hurry up!!!
Shikamaru: ( sigh for the hundred and one times ) what a drag...
Sakura: sh!! They are coming in this direction!! Hide!!

Then something was thrown to their direction. That thing did a somersault and land on his feet.

??: that was unexpected...
Ino: are... Are you alright?...

The "thing" was actually a human with blonde hair and a fox mask on.

Sakura: wait a minute... Fox?!
Fox:... Why are you guys here?...
Shikamaru: wait... You know us—

Shikamaru's sentence got cut off.

( this is fun!! So much fun!! Let's play more!! )
Ino: what is that thing?!

An oversized tanuki appeared in front of the group. It has sandy brown skin and dark blue marks all over his body. It has a weirdly shaped mouth and yellow eyes.

Something started growing from its head. A small red object. It started to emerge more from the tanuki's head and it's...

Sakura: is that... Gaara?

The red the object turns out to be Gaara, his legs are still in the tanuki's body and his pupils can't be seen. He slowly raises up his hands and did a hand seal.

Gaara: let me show you the true power of the sand demon. Tanuki Neiri no Jutsu!
Fox: all of you! Follow me! Quick!

The tanuki stopped moving for a while after Gaara finish his jutsu. Gaara dropped dead. The tanuki eye's got brighter and it laughed.

( hahaha!!!! I'm free!! I'm finally out!! I can do whatever I want and not be control by anybody!! )

The genins are following Fox who is bringing them away from the tanuki. Ino turned behind and looked at it.

Ino: what in the world is going on here?!
Fox: ( facepalmed ) and I have been trying to stop him from using that jutsu... Must he create more problems for me?
​Shikamaru: ( thought ) this tone... Sounds familiar...

Fox suddenly stops running and points towards a direction.

Fox: there, bring these two with you and leave

They look at that direction and saw a black-haired boy along with a blonde-haired girl.

Sakura: Sasuke kun!!
​Sasuke: Sakura...
Sakura: Are you alright!! I'm so worried about you!! Why is she with you! Hey! Can't you do something with that thing?
Temari: it's already too late to stop him...
Fox: ( cover his ears ) could you please shut up if you don't want to die due to your loud voice.
Sakura: ( whisper ) I don't have a loud voice... ( thought ) why does he remind me of someone...

The tanuki started to walks towards them.

( Hiyahoo! I heard you and I'm gonna kill you!! )
Fox: the six of you better get going. He's here.
Ino: we could help...
Fox: don't be stupid. You are unable to do anything with your skills.
Sakura: hey!... ( got pulled by Shikamaru ) Oi!
Shikamaru: let's go. We found Sasuke. Our mission is complete. Time to go
Sakura: but!...
Shikamaru: he's right. We are just a burden to him. He is an Anbu and we are just Genin. The difference in skills is too big.
Fox; thank you for realizing that, Shikamaru.
Shikamaru: ( thought ) he knows my name?
Sakura: ( bit her lips ) fine! But listen up! We are going to look for help! Whether you like it or not!
Ino: yes! So you better stay alive until then!
Fox: whatever.

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