Chaper 42

663 17 1


The day after Naruto's birthday, 4 years old, at home.

Naruto: (beamed with Joy) Kurama! Kurama! What am I am going to learn!! I'm so excited! ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
...Kit, hate to break it to you, but I know you ain't feeling anything.
Naruto: (became emotionless) oh, is that so? Was my acting not that good?
I mean, I am sealed inside of you...
Naruto: (slightly tilted his head) hm... that makes sense.
Naruto: any ideas what I'm gonna learn?
Let's see...

(Kurama's thoughts, Naruto can't hear this)

Teaching the Kit some Jutsu huh... I only said that since I know he ain't gonna live for long... it's impossible for someone to live on with only half a soul left, I supposed he will only live for about two to three years... before he dropped dead.
Then I would be free from this wicked seal and I can kill everyone in this goddamn village!!! HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha....
... (sigh) what should I teach a dying kit?...

(End of thoughts)

Hm, let me think about it.
Naruto: sure. (Tries to move)
? Kit I don't think you should move around. You are still healing from your injuries.
Naruto: but I need to go clean my wounds
Ask your mom to help you or something?
Naruto: my mom is caring for Mito now, so I'm on my own.
When her son is injured??
Naruto: it's like that. Mom don't really remember me, so most of the time I will have to look after myself.
Naruto: ? It's okay? I mean, I'm a monster?
Even if you call yourself a monster... she's your mom, ain't she?
Naruto:... ya, she's my mom... I do have a mom... I'm not an orphan...
Naruto: anyways, it's fine. Since my injuries heals quite fast, so there isn't much difficulties to get off the bed.
Naruto: (changing his bandages) I don't even need this to be honest
But you are injured??????
Naruto: but my wounds would heal by themselves, the bandages are kinda useless for me
don't say that, bandages provide support and also helps to prevent infections of your wounds.
Naruto:.... I'm only 4, I don't understand what you are saying. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Then just listen to me you brat!!!!
Naruto: oh okay.

Few moments later....

Naruto: tofu, carrots, fish, ga...? Garic?
That read as garlic.
Naruto: oh I see. ('▽`) it's the usual then.
...hey kit, I have been thinking about this for a while...
Naruto: (゜ー゜) ?
Why are you the one buying groceries????
Naruto: ah, cause I don't mind buying them?
That makes no sense...
Naruto: someone has to do it anyways.
Shouldn't you stay at home? You know, in case those villagers decided to hurt you again
Naruto: it's 11th Oct already, there's not point for them to do the Fox hunt. So it's safe for me.
...suit yourself.

Women selling groceries: do you even have the money to buy these items? Shoo! Shoo!
Man selling fish: (loathe) sorry but we are sold out for today, try somewhere else.
Man selling tofu: get away from here!!!

Kit... you sure you would be able to buy any groceries?
Naruto: ya, this is not my first time buying also.
Hahaha.... Kit, don't you feel like you want all of them to be dea... *cough* I mean, all of them to be gone?
Naruto: I'm not sure ('▽`)
Why??? If all of these dam..., *cough* bad guys are dea..., *cough* gone, no one would ever hurt you again?
Naruto: but not all are bad.
Huh? Why do you mean not all are bad?...
Grandma: Naru chan?
Naruto: obachan.
Grandma: are you out to buy groceries again?
Naruto: (nods)
Grandma: (saw his bandages) does it hurt?
Naruto: (shakes his head) it's okay.
Grandma: is that so... (pass him a candy) here's a candy. Also, I like your mask.
Naruto: thank you.
Grandma: (smiles and pats his head)


Naruto: (eating candy) yeah ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و today's strawberry flavour candy
...Who's that?
Naruto: just an obachan who opens a candy shop, she would pass me a candy every time she sees me.
Does she... not know about you?
Naruto: of course, she even gave me a candy in Fox wrapper once 🦊. It's orange flavoured~ that so?... so is that... lady the reason why you didn't want to use bandages?
Naruto: cause obachan would look sad when she see my injuries
Naruto: Ne Kurama.
Naruto: so what is the jutsu you going to teach me first?
... Although I'm not really good at it, but it's definitely something you will need for now.
Naruto: what is it?
Medical jujutsu

Naruto, 6 year old. After chapter 9, a day with Naruto (🔪).
Naruto: in the end I didn't get to sleep....
Cuz you were being too negative! Try maintaining a positive mindset!
Naruto: you're right! o(^▽^)o today is another great day!
That's the spirt!
Naruto: then let's hop on to our daily training~
Erg... so not cute...
Naruto: (humming) hm~

Naruto walked past a playground and hears familiar voices.

?: Oi Choji! Hide properly if you are playing hide and seek!
??: woof!
???: eh~ but I'm hungry~
????: what a drag...
Naruto:.... (Walks away without looking)
... you don't wanna join them?
Naruto: this is fine. Them getting too close to me would only cause them harm. Besides, I'm quite a busy person~

After training... walking back

Naruto: nothing beat a good training session!
Jeez, you sound like a jeezer.
Naruto: must be because a thousand years old Fox is living within me~
Hai hai, I'm sorry for bringing up our average age!
Naruto: haha! Let's go get some ramen~

Walked past a candy shop.

Villager 1: (comforting) she lived a good life...
Villager 2: (crying) I just didn't thought she would leave so sudden... she was alright just the other day...
Villager 1: it's okay....

Naruto stopped and looks up at the sky.

Naruto: ne Kurama
...What Kit?
Naruto: maybe I should get something else besides ramen?
Hm. Up to you
Naruto: ah~ now I feel like eating something sour... should I get a lemon to eat?
Who in the right mind would eat lemon raw?!?!
Naruto: eh~ Im just joking~ don't have to be so serious~
That does not sound like a joke to me!!
Naruto: haha~

Looks up in the sky

Naruto: looks like from now on, I would have to get my own candy.


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