Chapter 8

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Note: the photo above is how Mito and Rito looks like when they are seventeen and twelve

Rito: mom dad, we are home!
Rin: welcome home
Obito: rito, Ron. We are going to mito's house later, to celebrate you three passing your graduation exam
Rito: really! I can't wait!
Ron: is kakashi nii going?
Obito: yes( thought ) unfortunately

Note: in here, kakashi went and destroy the bridge first, he then went to save obito and Rin. So kakashi didn't lose his eye and Obito didn't 'die' . Because obito didn't 'die', Rin wasn't kidnapped. But obito hate kakashi for abandoning his teammates

Rin: come on kids, change your clothes. The one you wearing are filthy
Ron/Rito: yes mom/ hai!!
They went to Mito's house, they met kakashi on the way there
Mito: welcome! Rin Nee, kakashi nii and uncle obito
Obito: why I am the only one being called uncle?
Mito: ( using a innocent voice )because you are one
Obito having negative thought
Rito: haha! Mito come on, let's play
Mito: okay
Kushina: Rin Chan!
Rin: Kushina San, thank you for inviting us
Kushina: of course. I hope that the someone didn't bully you.
Obito: why am I call someone! My name is obito uchiha
Rin: if you are talking about Obito? No, not at all. He always help me with the housework when he's not on mission
Kushina: (purposely say it louder for minato to hear) how I wish that someone could help me with the housework too
Minato: Ron, Do you want to check out my office
Ron: Yes!!
Minato: come on, follow me
Kushina: Mi.. Na.. To
Rin: haha.. Poor sensei

Villager B: come on, let's go! We can't let him die so soon, we can continue this tomorrow
Villager D: fun time always end too soon
All the villagers has gone home
Naruto: (coughing out blood) kurama, they put poison on their weapon that make my vision blurry. Could you help me to get the poison out?
Of course but... Kit are you okay?
Naruto: don't worry, I already cough out most of the poison and the injuries are not really deep. I will be okay after I rest for awhile
Those villagers, don't let catch them or else I will kill them until their body are all minced and I could cook them as patties!
Naruto: haha, I doubt that you know how to cook. Anyway you shouldn't kill the villager and.. Make.. them.. To.. Patti...(fell onto the grounds)
Kit! Wake up! Kit!

Back to Naruto's house, they started eating
Rito: ( eating the fish ) mom, do you know that our class have a really weird kid.. Wow! This is yummy!
Rin: hm? How weird can he be?
Rito: he's de... Argh... (choke on fish bone)
Ron: he's dead last
Kakashi: well, obito is also dead last
Rito: but he got highest for his exam
Kushina: the highest in class?
Ron: the highest in the academy
Obito: wow! He's just like me

They stayed silent

Obito: oh come on!!
Rito: any way, he don't talk to anybody. Always wearing a mask like kakashi nii and he's dead last in our class. But all of the sudden he got highest in the whole academy! Isn't is weird?
Kakashi: (thought) wear a mask like me? Oh, I know who is it
Minato: it could mean that he kept his ability as a secret, but the truth is that he's very strong
Kushina: no way! Why would someone hide his skills for no reason? Even if he have reason why he hide his skill, why didn't hide his skill during the exam?
Obito: wow! Kushina san became smarter!
Kushina: (hit him on his head) be more polite and I'm always have been this smart

Everyone sweat dropped

Rin: Rito, what's the name of the kid you are talking about?
Rito: oh.. His name is nar...

Interrupted by the opening of the door
Kushina: ( stand up ) excuse me
Naruto: I'm.. Home..
Kushina: naruto! Where have you been!?
Naruto: (lying) outside... Training...
Kushina: why are you clothes torn?
Naruto: because... I.... got... It... Torn.. When.. I.. Was.. Training ...

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