Chapter 30

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The day of the final round...

Rito: ah!!!!! I'm so tense right now I could die due to anxiety!!
Ron: well you should not be worried at all
Rito: why?
Ron: because you will never be able to defeat Shikamaru
Rito: huh? Why? Why?! Please tell me Ron !
Ron: He have something you do not have
Rito: ( curious ) what? Let me guess... the shadow imitation jutsu? Though I could copy it... what is it??
Ron: he has a brain, which is something you obviously do not have
Rito: how could be so mean to your sister!!
Ron: I'm stating the facts
Rito:... okay fine! I will just have to defeat him with my stupidity!!
Ron: ( sweatdropped )
Rito: Ah! Mito!! Over here
Mito: long time no see Rito, Ron
Rito: wow, Mito you look good with your hair tied up! You look so mature!
Mito: well, I have a lot of training ( thought ) I seriously could have die from it
Rito: your fight will be with the Temari girl, right?
Mito: yes
Rito: she really strong... will you lose?
Mito: of course not
Ron: you are confident with yourself huh?
Mito: well... you can say that ( thought ) because before it is my turn... it will already be over... Konoha I mean...
Rito: wait... where is Naruto nii
Mito: he.... have some stuff to do (thought) why should I know where the demon is?
Ron: what kind?

At the same moment...

Minato: a few days ago, we heard a disturbance around Kikyo castle. We sent one of Anbu team there to found Hayate Gekkō body.
Kakashi: seriously...
Kurenai: how did it happen...
Asuma: the enemy is already in the village huh...
Minato: thus we need more reinforcement. I will be adding more Anbu teams into the area. Instructors stand on guard. Fox
Naruto: ( with his mask ) yes yondaime
Kurenai: ( thought ) I still cannot believe that kid is an Anbu captain...
Asuma: ( thought ) is he even a teenager?
Minato: I want you to join team bat, if you need to, please forfeit for your round
Naruto: it is okay. I did not join the exam in the first place
Minato: okay. Now continuing with what I have left off...
Kakashi: ( thought ) why is Naruto keeping his identity as a secret
Kushina: ( thought ) this fox looks kind of familiar... have I seen him before?
Kurenai: ( thought ) and here I am, thinking I could know his real identity
Asuma: ( thought ) he sounds like a ten-year-old child, yet he has already joined the Anbu for almost six years?
Minato: ( thought ) looking at fox always remind me of Naruto... but cannot be... Naruto is in the final round.
Naruto: ( thought ) could they please stop staring at me?

Chunin exam...

Sakura: Naruto, you are late!!
Naruto: sorry sorry, I tried but today I am not allowed to...
Sakura: walk left? Walk right? Walk straight? Could you at least change your reason?!
Naruto: wow. Sakura-Chan. I cannot believe it. You understand me so well that you know all the problems I'm facing
Sakura: huh?!?!
Naruto: yo Sasuke Kun. How is your training with Kakashi... sensei?
Sasuke: still okay...

Walk through the gate...

Sakura: oh my god... is that fox?!!!!
Sasuke: Fox..?
Sakura: you know! The fox! Anbu Captain! Why is he here? I cannot believe this!!
Sasuke: Anbu Captain..? He looks kind of shor... ( got hit ) why did you that for!
Naruto: ( the culprit ) no reason, can we hurry up?
HAhahahahahah!!! You shorty!!
Naruto: ( thought ) shut up

Meeting up with the others...

Sakura: Hinata!! Did you saw Fox?
Hinata: um... yes I did
Rito: it's the real thing!
Ino: I still cannot believe that Fox will be present...
Ron: it might be because there will be shinobi from other countries here.
Shikamaru: or something big is going to happen
Naruto: ( stared at Shikamaru )
Shikamaru: ...why are you staring at me like that?
Naruto: nothing, it just that I want to see what is inside your brain...
Shikamaru: what a drag...
Mito: ( looking at Fox and thought ) why does he remind me of that demon?! And he is supposed to be the strongest after the Hokage?! He is already guilty from looking like him!
Naruto: ... ( thought ) look like no one can tell it is any a bunshin... but I still have to keep on guard
Hinata: em... Naruto Kun...
Naruto: yes?
Hinata: could you.. go easy on Neji?
Naruto: you pleading for him after he beat you up?
Hinata: well... he's...not wrong... I am a disgrace to the Hyūga family... it is my fate to be this weak...
Naruto:... hey
Hinata: ye... yes?
Naruto: never give up before trying
Hinata: h.. huh?
Naruto: you will never know where the limit is until you overcome it.
Hinata: ( smile ) thank you...
Ah! Love is in the air!
Naruto: ( thought ) please... I am just talking to her like how I used to
Hehehehe. You even comfort her to make her feel better! Stop denying it and give me more details!
Naruto: ( thought ) what are you? A gossipy auntie from the neighboring? 
Genma: testing.. testing.. hi I am the substitute instructor for the final round. My name is Genma Shiranui.
Ino: see? I knew that the Hayate guy is too sick to even come for the final round!
Rito: do you think he is okay?
Sakura: I actually quite surprised he is not dead yet. Remember how sickly he looks like?
Naruto: you do not have to be surprised anymore
Ron: huh? What do you mean
Naruto: exactly what I said.... (Thought) but... who killed him...?
Genma: could Uzumaki Naruto and Hyūga Neji please come to the arena now.
Naruto: time to go
Sakura: you better win!!
Ino: or else we will kick your butt!
Rito: Naruto nii!! I will be cheering for you!
Hinata: ( whisper ) good luck
Naruto:.... thanks

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